
The Protectors: The White Warrior

lucky dog

Paul puts his hands on his head and goes out of the window of the pod. He sees their aircraft in the land .He enters to see the commandos, some of which were still unconscious. "Captain Paul" they say as they greet and ask him what happened.

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John opens his eyes to see everyone inside the pod unconscious. He tries to wake Paula. Paula opens her eyes and asks "Where are we? What happened". They look outside to see a coastal land. Their pod had crashed into an unknown planet. She tries to check the coordinates at the pod but the pod is shut down. "We are out of fuel" she says as the other remaining protectors wake up. Paul puts his hands on his head and goes out of the window of the pod. He sees their aircraft in the land .He enters to see the commandos some of which were still unconscious. "Captain Paul" they say as they greet and ask him what happened. "Looks like we are in nowhere." Paul replies. "How did we survive. We couldn't have" Says Gawwd. "Do you think this is an afterlife you i***t. Ofcourse we are alive. But Where" Says Darr. All of them exit the pod as they meet the other remaining crew. "Paula do you know this place" asks Darr. " No. We entered a gravity well and it looks like it flushed us to a different galaxy .But we should have died in the Well." Says Paula. "May be something deflected us .It can happen you know a plasma beam .But we are lost .And without fuel we won't know. Simply put we are at nowhere as they call it." Says Darr. "It will take us days to find anyone. I wish your horse was with you Bullseye." Says Paul. "Wait" Says John as enters back into the pod and comes out with his bow. He stretches the string and as he further stretches he stops. "There's a camp there with fire" Says John. "How long will it take" Says Gawwd. "Half a day may be atleast" Says John. " This is the time you need charlie and he is not here."Says Paul. "Well we need someone to stay with the aircraft. John you can go with Paul and Darr.We will wait here." Says Paula. "Wait well stay here" Says Gawwd. "We can't take 10000 soldiers into a planet. They might think as an invasion. You can go with them But someone will stay here with the commandos." Says Paula. "Look we'll go alright .But if we dont return by the day. Dont bother waiting here ok" Says Darr. "I'll stay here. Gawwd you can go in my place" Says Paul. Paula, Baruto and Paul stay with the commandos whereas John and the rest go in search of people. John,Darr and Gawwd explore the land of the planet which they call nowhere. "No trees, No Water, No anything. What kind of planet is this" Says Darr. "Ya I wish I had gone with Charlie" Says  Gawwd. "And what does your bow say Bullseye" Says Gawwd . "The same there's only a camp. I hope it's not a mirage" Says John. "Mirage. Tell me you are joking" Says Darr. "I wish this would have been a good time for your lover to read my mind" adds Darr. "I am hoping the same. But we need to move faster. We have nothing we can use to find our location." says John. "Can charlie find us" asks Gawwd. "He doesn't know we are lost. All of us except him are here you i***t. God Why are you an i***t. I wish Paul wouldn't have swapped your place" Says Darr. "Don't push me little man. I was searching for possibilities" Says Gawwd. "He's right. We need alternatives. There are 2000 soldiers and Vaz with him. Paula might find a way to communicate" Says John. "She does not have telepathy ok. Charlie told me she had power cosmic of cutting things and throwing beams .At maximum she could split a planet into two ok with her hands ."Says Darr. "What about Paul?" asks Gawwd. "He's got powers which can help in shield formation. But he cant telepath like charlie or Prieta ."Says Darr. "What about the big guy" asks John. "Baruto. Yeah.I don't know much about him" Says Darr. "He doesn't like me though" says Gawwd. "What about you Gawwd" asks John. "Whhhat about me" Says Gawwd. "You are an offered protector right" asks John. "Yes I am. But I did horrible things .And..."Says Gawwd. "And....."asks john. "Well when my master gave me my cosmic power .He allowed me to stay in his aircraft for a day. I was already branded a protector and I could form beam arcs with my right arm." Says Gawwd. "Yeah about your right arm. I never asked and also your eye" says Darr. "However I was overwhelmed with the fact. But I slept with one of his servants at night.The master didn't take that lightly. He couldn't kill me as I was already branded but he punished me by ripping by right arm and took my eye. I didn't felt any pain though. He told me that he absorbed my pain as I was his child but he had to punish me as no individual can interfere in any of the masters belongings" Says Gawwd. John and Darr stare at each other. "What I was young. And the servant's clothes was too revealing" Gawwd replies. "But what about the prosthetic arm" asks Darr. "Well Charlie helped me with the prosthetic arm to see whether I could form a beam with that. But it was no use. But still he provided me with a patch and an inter build gun. I can still remember that day" Says Gawwd. "Hey Wait you also goofed with the master's daughter .Didn't you" asks Gawwd. "I told you he is an i***t" says Darr. "You think the master did it?" Says John. "No I don't" Says Darr. "It was the Master wasn't it who brought us here. If this were to be true. Its my fault" Says John . "Look you did made a mistake. But loving someone is not a mistake. And she loves you too. If anyone's in the wrong side it's that old man." Says Darr. "Maybe" Says John. "Well you shouldn't have screwed her though" Says Darr as the three of them see a fire and a camp nearby.

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