Taming Ryder and his untamable beast.

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RYDER'S POV. "Ryder", She utters my name and it instantly sent shivers down my spine. I can literally feel Midnight wanting desperately to let loose and claim her. I could not help but feel like my desires for her were much more intense then hers for me. I could not understand what the hell was going on myself though there had to be more to this then what my mother had told me. Clara has always been the most irritating female I have ever had to spend time with, And sure I have checked her out a few times but never had any desire to actually do anything with her. But yet here I was wanting to devour every single inch of her body. I wanted to taste her, And I wanted to taste her thoroughly. "RYDER", She utters my name again , And I could not help but feel more and more like I was in a transitional state of unconsciousness. "f**k SAKE RYDER SNAP OUT OF IT", She screamed suddenly snapping me back into reality. Shock immediately takes over me as I see my wolf form projecting from out me as midnight was standing over her in a semi corporeal form as he turned his head and bared his teeth at me. "Get the f**k Back into my body b***h", I uttered out to midnight as I use all my strength to urge him back into my body. It was the only thing I could think to do. This s**t is not suppose to be able to happen. Quickly like lightning he re-enters my body with a savage unrelenting force sweeping me off my feet and slamming me hard into the ground forcing the wind from out of my chest with mighty loud thud. "Ryder are you okay?", Clara yelled out from where she stood as I sat up and tried to regather myself as I rested my arm on top of my knee. "WHAT THE f**k WAS THAT?", I questioned completely taken back by what just happened to me. "I don't know Ryder, You tell me", She yelled back nervously I could sense her fear in her tone, "Are you okay though?". "This s**t is not normal Clara, so I don't know , I feel okay kinda I guess". "Where is he now?", She questioned me as I tried to get to my feet but fail and fall to the ground spent of every ounce of strength I had in me. "I do not know clara, It is like he is dorment or something", I reply back fear suddenly creeping in, "I take back though what I said before about being okay, I can't move Clara!". "I WILL GO GET HELP", She yelled back and started to run off. Immediately an extreme intense pain rips through the further she got away. "CLARA STOP", I yell at the top of my lungs fearing any further away and the pain would kill me. As she stopped and ran back towards me the pain quickly eased. "What's wrong?", She asked with worry in her tone as she kept her distance. "Clara you can't leave me you are going to kill me if you do". "What!, This just keeps getting better and better, What do you mean I can't leave you?". "It is kinda hard to explain but I felt like I was going to die, The further away you got the more intense this pain was that I had". I explain as I helplessly sat on the ground. "oh!, What hell should I do then?". "Clara you are going to have to take me with you", I respond I really couldn't see any other way around this. I watch on as she nervously took a step towards me. "I do not know if that is a good idea", She spoke then suddenly stopped. it was like she was unconscious but not. 'Oh s**t, It is happening to her to now". I thought to myself. "CLARA", I yell out hoping to bring her out of it just as she did me. CLARA'S POV. "Clara, Can you hear me?", Shimmer spoke to me, But this felt different and I could not understand why. "Um yes Shimmer of course I can hear you". "Good, Now I need you to trust me okay". "Um yeah okay I trust you, Why wouldn't I trust you?". "Because I have placed you in a mindless state, When I count to three I need you too focus really hard with your mind and wake up but I need you to stay very calm". "Um yeah Okay I guess, I don't understand but okay". I utter back to shimmer feeling completely confused. "Clara, Ryders life depends on it he weakening by the second and he doesn't even know it because Midnight is in a deep state of unconsciousness", Shimmer explains as I find her voice strangely calming. "Are you ready Clara?". "Yes Shimmer I am ready".
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