Chapter 2: Farewell

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The concert lasted for three hours. It was supposed to be only for two hours and a half, but since this was the final time, the group members decided to extend it to another half hour. That includes saying their farewells to their fans. That was why the once lively and energetic concert was now full of crying and sad denials from fans, obviously not wanting the group members to say goodbye for good. Lyon couldn't help crying. As the leader of their boy group, it was really hard for him to see all their hard work to come to this. They all witnessed how they all struggle and did their best as trainees until they debuted. How did it all come to this? When did everything had gone wrong? Conner patted Lyon's shoulder, since he was standing next to Lyon. Conner had some ideas that Lyon was probably blaming himself since he was the older one and the leader in their group. But Lyon was only 24 years old to endure all this burden. Conner just turned 23 and only a year younger than Lyon. Waze was 20 years old and Hyeon was their maknae at the age of 19 and both were still in college. Their ex-members were in their 20-22 years olds last year when they were taken out of the group after their scandal erupt like bombs in public one after another during their concerts while they were on tour. "To our Invictas present here right now and everyone all over the world, we really appreciate you all. Thank you for all your support from the very start and up to this moment. We're very thankful that even at the end, you never waver and kept on standing next to us. If it wasn't for all of you, we wouldn't be here right now, and keeping standing and fighting against all odds that's being thrown at us. This time, we will bid you farewell for now, but we promise you, we will come back again in the near future, in a new stage, giving you new memories to cherish. So, until then, even if you become a fan of another group, I hope that you won't forget our memories together and that you'll still keep a space for us in your heart. Thank you thank you! We're sorry that we have to say good-bye for now. Saranghaeyo!" Lyon said in a broken voice because he himself couldn't help but cry and felt the sadness as he said farewell to their fans. Invictas was the name of their fans that has the same similar meaning of their group name. Undefeated and unconquerable. While the fans couldn't help crying and telling them not to say goodbye and that they won't like other groups than them. Hyeon, the maknae of their group, couldn't help crying as well. That was why the fans felt heartbroken even more because their baby was crying his heart out. "Like Lyon-hyung said, it's goodbye for now, but this is not the end. We will be back and meet you in the stage once again. So please wait for us. It might take a little longer but we wouldn't break our promise. We all love our Invictas!" Hyeon said emotionally before hugging Waze who was next to him and crying on his shoulder. Since the concert could be watch in an exclusive livestream where the VIP members who also bought tickets could watch in real time, specially those who was in a different country or fans that didn't get their chance to buy the tickets for the stadium, was also crying and sending heartfelt messages on livestream. Some fans were even blaming the group's company, the media, the public who was criticizing the group because of their ex-members mistakes, and the haters who was mostly fans of other groups as well. If they weren't putting blame on the remaining innocent members, then it wouldn't all come to this! They really hate the media, netizens and the group's company! Such a hypocrite! Everyone of them! When Inv8ctus was so successful and soaring so high, everyone wants to ride on their coattails and be linked and be friends with them, but when something went wrong, they all couldn't wait to turn their back on the members without a single thought or conscience! Only the loyal fans who really care and loved the group members who stayed by their side. The fans also couldn't help blaming the ex-members. They were all so successful and on top of their game, so why mess it up? Are they so bored and had a lot of free time?! Why not just quit being an idol before doing those things so that they won't be harming the rest of the group? But even if the fans blame or yell at the ex-members, it was too late. Now, they could only support and cheer and protect the remaining members who was still keeping on fighting and standing for the sake of their dreams and their fans. That was why the fans couldn't help feeling heartbroken now that they were seeing their idols saying farewell to them. It was so unfair! [Baby Hyeon don't cry please!!! I'm crying as well.] A sister fan of Hyeon couldn't help but commented with a crying emoji. [No! Don't leave! We will not allow it!] one fan who commented on the live stream said. [That's right! We will be Invictas forever!] another fan said. [Inv8ctus and Invictas fighting!] another one cheered. [Don't leaveeeeeee!!!] [What I hate the most is farewells!!!] another said with a crayinf emoji. While the fans kept sending comments on livestream and the fans on the audience kept crying and telling the group members not to leave, Waze patted Hyeon's back to comfort him. Waze blinked his eyes so that even if his eyes were a bit misty because of the tears gathering there, he didn't let it fall down his face. "To our Invictas, like Lyon-hyung said, we will meet on the same stage again. Wait for us okay? That's a promise. Never let our hopes and dreams die!" He exclaimed in a strong and determined voice. The fans in the audience howled like hungry and determined wolves in agreement as they waved their light sticks in the air like a war cry. On the side of the stage, Manager Lu and the member's individual assistants were crying as well. They have a good team and staff, and everyone was like family and friends, that was why it was heartbreaking to hear and witness this sad farewell. Even the members of the live band was all teary eyed now. They had been with the group members since the start of this journey in their every concert, they were all like brothers, so how could they not feel so sad about this? It was impossible not to feel heartbroken. When Waze was done with saying his message, it was Conner's turn to say his own farewell. He was standing between Lyon and Waze who was both patting his shoulder in comfort as well, just like how he comforted them. "Our Invictas, we will say farewell for now, let's all heal our mind and hearts for a short break, and when the time comes, we will return, so let's all not be sad and lose hope. Instead, let's all look forward to when we can finally all meet again. Like what Waze said, let's continue dreaming and don't lose hope. We will return, more stronger and greater! Just like our group and fan's name, we might fail and fall, but we'll never stay defeated by this little hiccups along the way. What's a great journey without any challenges right? We will face this challenges and become stronger once again! Let's all meet in this stage again!" Conner said in a determined and confident voice. The fans all yelled again in a spirited and united voice, a war cry and a promise. Instead of crying, now there was hope in their hearts. Even Manager Lu and the staff with him all felt moved. If the remaining group members was still fighting for their themselves with their members and fans, then who were they to give up? They just need to fallback for now, but that doesn't mean that they would remain defeated forever. They just need to heal and strategize before rising once again.
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