Episode 3

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?BILLIONAIRE'S BABY MAMA? EPISODE 3 ?️HAPPY WRITES?️ The lady in red heels walked past them and Michelle watched in disgust as Josh couldn't stop looking at her. It was barely 3months after they eloped and she was seriously beginning to regret coming with Josh. Although she didn't regret hurting Alison though. She was always so pompous, having a luxurious business, good looks and to crown it all a rich, gorgeous fiance. Michelle had always been jealous of Alison and this was a perfect opportunity to hurt her. Thankfully, Josh wasn't the loyal type, and with just a few tactics she had him in her grasp. Now only if she can keep him there. Josh was intolerably attracted to anything in skirts and Michelle will do anything to keep her man. "Josh" she called as she place one bare leg over the other. She was dressed in one of the lowest cut gown ever, tied to her neck with thin straps. She smiled in satisfaction as Josh's eyes immediately riveted to her legs. "Now honey,when are we getting married?" she purred "its been 3months, that's way too much time to get over Alison, that's if you still care about her" "What? No"josh replied "I'm way over Alison like yesterday's news. you are all I got, dearie" She smiled and playfully hit his hand. An announcement on the TV caught their attention. Overton enterprises are estimated to have reached #500 billion net worth in just 4yrs. "Really babe I don't see why you shouldn't be at the head office" Michelle spoke "being the branch manager here doesn't suit you at all". "Yea" Josh answered, sipping his wine "I've got to get through this contract here and then get promoted. After that we are getting married" Josh was the manager of one of the many branches of Overton Enterprises scattered around d the country. He was good at his work but lately began giving himself over to indulgence. He hoped to get himself promoted as soon as possible and also get rid of Michelle. He was tired of her and he wasn't ready for that sham called marriage. He had to get rid of Michelle Soon. *** Alison got to her office early, despite the fact like she looked like a wreck and feeling terribly tired. She had insisted on being discharged the next day and also put off her family's incessant questions. She would tell them later. Much later. Her nerves were almost stretched to breaking point by the time it approached 4:00pm. The door opened and she jumped, looking disappointed when Tonia appeared. She had actually been expecting Dennis Overton. What was wrong with her? True she had come to accept the baby as hers and was loving the idea of having a baby to love and cherish. But could she dare hope of a family with Dennis overton?. No. She snapped out of her thoughts as a hand was waved in front of her and she looked up into Tonia's face. "Now, what are you thinking about?"she asked. "Nothing" Alison snapped and went to the window as Tonia began laughing. "You were thinking about him" she said "really Alison,what's going on between you two?". No answer. They were alerted by the sound of a car driving in and Tonia immediately went out leaving Alison in a state of nerves. A few minutes later he appeared, dressed in an expensively cut suit and a beautiful hairstyle which highlighted his sharp looks. How could one man be this handsome? Alison was still wondering as she watched his tall, muscular frame move slowly into the room and settled himself on a chair. Dear God, she really had fallen for him. Why else did her heartbeat increase? So much for her resolution not to ever fall in love again. "I recall, Mr overton" She began, steadying her voice "asking us not to ever meet again. I'm refusing your contract". "And I'm not here because of your contract, Alison" Her heart stopped. He just called her name. And with just a few strides of those long legs, he was in front of her, stealing the breath from her. "I'm here because I want you" he said after a few terrifying seconds, he grabbed her hand , suddenly, and led her out of the office before she could utter a word. The sight of the exquisite candle lit table did nothing to quell her anger as Dennis led her to a seat in the private sitting area away from other patrons of the restaurant. She wrenched her hand free then, taking the offered seat and her anger increasing at the smile on Dennis's face. A smirk actually. Whatever was he smiling for? "Stop being so fussy" he said "why are you so tense?". "I don't usually fancy being dragged to strange places by strange men". "Really, strange men?" he continued, goading her "i don't think we are really strangers now,are we, ally?" She ignored his question and fired her own. "How did you know my name?" "Oh I know everything about you" he said, coldly "everything except why you left that morning. I don't take lightly being tossed aside,you know". "Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?" she taunted "surely you didn't think that was anything more than a one night stand,did you? I find that night perfectly distasteful and best forgotten". This was a lie. Although she remembered little of the incident, she doubted it was distasteful. And it was a bad idea to lie, because Dennis eyes became so red, she was scared. "A..all I'm saying is" she stammered "I made a mistake that night and it's not a pleasant memory for me. So can we just let it go?". Dennis face was still as hard as stone but he didn't look so scary anymore. His mouth opened like he was about to say something but was interrupted by the waiter. "Your guest is here,sir". "Bring him here" he ordered,then faced her immediately "we are not through, you and I, and we are not letting this go". Just then the door opened and it was her turn to grow white with shock at the sight of the person standing there. "Josh?!" *** Alison couldn't seem to close her mouth as her brain tried to ascertain what her erstwhile fiance was doing there, the same way Josh was looking at her with astonishment. Well, guess he never expected her to be dining with one of the most influential men in town. She was dimly aware of Dennis watching them curiously and finally cleared his throat. "Well, I see there's no need for me to introduce you two, seeing as you recognize each other so well" he said "sit down, Mr Brandon. You look like you are going to faint". "Mr Overton,t..this is a surprise" Josh stammered as he glanced at Alison and shivered at the look of pure disgust on her face "I wasn't expecting company". "Well, you should have" Dennis continued "I told you we are meeting with the contractor for the new site and here she is, Alison Kent". Alison gave him a nasty look. "I refuse to work with Josh Brandon" Alison retorted "and you too, if you have the likes of this man around you. He's not worthwhile". "I hang my hat where I please" Dennis said through his clenched teeth and watched Alison struggle with the emotions in her. Now this was interesting. Whatever history passed between these two must be interesting and very deep for Alison. Suddenly he was jealous. Jealous at the fact that another man knew her more than him. Wait, what if he was her cheating fiance who had dumped her and left her at the altar? His jealousy turned swiftly to anger and he glared at Josh who squirmed at such an attack from both Alison and Dennis. "If you don't want to work with him, then you won't my dear" Dennis said, surprising her "and you can equally cancel the contract, but that doesn't mean we won't see each other". He said that last statement just to see Josh's reaction and was incensed at the man's next question. Stupid question. "Do you know each other?". "None of your business" they both snapped at him and he retreated, quickly. "You can leave, Mr Brandon" Dennis said dismissively "I don't think there's anything left to discuss and get used to Alison. you'll be seeing her often" TBC
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