Chapter 1

1902 Words
She was running for her life. And it wasn’t the first time. At twenty-five years old, Chandria was in her prime, but the fear in her piercing blue eyes made her look older than her age. She found herself on top of a snow-capped peak. The view could have been breathtaking, if only she weren't being chased by werewolves. As she ran, she could feel the cold wind whipping her hair into a frenzy. She couldn't help but think about how ridiculous she must look running for her life while her hair looked like a bird's nest. The rocks on the ground were jagged and unforgiving. She wished she had used a better pair of shoes, but this was not part of her travel plans. Her stomach growled loudly, but she knew better than to stop. The werewolves were probably just as hungry, if not hungrier, and she had no intention of being on their menu anytime soon. As she huffed and puffed, her heart beating like a drum, she couldn't help but think about how much more she wished she had hit the gym before this. The snarls and growls behind her grew louder, and she could already feel their hot breath on her back. She knew there was no second to waste. She had to keep running. Suddenly, Chandria woke up. She was disoriented and sweaty, as if she had just run a marathon. Her heart was still racing, and she couldn't shake the feeling of exhilaration that had gripped her. She shook her head in disbelief, trying to make sense of it all. Looking around her small apartment, Chandria realized that her mountain peak escape had been nothing more than another childhood dream about werewolves. As a kid, her father used to terrify her with tales of these mythical beasts and other monsters. And now, here she was, all grown up and still haunted by werewolves. "Thanks, Dad," she muttered to herself with a sarcastic grin. Maybe her recurring werewolf dreams were the reason she had trouble sleeping at night, she thought with a roll of her eyes. But come on, werewolves? Really? Chandria laughed at the sheer absurdity of her dream, thinking about how impossible it would be for werewolves to be real. "I mean, come on, what's next? Unicorns?" she chuckled to herself. She didn't believe that werewolves could exist in real life; they were nothing more than a myth or folklore, popular only in books and movies. Her phone's familiar chime caught her attention, indicating a new message. With a quick glance, a smile spread across Chandria's face when she saw that it was a message from Vince, the man she had been texting with for weeks after matching on a dating app. Despite her nerves about their upcoming dinner date, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. After months of traveling, this was her first chance at romance, and she was hoping for more than just a casual encounter. Chandria finally got out of bed and removed her sweaty shirt, tossing it into the overflowing laundry basket. "Too bad my laundry can't magically disappear like those werewolves in my dream," she sighed. Living alone meant that she had to take care of everything by herself, and sometimes it felt like a never-ending cycle of work. But she had grown used to it over time and had found ways to make it work. As she stretched and let out a yawn, she looked around her small space. It was minimalistic, with just a bed, wooden desk, and a few travel books on the shelves. But to her, it was home, the perfect place to relax and recharge before her next adventure. Chandria made her way to the window, her feet light on the creaking wooden floorboards of her old apartment. As she gazed out at the street below, she was able to take in the details of the picturesque scene. The narrow cobblestone street, the colorful buildings with their wooden shutters, and the rich aroma of freshly brewed espresso that wafted through the air. It was a quiet morning, and the warm Italian sun was just starting to peek over the distant rooftops. She took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the peaceful moment. "No werewolves in sight," she joked to herself, feeling more relaxed than she had in a while. *** Chandria stepped into a quaint Italian coffee shop near her apartment, greeted by the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods. The cozy atmosphere, adorned with antique decorations and old photos of Italian landmarks, made her feel like she had traveled back in time. The smooth jazz music in the background added to the warm and inviting ambiance, like a comforting hug on a chilly day. After ordering a cup of cappuccino and croissant, Chandria caught a glimpse of an empty table by the window. She thanked the barista and made her way to it, which offered a perfect view of the bustling street outside. Settling down, Chandria gathered her chestnut brown hair into a bun, with a few strands falling in soft, loose waves to her shoulders that framed her face perfectly. Her fair skin glowed softly in the light, giving her an ethereal aura. And as usual, she began her workday as a freelance travel vlogger. She pulled out her laptop, responded to a few emails, and checked out the performance of her latest travel video, which showcased the charming village of Evolène in Valais, Switzerland. In the video, she captured the beauty of the old houses in the village decorated with vibrant flowers of every color imaginable. It was like walking through a painting. The scenery was breathtaking and peaceful, with smooth pastures, lovely old barns, and an abundance of flowers revealing their last beauty before winter arrived. As she scrolled through the comment section, her followers' excitement and eagerness to visit the place poured in. However, one particular comment caught her eye. It was from a user with a username that looked like it was generated by a cat walking across the keyboard. "Feature our place in your next vlog!" the comment read, and it even had a link attached. She remembered seeing the same comment from the same user on her other videos. Chandria laughed at the thought of a cat typing, but she couldn't help but wonder if it was just spam or an actual person trying to communicate with her. She clicked on the username, but the profile was empty, confirming her suspicion. She no longer clicked on the link, fearing it could be harmful to her laptop. As she sipped her coffee, a slow, creeping sense of unease began to settle in the pit of her stomach. She felt as if there were a pair of eyes intently focused on her, watching her every move. She scanned the coffee shop, but everyone appeared to be minding their own business. Maybe she was just being paranoid, she thought. Just as she was about to dismiss the feeling, she noticed a figure in the corner of her eye. She turned her head quickly to see a tall man in a long coat standing at the edge of the street, staring straight at her through the window. His gaze was unwavering, intense, and it sent shivers down her spine. Was he a lost tourist, a fan of her channel, or maybe just a creepy stalker? She questioned. Her heart raced, and it became hard for her to breathe. She tried to get a better look, but as she focused her gaze, the man vanished into the crowd, leaving her perplexed and wondering who he was and why he had been watching her. *** Chandria closed her eyes and savored the flavor of the steak that melted in her mouth. The tenderness of the meat was unlike any other she had tasted before. But as soon as the steak was finished, she knew that the real thrill of the night was yet to come. As Vince's lips pressed against hers, a wave of heat flowed through her body, igniting a flame within her that burned with a strong desire. Despite the work-related conversation they had throughout dinner, with her sharing stories of her travels and him whining on about financial reports that didn't quite match, Chandria craved the deeper connection she had felt while chatting with Vince online. She didn't want him to be just another walking insurance policy - safe, reliable, and a little bit boring. So, when Vince suggested taking a detour through a dimly lit alleyway on the way back to her place, Chandria couldn't resist the thrill of adding a little adventure to their evening. "Am I doing it right?" Vince asked, attempting to mimic the tongue-sucking he had seen in a low-quality p**n video. Chandria couldn't help but giggle at his lack of skills. It was like watching a fish flop around on dry land. Thus, after a few awkward moments, Chandria decided to take charge. She stripped Vince out of his suit, revealing his toned, muscular physique. The memory of their first encounter lingered in her mind. She had felt like a slob when she saw him in his formal attire while she was dressed more casually – jeans, a plain white tube top, and a brown leather jacket. His unexpected choice of a fancy restaurant made it worse. But she set the memory aside and focused on the present. Pressing herself against Vince's body, she relished the feel of his bare skin against hers. His hands roamed down to her hips, pulling her closer to him. As they kissed, the intensity only grew stronger. Chandria moaned as Vince's hands explored her body, tracing the curves of her waist and hips. They were having a good time until he tried to slap her butt and she stopped him. "What was that for?" Chandria's voice rose sharply, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "Thought that was normal," Vince muttered under his breath. To stop him from saying anything that might ruin the moment, Chandria shifted positions and pushed Vince against the wall. She pressed her body firmly against his, feeling the growing bulge of his erection. As their lips met again in a heated kiss, a rush of desire washed over her. She explored the depths of his mouth with her tongue, while he eagerly reciprocated. She could taste the wine they had earlier, with a hint of mint from Vince. The sound of their heavy breathing filled the air. She had never been the type of woman to act on her s****l impulses. But she had played out this exact scenario in her mind countless times. Now that she was actually experiencing it, it felt like she had finally ticked off an item on her to-do list. It was a daring decision to choose a dimly lit alleyway, far away from the city's bustling lights. That is, until they heard a blood-curdling howl that made Chandria second-guess her decision. She tried her best to ignore it, thinking she was just being paranoid because of her dreams about werewolves. But then she heard it again, louder this time. She felt a cold shiver run down her spine, and her adventurous side began to think that maybe, just maybe, werewolves do exist. "Did you hear that?" Chandria asked, panic rising in her voice.
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