Chapter Three:

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Amber’s POV: My eyes light up at the box that has been placed on my bed. I have just come out from the shower, so whoever put it here must have snuck in. I smile as I admire the golden, paisley design on the design of the package and my fingers pinch the black ribbon. (Note) My dearest Amber, A beautiful dress for a beautiful princess. See you tonight at the party. Love Dad (Note ends) I smile at the small piece of paper that was folded on the box. When I lift the lid, I let out a loud gasp at how stunning the item of clothing is inside. It is like something out of a fairytale. I lift the glittery, champagne gold dress up from the box and marvel at how magnificent it is. I have always been ultra-feminine, so the way the sheer, shimmery material rouges at the boob-tube top is enough to make me squeal in excitement. As I hold it again me, I notice that it is short in the front, only covering around half of my thigh and then the sheer material flows down to the floor at the back. There are large specks of glitter leading down the back skirt that draw the eye in and the waist comes in and would fit perfectly against my figure. I am going to look like Cinderella in this dress! I can’t wait for Dean to see me. “How are you coming along in here?” My mother knocks softly and enters. When she sees the dress I am holding she also gasps in awe. “Oh honey, daddy did a great job!” She says and I nod with my eyes welled up. My father is the best. “He sure did. It’s going to shine so beautifully under the moonlight tonight.” I add and my mother giggles. She looks so vibrant in her stylish, emerald green tailored lady suit. Her curly hair is perfectly placed on her shoulders in fire-colored wildness. Dad always said it was his favorite part of her. I smile as her yellow eyes shine brighter as she finds shoes to go with the dress. They are beige kitten heels and I nod in agreement that they will be great. “Can I do your hair for you?” She asks and I say yes. It has always been me and my mom. My parents wanted another child, but unfortunately, it didn’t really work out for them. It’s known amongst the dragon kind that it is difficult to conceive, but every now and then couples are blessed with a second. It’s all up to the higher powers though and we have no control over it. Luckily, the magical kind can live up to hundreds of years, so I am hoping they get their wish in the future. “Of course you can, mommy.” I reply and she smiles softly. It is hard to believe that this role model had to go through such hardship before she ever found my father. Their love story has been made into books, for all to read and learn from. “Mom…” I say softly and she stops brushing my hair to look at me. “Yes, sweetie?” She says and I smile and breathe in. “What was it like when you and dad realized you were mates?” I ask. I am excited to see Dean later tonight, but a part of me feels incredibly nervous. When the clock strikes twelve, will I know immediately? My mom smiles lovingly at me. “Well, as you know, I didn’t really expect to shift into my dragon that night.” She says and I nod. This is exactly what the stories say. “Your father and I were already falling for each other before then and despite us bickering a lot in the beginning, we couldn’t take our eyes or hands off each other.” She giggles and I laugh too. I love how she is blushing right now as she remembers her time with my dad. My heart swells at their love story. “I am pretty sure he was taking me somewhere quiet to deflower me, but instead I decided to shift.” She laughs louder and my eyes widen as I poke her to stop. “MOM!” I say loudly and she laughs louder. I don’t need to hear about their s*x life. “After I was done shifting, I opened my eyes and your father had shifted into his dragon. At first, I was confused, but the more I looked into his blue eyes the more aware I became of the golden thread that was being formed between him and me. It was as if someone had tied a warm ribbon across my heart and the ribbon led all the way to your father's. After watching our souls being tied together, I felt something snap inside me and it was all comforting, all-consuming and rich love that I cannot even begin to explain. At that moment, all I knew and all I cared for was that he was mine and I was his.” She admits and I see the goosebumps erupting over her skin. I smile at the story and pull her close for a hug. Imagine that type of love? She carries on brushing my hair and begins drying the wet strands then curling the ends to give me soft waves. “It sounds incredible.” I say and she nods. “Honey, why are you asking me this?” She asks and I feel my heart beating faster as I run through all the endless possibilities of how tonight may go. What my mother just described sounds so surreal and magical. What if I find my mate tonight at the party, but it isn’t Dean? I feel bile rise to my throat at the thought. My mom notices my smile fading and puts down the curling iron. “Oh, my sweet girl. Don’t think about it too much. The Mother of Dragons is never wrong when she chooses our mates. Your fate was written when you were created in my womb, as your mate was. Your father and I will support you through anything. Besides, many of us don’t ever find our mates and take chosen ones. If you and Dean aren’t fated and cannot find your mates, you could always go through the ritual and choose each other, ending any ties there may have been with your fated mate. Many do this, my baby.” My mother tries to calm me with her words. I nod in relief that this is an option, but there is a slight stir inside my soul where my dragon lies. Cut all ties with my fated? “Shall we put the dress on and get going?” I try to change the subject and my mom eyes me suspiciously before giving me a broad smile. She quickly fetches the dress and helps me put it on, gushing as she takes in my overall look. I giggle as she fluffs out the back of my shining skirt. “You ready to go?” She asks and I nod. Dean’s POV: I run a few fingers through my hair and then nod at the reflection staring back at me. I am dressed in my leather shoes, some well-tailored charcoal chinos and a fitting white shirt that pulls at my muscles. We weren’t necessarily supposed to dress fancy tonight, but it is a royal party and I can’t look like trash next to my beautiful girl. I quickly tighten the black cufflinks she gave me for my eighteenth birthday. They are made out of the ashes of her dragon-fire and have the letter “A” engraved on them, so they are my most special possessions. “Ready?” My father comes in, also wearing a suit and looking smart. I nod and smile. “I was born ready, dad.” I reply and he laughs along with my mother, who is wearing a floor-length dress. Didn’t even see her tiny frame behind my dad. “You might have a mate by the end of this night!” My father announces and my chest fills with pride. No matter what, I will have Amber as a mate. I quickly place the golden note into my pocket, along with the little jewelry box. Another surprise for my princess. “I am confident!” I boom and my father laughs out. I don’t miss the worried expression on my mother's face though. I know she is concerned that Amber and I aren’t mates and how we will handle the situation if that’s the case. I have told her a thousand times that Amber and I will be fine. Fated mates are so rare, that even if we aren’t fated we will most probably end up as a chosen pair. My mother didn’t really agree with this though, but it isn’t her choice to make. All three of us head out of the house and make our way to the party area in the forest. I smile as we edge closer and I notice that people have already started gathering. The moon has already started shining in the sky and in between the darkness, there are fairy lights dangling from the treetops and lanterns spread across the dance floor. I feel my steps becoming in sync with the beat of the song being played by the DJ and my nostril flare at the smell of the meat cooking on the fires nearby. My eyes scan over the well-decorated space and the people who are all moving energetically on the dance floor, but Amber and her folks are nowhere to be seen, so I go to the bar and order a whiskey to have. “Lucky night, ey?” My friend Henry says and I laugh and nod. Yip, everyone is expecting me and Amber to be united on this evening. I take a sip of my whiskey and eye the dragon girl who is taking a seat next to me. She is tall, almost my height and has a really gentle and kind presence about her. She looks pretty too in her blush-colored dress and her hair in a high pony. She offers me a small smile as she sips on a glass of wine. Her skin looks like a radiant caramel under the flickering lights on the trees. “Hi.” She says and I feel shocked that she is speaking to me. “Hello.” I offer a reply and she smiles again. I can’t help but smile back. “My name is Zara.” She says again and I lift my eyebrow at her. “Dean.” I reply and she says my name to herself. When we shake hands, I feel a small current run through my hand. Weird. I allow my senses to take over me and my nostrils flare up again. Zara smells like the sweetest apple blossom and her smell makes my insides stir. She isn’t a dragon though, so who is she? “I don’t believe we have met before?” I ask and she shakes her head. “I am here from Human Land on some work. My adoptive parents are dragons and I have just finished my studies to work here at the school as a teacher.” She says and I nod. Very interesting. A human in Dragon Land. I know Queen Charlotte has been advocating for the humankind ever since her whole situation in her earlier life. Dragons have become increasingly more tolerant of humans, even admitting they have a place in the world too and deserve our protection. “Do you feel that?” She says again as she places her fingers on my hand again. Just as I feel the tingles exploding on my skin, I hear the crowd going wild and my eyes immediately go to the opening where Amber is walking onto the dance floor. I quickly shoot up and make my way to where she is entering and I feel my heart beating wildly at how gorgeous she looks right now. Amber is petite like her mother, but this dress brings out the toned muscles in her legs, the brightness of her blonde locks, the true elegance of her every step and the radiance of her smile. My heart jolts as I watch her uneven eyes meet mine. “My princess.” I say and Amber blushes, leaving me speechless. Her smile only broadens as she edges closer to me. “Happy birthday, my love.” I whisper into our embrace and she snuggles closer to me. I quickly look at my watch and notice it’s not long until we will be put out of our misery. I squeeze her closer, loving the warmth that she offers. “SHOTS!” Someone shouts from the other end of the dance floor and everyone starts laughing. Amber and I head that way and quickly down one or two of the cherry-flavored alcohol. I laugh at the face she pulls when the liquid burn down her throat. They do serve as a good party started though, as now we are all on the dance floor, enjoying the pulse of the song coming from the DJ. I hold Amber’s body close to mine as she gyrates her hips to the hypnotic tune. As she leans to the side, I kiss down on the sensitive spot on her neck, loving how it feels under my breath. When my eyes flash up, Zara is watching us as she dances with some other guy. I feel a strange bubble of unease flow through me at the idea of her witnessing my delicate kiss with Amber. I shake it off and turn Amber and me so that I am not facing Zara’s way. “I love you, Dean. Thank you for all of this.” She whispers in my ear and I notice on my watch that the time has passed and it’s only thirty minutes until midnight. “I love you too, Amber. Come with me.” I say and she nods, biting her bottom lip and giving me a quick peck. We both manage to get away from the crowd and laugh as we try to sneak away from the prying eyes of our parents. After a minute or so, we find ourselves in a quiet meadow in the forest where only the faint sound of the people and music can be heard. We don’t waste any time in smashing our lips together in an intoxicating kiss, both of us moaning as our tongues try to fight for dominance and our bodies melt into one another. This is everything that we have ever wanted right now. This is everything that I have ever wanted. Just me and my girl and the flame that lives between the two of us. We don’t even notice the time ticking as we become lost in one another. The bells ringing from the Palace begin to sound and I feel Amber’s skin becoming increasingly hot. This is it, Amber is eighteen. We break from the kiss in a panting mess, both of us smiling as we feel the love shared at the moment. Amber is looking down and biting her lip and my heart is pounding faster and faster. The cheering people from the party can be heard in the distance, clearly feeling the shift in the air as their princess becomes a fully-grown dragon. Even my dragon is on edge at the feeling in the humid air. “Amber, look at me, my love.” I say, knowing this is the only way for us to know if we are fated. I pull her hand close to mine and bring her into my embrace. Very slowly she begins to lift her head, her face wearing the same magnificent smile it always does and her cheeks flushed from the kiss before. My breathing hitches as our eyes connect. As always, I become lost in the brilliant blue that the one offers and then the vibrant yellow in the other. Amber is the most beautiful person I have ever met in my life and our whole life has led up to this moment. I feel her pools searching mine and I focus on the way the speckles of light glitter in between her stares. The air dips again and I feel my heart rate increasing as the people cheer again. I look back to where the people are cheering, knowing that we should go back there, but then I look back to Amber, who is still watching me curiously. I feel a coolness take over me as her smile begins to fade as the harsh realization takes over. The longer we look into the eyes of each other, the more we know the truth. I see love, adoration, desperation and sadness in her eyes, but I don’t see the one thing that I have always wished for. Her hand drops from mine and Amber’s gaze becomes watery. “Amber…” I begin to whisper, but it’s too late. Our hearts are already broken. My eyes well up too as I watch her walk away from me. No, not walk, but rather run and then in one giant swoop, she is in the form of her golden dragon and is flying away with piercing cries. I know I should be chasing after her, but I feel too shocked to move and my heart feels too shattered to even make sense of what has just happened. “Amber!” I scream into the air and her dragon lets out another cry from the distance. I can hear gasps coming from the party and the air has become thick from the change in energy. My heart bleeds at every beat and my eyes let go of all the pent-up tears within. This is something that cannot be changed. It is something that is final, so I know the truth now without any doubt. Amber and I are not fated.
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