Chapter 4 - Girls night out

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Isabella´s POV At 7 p.m. my doorbell rang. Andrea picked me up. When I opened the door for her, she held a bag in front of my face. “Here, your outfit for tonight. Since you just moved in, I thought that you might need it." Embarrassed, I took it and invited her into the living room, while I disappeared with the bag into the nearby bedroom. In fact, I stood in front of my closet for about an hour and neither knew what to wear, nor did I have the impression that I had anything suitable. I quickly put on the dress Andrea had brought me. A tight-fitting dark turquoise, sequined pinafore dress that ended above my knees. Not too short, but daring enough. I looked at myself in the mirror. It was made for me. I looked really pretty and felt comfortable in it. The turquoise-blue went great with my long brown hair, which I decided to wear open over my right shoulder. In addition, a pair of black heels, subtle make-up and nude-colored lipstick. When I returned to Andrea in the living room, she looked at me with wide eyes. “Wow Isabella, you look super-hot! You should keep the dress. It suits you way much better than me anyway. You won't be able to save yourself from men tonight", she teased. "Anything but that. That's the last thing I need right now. There is a lot of work ahead of me from next week on." Andrea didn’t know that I had never had a boyfriend or s*x before. But I have only known her for about two weeks now. I want to keep it that way, for now. "Oh, come on have a little fun", Andrea joked and nudged my arm. “Today we don't talk about work anymore. We're having fun now. We both deserve it.” With these words, Andrea dragged me out of the apartment. When we arrived at the club, Andrea pulled me after her and right past the waiting line for the bouncers. Andrea must have known them, because she kissed one of them on the cheek, whispered something in his ear and, right away, we were in the club. First, Andrea ordered drinks, which we drank at the bar. I looked around the club and took it all in. Some people stood or sat at the bar, ordered drinks, talked, others made their bodies sweat on the dance floor, huddled together. I drank my drink faster as I got nervous. “Take it easy, Isabella. At this speed it will be a short evening," Andrea laughed and looked at me worried. "I´m ok. I've just … never been to a club like this, in an outfit like that. I just have to calm my nerves a little." “You really don't need to worry about your looks tonight, Isabella. You really look amazing." For Andrea that was easy to say. She was beautiful, with her big blue eyes and her long, light blonde hair. She wore a silver dress also studded with sequins. Hers had a cowl neckline and it was a little shorter than mine. Only a few silver, glittering welts adorned her back. She was slim and had perfect curves. In a very short time, she drew everyone’s attention, men and women. In the course of the evening, we had a few more drinks, tequila shots and danced. The more time passed, the more comfortable I began to feel. Andrea was right, it was really good to forget all the work. I pretty much worked all my life and never had any fun. I followed the example of the others, I threw my arms in the air and let my hips sway to the rhythm of the music, most of the time keeping my eyes closed. I just drifted off and felt light and free. All the people around us did the same and were busy, not caring about anyone else. The smooth club light, that changed its color and intensity according to the music, warmed me even more. I got lost in it. A guy started dancing to Andrea from behind. Without even looking at him, she snuggled her back against him and began to move to the rhythm with him. I admired their detachment. Suddenly I felt a basic need. My bladder. We had quite a few drinks tonight. It was just a matter of time until I had to go. I didn't want to bother Andrea, so I decided to go on my own to look for the toilet. I smiled and waved briefly in her direction to signal that I would be back in a moment. She gave me a short nod as a reply. When I tried to fight my way through the crowd, I noticed for the first time how crowded it had become in the club and also that I was definitely sweating. When I finally saw the sign for the toilets, at the other end of the dance floor, of course, I headed straight for it. I looked down to avoid tripping over anyone´s feet, when I hit a hard human wall in front of me. BANG! He tensed his arm muscles as he grabbed my upper arms to keep me from falling. Facing down, I saw expensive shoes, men´s shoes. Looking further up, he wore jeans. As my eyes traveled even further up at him, I noticed that he was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt that was so tight that it perfectly accentuated his well-muscled body. "Oh, I-I'm so s-sorry!" I stuttered quietly and was sure that he wouldn't hear it with the noise of the music. "I wasn´t paying attention. I just needed the toilet badly,” I added, and when I finally had the courage to look the stranger in the face, my blood froze on the spot and my eyes widened. It was HIM. AGAIN! “YOU??” A blush showed up on my cheeks and I wish I could have sunk into the ground. Did I just tell the CEO of the company I work for, that I had to go for a pee? It couldn't be more embarrassing. What the hell did he do here anyway? Did he follow me or something? He eyed me intensely and held his gaze in my eyes. After a moment, it seemed to last forever and still held me in his grip: "This really seems to be your thing.”, he said with a slight smile around his lips. “Are you okay?" When I looked back at him, I saw him scanning me. He probably just wanted to make sure I wasn't hurt or anything. I nearly melted at his touch, but the fact that he was my boss hit me and I twisted out of his grasp. It was unnecessary for him to hold on to me any longer and I also felt it was inappropriate, considering I was his employee. "I´m fine, I-I really have to go now", I said louder and gave him a nervous look. With my head I indicated towards the toilets behind him. He knew what I meant by this. When he just looked at me, but didn't move an inch, I took the first step and pushed myself past him. The front of our bodies touched gently and sent tingles through my whole body. My air was cut off as I grasped it, and for a moment I felt a tremendous tension between us, that I could get lost in. I had never experienced such a feeling. I didn´t know what the hell was going on or what was wrong with me. I just knew it completely took me out of balance and blurred my mind. And I couldn’t let that happen. I had to get away from him. Without looking at him, I literally ran to the toilet and couldn't really breathe properly until I closed the cabin door behind me. As I emptied my bladder, I let my head fall into my hands, supporting my elbows on my thighs. Why did this happen to me? Why did he have to be here today? Of all the days when I'm going out for the first time in my life. I was going crazy. I freshened up and decided to look for Andrea to end the evening and go home, with or without her. I definitely didn't want to get into such an embarrassing situation with my boss again tonight. I searched the dance floor for Andrea. As I made my way closer to her, I suddenly felt two hands that closed tightly around my hips and pulled me back, close against the front of my body. They didn’t belong to any man I knew. It wasn’t Crawford. Crawford had that musky scent. This guy didn’t smell nice at all and his hands on my body just felt disgusting. He began to rock me to the rhythm of the music. I stiffened and tried to free myself from the tight grip. I pulled on his hands, tried to push myself away from him, but his grip only tightened when his whisper reached my ear: “Don't be shy, kitten, relax and enjoy the dance as you did earlier. That's why you're here, right?"
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