01 ~ Sacrifices

1385 Words
“Do you know that lack of sleep comes with steep consequences, like heart problems, reduced immune function, obesity, and even an earlier death?” I raise my eyes from the dress I’m sewing and grin at my sister who is standing by the door with raised eyebrows. “Did you google that just now or was that stock knowledge you’ve been keeping all these years?” I tease her. “If it’s the latter, consider me impressed.” Lila rolls her eyes. “Don’t change the subject, I was trying to make a point. You’re staying up again so late. We have a heavy day tomorrow—later this morning, at this point. You’re supposed to come to work early, little elf, not live in the shop.” “I’m almost done, I swear.” Lila sighs and sits beside me. “You said that three hours ago. It’s almost three in the morning, Maeve. You need to rest!” I shook my head. “No, what I need is to finish this, so I can deliver it on time tomorrow... Luna Marie promised me she’d give me a little extra if I delivered the gown on time before they leave for Michigan. She’s counting on me.” “Well, she better be very generous because she didn’t exactly give you that much time. No dressmaker in her right mind would accept a rushed job like that. Do you have a death wish or something? It can’t be good for your health… you don’t eat much and you barely sleep!” I wince. We’ve been through this before. “It won’t always be like this. When Jack finally becomes a full-fledged warrior, things will be different, you’ll see. I won’t have to work as hard anymore—” Lila scoffs and stands up, obviously upset. “See, that’s another thing that I don’t understand—why do you have to work your ass off so he gets to participate in that elite camp training?” She puts her hands on her waist and glares at me. “He should be the one busting his lazy bum to give you a chance to do what you like, which is fashion design—” “And he will!” I cut her mid-tirade. “We talked about this, we’re mates and we promise to help each other out. This time, I’m helping him reach his goal and as soon as he’s done, we’ll get married, mate and mark, and then he’ll be the one supporting me with my goal.” Lila shakes her head. “I still don’t get it. What does he even need money for? I heard the king and queen provide food and lodging for all trainees. I see no reason for you to keep sending him all your earnings!” I sigh. “Yes, the food and lodgings are paid for but he still needs an allowance and extra money for other stuff. It’s okay, Lila… they’re halfway through the year already. I just have to keep it together for a few more months and then he’ll be back home and then it will be my turn.” Lila sits beside me again, holding my hand. “I just hope you’re not wasting your time… and that it’s worth it, in the end.” I smile at her fondly and tap her hand. “Of course, big sis. We’re fated mates. I trust him to make me proud and I look forward to his return so we can finally start our life together.” She still doesn’t look convinced so I laugh. “Don’t worry about me. I’m happy.” She stares at me with sad eyes. “That’s what I’m worried about above all else. Because you don’t look happy… You look exhausted and malnourished… you’re too pale and I’m afraid that it will only take one strong gust of wind for you to fly away… where I can’t find you.” “I’ll be fine. Stop worrying so much.” Lila stands up. “Well, I see there’s no changing your mind, so…might as well save my breath even though believe me, I still have lots to say about this—” I chuckle. “Don’t I know it. Go to bed, Lila. I’ll be done here soon. Would’ve finished earlier if someone hadn’t interrupted me—” “Oh, now it’s my fault!?” Lila’s eyes widened, pretending to be offended. I laugh again. “Go. I’ll be off to bed soon, I promise.” My sister finally leaves and I rub my eyes. Goodness, I’m really tired. I didn’t really expect the job to take this long but I’m rather proud of how beautiful it turned out to be. It was already very pretty on paper but to see and hold the actual finished product… there’s no comparison. It’s my best work yet and I’m sure the Luna will be more than happy to give me the promised bonus. If I’m lucky, I can send Jake a little extra something too. He’d like that. He’s been telling me about the military boots he has been eyeing for a bit. Maybe I can get them for him as a graduation present or something… The next day… “These are marvelous, Maeve, dear!” Luna Marie gushes happily. “Look at this, I may actually look better than the queen herself! You really are very talented! And what an eye for the best materials! This dress is precious and of such high quality… my goodness, I’ll be the envy of the party!” I blush. “Thank you Luna, I’m glad you like it…” She writes me a check and my eyes widen when I see the amount. It’s triple the price we agreed on! “Oh, Luna! Thank you so much! Are you sure?” She smiles at me fondly. “I am sure, dear. I am very happy with these and I heard you have been doing all nighters just to finish it in time. You’re a lifesaver and I can’t thank you enough! Get yourself something nice… you deserve it.” I stare at the check in wonder as I walk home. With this amount, I can even go visit Jack at the camp and give him the military boots in person! I know his shoe size anyway. I can’t wait to tell him! Oh, wait, maybe I won’t tell him and it will be a nice surprise. My sister is not very happy that I’m traveling by myself so I convinced Jack’s younger brother Jayden to accompany me, making him promise not to tell Jack. Jayden is young, barely seventeen but like all shifters he’s big enough to look like he can defend me, just in case. To save money, Jayden offers that we take his motorbike and I’ll just pay for gas. Luckily, the training camp is only a couple of hours away, give or take. Okay, maybe three… but Jayden drives like a maniac anyway. My heart is pounding wildly in my chest when we finally reach the training camp. It’s been three months since we last saw each other, when he came home for a weekend visit, and even my wolf is pacing excitedly inside my head. The warrior at the gate gives us an odd look when I ask to see my mate, Jack Marsh. “Wait here…” he mutters. After around fifteen minutes, he returns to the gate and gives me a different address, telling me that’s where I’ll find Jack. “Oh, I don’t understand, I thought he lives in the camp together with the other trainees…” I glance at Jayden who shrugs. The warrior frowns. “No, he has taken a private residence, about five minutes walk from here.” A private residence? Wouldn’t that be more expensive? Jayden and I leave quietly and we easily find the address. It’s a pretty bungalow painted in elegant white and gray. A couple of guys are playing chess on the porch and smiles at me when I timidly ask if this is where Jack lives. “Hey, hey hey…pretty girl. Yes, this is where he lives, but he’s not here right now… he’s on a date!” What!?
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