
Bargain Wedding

contract marriage
love after marriage
arranged marriage
slow burn

Axel Aoki is forced to marry a gorgeous man, Jona Suzuki, in a bargain between families.

Young Axel decides to hate Jona with her life. But, as time passes, she witnesses the honesty, chastity, and virtue of her husband which puts her in a dilemma. Gradually, her heart and body desire the man whom she was determined to hate as love finally blazes.

Axel surrenders her soul and body to Jona, and when the husband finds his wife returning the love to him, he reverts with such intensity that it creeps down Axel's every sense immensely. Jona loves, adores, and worships Axel with every waking minute and every sleeping breath.

But one day, a sudden whirlpool of agony comes into their lives when Axel finds out the real reason behind the wedding and her trust shatters to bits. It crushes her entirety and she lies with her words that she now hates Jona Suzuki. But how can she deceive her own heart that is still hell-bent to love the one who broke her entirely?


"Axel, baby listen to me. Please," Jona pleaded, wanting to grab hold of her hand as desperation ran through his body and mind, clearly visible in his eyes. "You have to listen to me, baby."

"Is it true?" Axel asked, her hands trembling as she held onto a piece of paper. "IS IT TRUE, JONA?" She screamed, tears rolling down her cheeks and everything started to turn dark, threatening her that she wouldn't be able to cope for long.

"Yes," Jona mumbled slowly, looking at the floor. "But you have to trust me that I never wanted-"

"NEVER WANTED FOR ME TO FIND OUT HOW YOU USED ME?!" She threw the paper on Jona's face before turning around and running out of the house.

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The Wedding
The floral-themed chuppah was covered elegantly in lavender, white, and yellow delphinium aurora, marguerite yellow daisies, roses, and viburnum snowball flowers along with a sheer and shimmering white veil tied neatly to form a canopy around the groom on the wedding altar. The display background was beaming with a simple palette of white and lavender with hanging fairy lights. The ceremony was to be started just before dusk. The priest was ready with the groom, Jona at the altar. The best men from either side had taken their positions. The golden Chiavari chairs were docked up in very thin white fabric covers at the backrest that stretched behind to form a one-sided bow as they swayed down to the creamy white velvet rug on the floor. The remaining side of the chairs was provided with a posy of white and lavender flowers, making the entire arena look like a fairyland as everyone sat, facing the center arch. The organist started to play his magic with his fingers gliding across the keys like waves lapping over the ocean, and the murmur ceased as the bride appeared at the end of the aisle that was sprinkled with rose petals over the velvet carpet, and big scented candles stood on either side of the pathway with flames slowly dancing inside the glass encasings, as if they knew it was the occasion of togetherness and love. As everyone looked back in awe, Axel walked down the aisle with her mother in a white wedding dress. Every young girl or boy adorned the gorgeous young lady whom most of them secretly wished to get tied up with, but she was taking her little steps towards the one who was written in her destiny. Jona stood at the arch of a brown wooden floor with yellow roses covering almost every inch of it. In his black suit, he looked directly at the one walking towards him, mesmerized once again under the spell of the soft beauty and aura of his very soon-to-be wife. Finishing her walk, just as Axel stood in front of the stairs at the end of the aisle, her mother kissed her forehead and parted ways to take the front left seat. Axel looked up to find Jona, ever so ethereal and pulchritudinous, soon to be her husband, offering his hand, which she silently took as she proceeded to find a familiar face. Her cousin and her best man,Tetsuo Aoki, smiled at her proudly. The pair face to face as the music stopped. People sat in their positions as the rustling sound emerged from everyone's clothes and died soon after, rendering pin drop silence until the priest took one step ahead. Axel's breathing was getting heavy beneath the tightly stitched dress, or so she thought. In all the cacophony of noises, it was the thought of this bargain wedding, the compromise she was making. The wedding was every bit beautiful and could easily be called the dream wedding of any, but only if she married with her own wish. Only if Jona was the man of her dreams. Jona noticed the beading sweat on Axel's forehead. "Are you alright?" He asked in a polite and soft tone with his brows a little furrowed, concern scribbled over his face. Axel's innocent, doll-eyes, most intricate and beautiful dew-kissed pink lips appeared more gorgeous with her white sheen veil dangling from the floret bun pin, the strapless bridal gown fit her hourglass body and her long and thin neck adorned the bright diamond solitaire with matching stud earrings. The airbrush makeup over her round cheeks, the soft streaks of hair falling over her forehead, and a concave nose complimented her long-raven hair. Even with a round baby face, her jawline was chiseled. Two inches shorter than Jona, her delicate left hand was inked. Everything about her was graceful and enticing. He leaned his head down, trying to take in the lady's silent voice. Axel didn't say anything. Jona knew at that moment that he would always love Axel, no matter what. It was a silent promise he held to himself. They got interrupted when the priest cleared his throat to officially commence the ceremony. People started to tear up at the surreal spectacle, looking at the arch stage from all directions as it was situated at the center. There stood two people, holding unique and timeless beauties as if the match was made in heaven. "We are gathered here to unite these two beautiful people in marriage. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in its entirety, as lovers, companions, and friends. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish." The priest commenced. "Jona Suzuki and Axel Aoki, do you pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?" "I do," the two voices stated, one volume higher than the other. "Jona Suzuki, do you take Axel Aoki as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death takes you apart?" "I do. With my entire being," Jona uttered with such sincerity, looking at Axel, who was shaking a little that her eyes formed a glossy layer, and she squirmed when the priest called out her name. "Axel Aoki, do you take Jona Suzuki as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death takes you apart?" Axel gulped, her eyes blankly staring at Jona's blazer button, right below his chest. Axel's mother clutched her husband's hand in anticipation of the worst. Sighing deeply, Axel replied with teary eyes. "I do." The parents breathed again after they heard her little voice. "Can we have the rings?" Presenting the two identical gold and platinum rings sitting proudly in boxes in the shape of roses, one pink and another yellow, Tetsuo and Coco came forward. Tetsuo's smile was a little less bright than Coco's because he knew. Jona took the yellow rose box, taking out the ring as he held out his left hand for Axel to provide hers. The younger slowly offered her hand to the older and the latter slid the ring lovingly on the former's finger while his gaze remained on Axel, who was not looking at him, at all. Axel took the ring from the pink rose box and slid it into Jona's hands swiftly, and stole a quick glance at him. Her heart was fluttering, thinking how Jona was such an enigmatic and pulchritudinous persona, how gentle and respectful he was towards everyone, but she just didn't know how in the world would she ever love him? "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Axel stood still and gulped once again. Jona took one step closer and the lady wanted to take one step back, but she could not. She closed her phalanges tight, holding her fists as she shut her eyes before feeling Jona's hands cupping her face ever so softly. Two tears rolled out of her closed eyes and her lips quivered. She waited for Jona's lips to touch her any moment. Just as Jona leaned, he kissed both of Axel's tears and she opened her eyes wide in wonderment, letting out the breath heavily which she was holding. Jona did not touch her lips. Suddenly, the musical notes started playing, but this time, from fluid ones to merry ones, and the small gathering cheered for the couple. Axel kept looking at Jona's ever-so-caring eyes, which told her that he wanted her to stop crying. The way Jona wiped the remaining tears from her face with his thumbs tenderly right after the kiss was heartbreakingly soft. She momentarily forgot how to break Jona's heart, who suddenly seemed so special to him. But why? Did she not promise herself to hate this man with all her guts just before she ascended the aisle? Coco, Jona's best friend and the best man, groped Jona and welcomed Axel into a group hug, ruffling their thoughts away. ☘ It was now dusk after the cake was cut as the artificial lighting lit up the space. Everyone moved into the hall as they were either dancing, talking, or eating. Axel and Jona were seated at the assigned groom's and bride's special table as the guests kept coming and leaving after their congratulatory remarks in the form of materialistic gifts and blessings. Jona's stepmother was lurking around, trying to scrutinize all the gifts that Axel was getting. Her heart was as plastic as her face with an equally pretended smile plastered across her surgical lips. She possessed an extremely lean body with implanted breasts and asymmetric bob-cut styled red hair. Her daughter and son were twins, who were two years older than Axel and two years younger than Jona. They resembled their mother. Pre-surgery version, of course. She walked towards the table, offering her hand. "Can I borrow your beautiful lady, Jona?" Axel looked at Jona, who kept smiling, sweetly as ever. "Sure, if the lady wants, by all means, mother." Axel hesitantly stood up and followed Ms. Suzuki to the dance floor where she began to introduce her to a few guests. "You need to stop allowing that lady from touching your flower-like wife, Jona," Coco snickered as he slung his arm around his best friend who was fondly staring at his wife. "Tsk, not today. Please." "But you do know she is a witch. Right?" Jona tutted again. "Hush." He supplied before they began to laugh. Coco grabbed a chair and sat on it. "I wish you were still like how you used to be in college. You have grown to be so elegant that my eyes hurt looking at you and your dainty ass," he sneered and then turned to look at Axel. "This Axel reminds me of old you." Both Jona and Coco looked at the way Axel confidently stood with poise. "Make her happy and be happy, my friend," Coco smiled faintly, averting his eyes back to his best friend. "I will. More than anything," Jona promised. It was a moment of vulnerability between two best friends, something they both felt, the end of an era, perhaps. "That's it! I can't see that plastic lady with Axel anymore. It's cringe," Coco suddenly stood up and raised a glass in his left hand, clinking it with an etched silver spoon thrice. "Ladies and Gentlemen! This is the groom's best friend and I would like to say a few words," the music was cut out immediately. Axel stood alongside the crowd on the dance stage while Jona remained seated where he was. "From school to college to stepping into our professional lives, and now getting your dumbass married..." Everyone's attention was on this handsome man and he was facing Jona. "This was one heck of a journey and I hope it never ends," Coco continued. Jona smiled from the corner of his lips. "Never." He mumbled. "Congratulations on finding someone who can finally tame you," Coco continued as he spun to look at Axel, who got flustered when she registered the words and Jona's smile. Coco turned his frame entirely to Axel before he called out. "I am counting on you, pal. Welcome to the family of madness. Also, I will always be on your side whenever his case needs to be taken. That goes without saying," he uttered the last sentence by directing a wink at Axel. "I think it is the newlywed's hour. What do you say?" A response was received in the form of cheers and hosannas. "Can we have music for the groom and the bride, please? Let's have their first dance!" Coco shouted, signaling the band, who tweaked the music and the lights changed to romantic ones with one spotlight focusing on Axel and Jona each. Everyone cheered for the newly wedded couple again. Jona's stepmother squealed as she jumped out of the spotlight on Axel, fanning her hands over her face. Axel remained standing in her place while Coco pushed Jona to join her on the dance floor. Soft jazz started to play as Jona hesitantly took steps towards Axel. "Shall we?" He offered his hand and Axel nodded. Jona took her hand and gently pulled her close by the waist, setting her free hand on his own shoulder. Axel's breath got caught in her lungs. Everyone's eyes were on them. "Axel?" Jona called softly and kept gauging her reaction in case she chose not to respond by words, which was exactly what occurred. Axel just looked up in response. "Relax..." Jona mumbled. It was then that Axel breathed and Jona pressed his lips together in a tight line, biting back the laughter. Clearing his throat, he asked. "Do you want something?" They moved slowly onto the symphony. The raven-haired woman couldn't get herself to look into those expressive brown eyes, and the stares she had noticed before only made her not look up at all. She shook her head twice slowly. "Are you hungry? You have not eaten anything since the ceremony started," Jona asked next. Axel repeated her action, shaking her head twice. "If you need anything, will you let me know?" Axel shook her head once again before she abruptly stopped when the words sunk in. She nodded her head twice. Jona laughed softly at the adorableness, casting his eyes across the hall at the people who were all looking at them enchantingly. He tightened his grip on Axel's waist and heard the 20-year-old whimper very meekly. "Are you comfortable?" He cooed in her ear. "People are watching," Axel uttered in almost a mute voice that made Jona understand that she was uncomfortable. He slowly stopped his movements and bowed to the people, declaring the end of the performance. Axel was thankful to Jona for doing that. They moved back to sit as the clamor of applause echoed through the hall. Axel's parents and her cousin approached the two. "Did you all have dinner?" Jona asked. "Not yet," Tetsuo replied. "Let's eat then. Axel must be hungry too. She hadn't eaten anything." Jona sweetly looked at her and she did everything to avoid that gaze. ☘ The table was set for the Aoki family and Suzuki family as the butler served them. Jona kept glancing at Axel who sat beside him, looking very sleepy and tired. Registering her condition, Jona knew he had to hurry back home, so his young wife could rest. The dinner was combined with small talk. All the while, Axel hardly touched any food. Jona took a chance to personally bid goodbye to Axel's parents, assuring them that he would take good care of her. "She is a little childish. Though we have asked her to change herself now a little bit, she might take some time. Please be patient with her, son," Mrs. Aoki pleaded. "No, mom," Jona smiled gratifyingly. "You don't have to ask me anything and more importantly, she doesn't need to change anything either." He replied, glancing at the lady who was now sitting with her head arched back on the chair's headrest with her eyes closed. "I will take care of her," Jona assured his worried mother-in-law. "You can visit anytime." He assuredly held her hands and gave them a small squeeze, leaving her teary-eyed.

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