Chapter 2 I think I love her!

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“Oh my goddess!” she yells trying to catch her clothes as she turns around, just to see Henry while he steps in her bathroom. Her hands tremble so hard that her s**t falls from it and she looks at him perplexed. “That’s bad,” she says to Angel. “Don’t tell me…” her wolf whispered, and Rose just grabbed a towel and put it around her, to hide her body. “I asked you something!” Henry said again but Rose chose to stare at him with her big and blue eyes. “Jesse, Mike” Henry said using his mind link. “Come in Rose’ room” “Why the hell should I come there?” Jesse asked, annoyed. “I just left that place” “Come here, now. She is damned injured and she hides it from us! She fooled us!” Henry said and right now he feels like strangling her, just looking at her. It took Jesse two minutes to come back to her room even if he was almost out of the packhouse , and Mike followed him. Rose gives Jesse conflicting emotions. Sometimes he would like to take her in his arms and comfort her but at the same time , he wants her away from his sight because she is pretty ballsy and stubborn. Rose never accepts no as an answer. Seeing her that she tries to hide from him, Henry calms down and coming closer to her he pulls her in his embrace, holding her arms, but right at that moment Jesse comes in, and Mike too. “You said that she is wounded” Jesse said and he looks at Rose all the time. “She is. Just take a look man” Henry said and he coaxed Rose carefully to let Jesse examine her. “Please” Rose said. “I need to dress. There is no need to..” but Jesse said: “If you don’t want to call your dad , or worse, to call my dad here, you better shut up, Rosamunde Maloney!” and he almost growls at her because in the next second he sees her back. “What the f**k happened to you, woman!” he asks and he feels that he will collapse on the floor, because suddenly he felt a huge gap in his stomach. There is not even an inch on her back that is not cut, or bruised.” Rose stays with her face hidden on Henry ‘s chest and as soon as she touches him she feels that her heart starts to beat harder and harder. Rose is more than sure that if she lifts her face, they will see that she is completely blush, so she chose to stay there. “Can you hold her?” Jesse asks and he gulps in horror looking at her injuries, but at the same time a strange feeling starts to rise inside him. She is almost naked. She wears only her panties, and a towel that covers only her breast, but he is damned mesmerized by her look. Even if she looks like crap, he is shocked that how smooth her skin feels under his touch, and as if someone took a spell on him, he is touching her again and again. And Mike is just looking at her. AT the way her hair falls on her back, at the way Henry’s arms are wrapped around her thin waist, the way Jesse’s fingers trails on her skin , and he feels an urgent need to touch her too. What is worse is the fact that being triplets he feels everything Henry and Jesse feel and he can’t wonder why they feel like that. “It hurts,” Rose whispered, when Jesse placed his hand on her back. “I just need to see if your bones are ok” he said, but the truth is that he felt Rose shivering in Henry’s arms , and he wanted to hold her too, to be the one who coaxed her, giving her a little bit of gentleness. But Rose is not far from the way they feel. She is completely wet and she is scared about what she feels. It is not proper to feel like this. “You have the right to feel the way you want!” Angel said, pissed off. “But we have a mate” she whispered, even if she hates her own mate. She treasures the idea of having a fated mate and she has been a loyal mate since she met him. “That stupid doesn't deserve us!” Angel said and simply went somewhere deep inside Rose’s mind to growl because she was unhappy. Mike came closer too and sniffing the air he felt it. She is aroused. Is not in his mind and is not an imagination. She is aroused and right when he was ready to say something, Henry pulled her even closer then she was making her feel his hard c**k, pressing on her abdomen. “Angel,” Rose said panicked, but Angel was not in the mood to answer, and Rose almost peed on her feelings for Henry. Right then Jesse came closer from her back and right when she thought that nothing could go worse, Jesse pushed himself a little in her ass, somehow rubbing himself on her, and she felt him two, while Mike was smirking at them. But Rose felt overwhelmed. She had no idea what was going on with her. She was married to her fated mate for almost a year but she never felt this way. Being so wet between her legs made her feel humiliated, and she was sure that the triplets felt her , because right now they are acting strange. They knew what was going on, and seeing her so tormented, they simply took a step back, and let her calm. Henry hugged Rose, and whispered in her ear. “Everything is going to be fine, Rose. It’s over. Now you are here, and you will be fine.” “I..I..” she started to blabber, but Henry put a finger on her lips and whispered: “You have us. It’s over, believe me.” and pulled her head on his chest, placing it on the side of his heart. “I will give you a pill,” Jesse said. “It will help you to sleep and feel better. This will help your wolf to heal you. The old injuries are not a problem and they are already healing, but the new ones are still bleeding and you need to let your wolf to help you. Rather than giving you medicine, we should do it naturally. Give your body time to recover.” And saying that Jesse take a pill and smiling at Rose said: “Open your mouth , Rosamunde! And don’t you dare to bite my fingers” he said trying to make her smile. “I won’t” Rose said and for the first time she looked into his beautiful blue eyes. “We will need to take this pill out of your mouth after you fall asleep or you will suffocate, so we will stay with you until it will start to take effect and then we will let you sleep” and Jesse motions to her to open her mouth. He placed the pill on her tongue, and as if it was an accident he caressed her lips with his index finger between retreating his hand. He had no idea why he did that. It annoyed him a little because he feels a pull to be closer to Rose, but she is married and it is not a good idea to do that, so to calm himself he just went out. He didn’t feel that he was out of control, but he needed some air. Five minutes after Jesse left, Rose was already snoring in Henry’s arms. She became more and more sleepy and she didn’t even realize when Henry placed her in his lap , and sat with her on a small sofa in her room. “She looks better” Mike said and he came in front of Rose and smiling at the view in front of him, he pinched Rose’ s nose. “I love her,” suddenly Mike says. “What do you mean?” Henry asked and he is in a pure shocked “I believe that I had always loved her, bro,” Mike says. “Since we were kids. I had this feeling inside my heart, and I was so impatient to turn eighteen and tell her about the way I feel, but she found her fated mate. But the thing is that I love her. I never said to anyone” and Mike came closer and touched her beautiful face. “I need to take that pill” he whispered and looked at Henry, who is still holding Rose in his lap and has no intention to put her in her bed. “Take it out, Mike” Henry whispered, and looked at the way Mike cupped Rose's chin between his hands. He looks at her full and fleshy lips and and feels strong pull to feel them, so he moves closer and kiss her.
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