3. She will be Mine

812 Words
I've decided I needed to put a stop to this obsession over Lily. The only way to cure this illness is to get my hands on her and make her mine. After that, I can just toss her out like a used toy. I had no room for love in my life. The next day I went to school and waited for her during lunchtime. I found out we had the same lunch period, but I never saw her because she was new and I never ate lunch inside. I was too busy smoking dope behind the school building. I saw her sit down at a table with a few other girls so I made my way to them. I recognized one of the girls from my Math class, I think her name is Sarah. Her eyes went wide when she saw me approaching. Lily wasn't looking at me so I slapped my palm on the table to get her attention and she looked up, startled by the impact. "I need to talk to you," I said in a low voice. "Um..about what?" She asked quietly. "I'm about to tell you, but first, I'm gonna need some privacy, so you two..," I pointed at the other two girls. "I am gonna need you to scram so I can talk to Lily here." "You can't just..." Lily tried to protest, but the two girls stood up abruptly and ran off. No one had the balls to stand up to me around here, I made sure of that. "You didn't have to be so rude to my friends," her voice shook, and I felt an ache in my chest again. "They are just gonna get in my way," I said and stared into her eyes with an intense gaze which made her nervous. She looked down on her hands. "What did you want to tell me?" She asked finally. I moved closer to her and leaned down. My lips were dangerously close to hers and the closeness of our bodies made me think of all the things I want to do to her. The smell of her perfume was intoxicating and I was slowly losing all of my senses. I tried to compose myself so she doesn't realize how deeply she affected me. "I just wanted to let you know that from now on, you belong to me. No one else. If anyone else tries to touch you, I'll beat them to a pulp." I said, my eyes never leaving hers. "Wha..what? Are you crazy? You can't just come over here and tell me that! I am not an object you can own." She cried out and tried to get up and leave, but I moved quickly and wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her body close to mine. "I can, and I will. You are mine now. And if you try to say otherwise or be with someone else, there will be consequences." I told her and smirked. She tried to squirm out of my grasp but I was too strong. "Let me go!" She screamed. "Or what?" I challenged. "I..I will..." she stammered, her eyes huge with worry which made her look even more adorable somehow. "WHAT IS GOING ON OVER THERE!" One of the school administrators yelled and I let go of her instantly. "He..he was trying to manhandle me!" Lily pointed in my direction and the administrator glared at me. "Mr. Phillips! What did I tell you about harassing other students?" He said. "I don't know Mr. Sims, I don't remember." I pretended to be oblivious. "This is your final warning son. For now, I am giving you detention after school. If I catch you doing anything like this again, you will be suspended." He told me in a harsh tone. "Yes sir," was all I said, I was fuming on the inside. Lily was listening to the conversation but didn't say anything. Her face showed pure hatred against me and I couldn't help feeling a little hurt by it. After the administrator walked away, the bell rang and Lily tried to walk away from me to go to her class but I grabbed her wrist to stop her. "You shouldn't have done that, baby doll. I don't appreciate people ratting me out, but since this is your first time dealing with me, I'll give you a pass," I whispered in her ears, which made her shiver. Fear reflected in her eyes and she started to walk away. "Oh, and one more thing," I called behind her. "I'll be picking you up at 8 tonight for our first date. So be ready for me and don't forget to look hot." As if it was possible for her to not look hot. She hurried off without saying anything to me and I smiled. Tonight's going to be fun.
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