1. Rule Breaker.

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Princess Katherine's POV Living in the 21st century, in the modern world, people always talk about love. One thing our parents always taught us is to speak with Love. Love is the most important feeling in the world.  Love is the language of hearts. l  would be terrified when my heart develops its own mouth and starts to talk inside de my chest. "Oh come on, hard. Give me hard." Love is important for the future and our kids. Many poetries and dramas are presently made on love. Love is the essence for survival and blah, blah, blah. Everyone talks about love but, you know there is this one thing which is more important than love. It's RESPECT. Respect is more important than love. "Yeah, this one was perfect." If your partner loves you and at the same time, respects your opinion and cares about your views, then congrats, you are lucky. Enjoy cloud nine.  But if you got a controlling ass, then you have my sympathy. Same sympathy which I give to myself. Yes, I got a controlling ass and on top of that, he is a love-sick puppy. William, son of my father's friend and my childhood friend too. Although he is seven years older than me, still he wants me. There is a perfect reason for his WANT. "I want to climb on Burj Khalifa." The reason is that my two twin sisters wanted him at the same time and he was done with them. The second reason is our parents. Our parents want to convert their friendship into a relationship. At first, it was about anyone of my sisters and William, then the plot changed and now, It's unwilling me and love-sick William. I had no issues when William was with my both sisters at the same time, but now he wants to be with me which gave me tons and tons of issues.  "I want to rip you apart and drink you." I had no wish to be even his enemy, forget about a friend, lover, and wife. To maintain distance from him and the ideas of my unwanted death like marriage, I came to Birmingham.  And now I have to run again because the love-sick puppy came here too. I have no problem with love but when it comes to his love, there is no problem left. He wants to control me, not by strict behavior but by his manipulative ass. If I am not ready or do not agree to do anything he desires, he creates a situation in which at last, I have to agree. For example, if I am not ready to go on a dinner date, he locks himself in his room and makes slow fake cry noises like a little girl. So that when anyone hears him, he can act. His acting starts with, "I am OK, I am not gonna tell you what happened" to "Katherine doesn't like me, I tried my best to make her love me but I failed again" and so on and on and on. Eventually, this news of him crying BECAUSE OF ME reaches my home and I am forced every time to go out on dinner with him, where he only eats white pasta with red wine. "It's been long since I felt you inside me." Me and him, we both belong to royal families. And you know, there are many rules to royalty. And I am the one to break every rule. My sisters are like the royal ladies whereas I am.....well, you can describe me as Tomboy.  They love lipsticks, I love hockey sticks. They love makeup, I love to stack up and by that, I mean impolite. I don't act like I am glad to meet you. If I don't like you then I don't like you.  Still, still that William wants me. I really wish to hit his head numerous times so that it can get fixed.  My twin sisters, Kate and Maria, were head over heels crazy for William. But then again, whom do you call crazy? The brainless, right? They saw that William wants me and I DON'T WANT HIM, but still, they made me go out with him and then they give me death stares. "I have never thought that I would need you this much." That's why I left London so that I could take peaceful breaths. My destiny was working with me, co-operating in every possible way, and then suddenly, it decided to ditch me. Bloody hypocrite and traitor. Out of nowhere, on Sunday morning, William appeared on my doorsteps, carrying white flowers in his hands. That day, my initial reaction was closing the door right on his face. And within in second, I opened it again just to avoid the lectures classes from my parents. And now, I am sitting here alone in Cannon Hill Park near the lake, drinking my lovely scotch. Yeah, breaking another rule. "I wish to have you inside me, whenever I want." Now, William is in my apartment, sleeping. Why? Because I asked my cook to mix sedatives in his desert so that he can sleep and I can go out. It's 9:00 pm. Everyone has gone but I am still here.  Now, I am planning to break one more rule. Stumbling, I stand up and start to look here and there to hide anywhere. So that I could be in this park the whole night, without any love-sick puppy near me.   As I start to walk, my sight starts to get blur. Oh, so my scotch is making me see another vision. I like that. Moving from right to left, like air, stumbling and falling, I keep on walking. My head is spinning and my stomach is taking 360-degree turns. An urge to puke everything came in me and I rushed towards the dustbin.  Puking my gut out, I didn't realize that there is someone standing behind me.  "Bbbllrrrggghhh." In between my activity, I  sense that the person is standing just a few inches away from me.  "Are you OK Mam?"  
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