Chapter 2

1996 Words
Amarula. " beep" I got up and went to the receiving bay . " we're you asleep ?" Donna asked . " no, I was going through an autopsy report" " Who died?" " everyone is dead in my office " " who's the case that is ?" she asked as she walked around the ambulance. " some kid overdosed on opium but his parents think someone poisoned him". "what did you find?" " opium , twice human limit, his heart stopped due to high levels of it, " " kids and drugs , damn a future lost " " Indeed " Donna opened the back of the ambulance. I held the door open as her colleague got the stretcher rolling out. " Hey Mark" " Hey Ru" He pushed the stretcher. From the form on the body bag I was glad it was not a mutilated body, why so? I cannot take another stitching. It's so tiring since you sit for hours doing so and you have to make it perfect as your job is to serve with perfection. Perfection takes time ... a lot of time, after stitching apply makeup . That best mortician title didn't land on my facility for nothing I already have a pile of awards on my cabinet. Forget what movies show you , a mutilated body usually comes like trash in a bag disgusting and hurtful yes but how else would they store it the ,parts are scattered and blood dripping, I honestly have remorse for the first responders they arrive when the scene is so fresh and the atmosphere so tense. He disappeared into one of the rooms . " so my aunt is coming in tonight, I would like you to come " " the one that does those card thingy" " yes , ". " Donna , you know I don't believe in those kinds of stuff " " yeah but you could just come and see, maybe she has some words for you " " last time she said my blood is so pure it can initiate the impossible, well look , am I flying". She giggled . " I want her to contact Michael , only she can tell me what happened to him. If he's alive or dead. " She's been searching for her long lost kindergarten boyfriend whom she only met once , she joined and he transferred to another city and school. One playground moment can change ones life . She's searched for him for years but all she gets is he's never been found . " Please " . " okay fine I will but just this once , she better not make my clients wake up " " she won't I promise" " okay then " " yes !" We walked to where the new body was taken . " so what do we have here " " that is Diablo Anthony, he's thirty two, all the info is on the file " " cause of death" That's all I want to know . " Car accident" " time of death?" " Thursday , sixth , four thirty pm . Broken ribs, arm , spinal cord, cracked head , broken legs , and skull . it's like everything was broken except his heart He was in hospital for two weeks in a state of coma" I eyed her. " am serious Ru, his heart was still intact and suddenly stopped. As much we tried to revive him nearly ten times but nothing, he was gone . I guess he choose to say good bye" " Damn that must've hurt" I said . " very , but here he is , with you . Take care of him " " as always" " I need to head back for the rest of my shift , see you at six " she said . Argh! Why did I agree to this voodoo s**t. " yes " " see you " I waved at her as they drove off. I went back to the lab to have a look at the body . On my way I felt a sudden sweet minty with a mix of spice cologne . Donna must really have good taste in perfumes or maybe it was mark . I went into the lab and opened the bag .That cologne scent was so fresh . Unzipping the bag, I took a step back . I had never had that experience before as grizzly and nasty as the bodies came I would never get grossed out, but this time it was because of how deadly gorgeous the man was . Silky jet black short hair , sharp jawline with a neatly cut beard allowing subtle to sprout. His eyebrows were more arched than mine . Kissable blue lips as a result of his death. He was the best definition of beauty . Marks of what reminded of his sad demise present. He had so many purple marks . A bruise occurs when blood vessels beneath the skin are crushed and break open. Since the blood is trapped under the skin, the leakage appears as dark red or purple marks. His abs forming clear cubes of six , nicely spaced and firm as his pelvic bones pointed to the price that I did not want to look at though one way or the other I will have to . " you are so handsome my love , am really sorry you went through all that , but I assure you .You will have the best good bye" I said. The cologne was really strong . It can't be this body cause it's been in hospital for two weeks . After an accident a common smell is of blood and bandages . Bodies come here with a scent other than cologne unless it was an instant death. I took pictures of the body , from the face , the chest, hands , feet . As I zipped up , I felt a sharp sting on my hand , I took my hand off . " Ouch!" Blood oozed out , two drops landed on the body's chest. I made my way to the tap to clean up and disinfect my finger .That zip was not ready for me . I took a wipe to clean off the drops that had landed on the body. I turned to the body , no drops as I was holding the disinfected wipes . How so? Strange ... Anyways maybe I wiped it upon the anguish from the zip. Maybe it didn't drop in the body or I must've wiped it in a hurry. I should have worn gloves ...silly me. I carefully zipped the rest of the remaining half and drove the stretcher , sliding the body into the Denier. " welcome to your new home my love , " By tomorrow the family will have decided how they want his funeral if I will need to embalm him or not. If they will consider cremation or burial, flowers to order if need be. There is something about today's client I can't put my finger into it. I had a look at his file. His name was Diablo Anthony. Donna was right about that . I am yet to receive a report from the police department as to how he died , I want to be sure before I start the embalming process I wouldn't want to be asked to cut him open to analyze if he was dead before or drugged or some foul play . It usually irritates me cause embalming is like the last step then some cop shows up asking you test the body .It's already cleaned up. Its like someone bringing more dishes after you are done washing dishes. In the mean time I can have a look at his injuries which he may have succumbed to . It's like all the bones in his body were broken his hands were so limp as I had held him while taking pictures .Poor guy must've had an unexpected pain coming. His eyes were blue but now he's dead they are already cloudy due to no blood circulation. I threw his file on the table , I didn't want to get too emotional. I get people come in and go out and well sometimes it gets to me . Especially children. Speaking of children, I was supposed to call the Potter family. Their daughter passed away in a hit and run ,they already buried her .She was six , embalming a little girl was the worst part of my job. At some point Sam had to take over because I was overwhelmed with emotions, that little girl didn't deserve to die Mrs Potter picked after three rings. " Good afternoon Mrs Potter , I am sorry if this is a bad time " "no dear, please go ahead " " I have sent the certificate to your mail , I apologize for the delay " " it's okay dear, thank you I really appreciate" She will receive her daughter's death certificate . Sam had already left for his flight. I was basically on my own but I could manage, the bodies left are unclaimed, the governor is playing with my time . I tried to call him . " Amarula"he said " You owe me "I replied " Am really sorry , my flight was cancelled" " I have bodies piled up , what will I tell the health inspectors ?" " that shouldn't bother you , I will handle them " " What about the hospital, they have to bring in more bodies .My clock is ticking " " don't worry ,I will be back by tomorrow" " If you don't show up early I will bring this bodies to your office " " of course you wouldn't do that, I got you a present" " don't switch the topic" " I will sign don't worry". " If only you signed the permit ,I would not be here " " You would have come " " I have work to do " " my daughter won't join me for vacation" " don't start with that, that's your vacation with that woman .Have fun and just get your self back by tomorrow have work to do" " am sorry ,I promise you, I will be back tomorrow" " If you don't I will drag you back " " it's a promise Sweetie" I ended the call ,I was getting impatient with this man. One more freaking day , I really hope he will make calls so I don't receive more bodies. In this conservative community with strict laws I can't perform cremation unless I have receive the authorization from the respective families to conduct it . If it were up to me I still wouldn't have done it, burning remains like they are some trash leaves is not my thing, they were once people that needed love and respect. ************* I locked up the doors, the guard was on standby , I waved at him as I walked to my car . I can't wait to freshen up and head to Donna's house so I could get this over and done with. I had a warm singing in the shower session as I rubbed my body . I felt hands wrap around my waist. I opened my eyes , no one was there just I in the shower . I cleared the soap off fearing I was running late to meet Donna . I picked out a pair of jeans an orange hoodie with pink sneakers . Match my ass... Talk of the devil opening my door she stood smiling about to knock. She wasn't wearing her scrubs , she was in a blue dress with doll shoes . We got into my car and drove off to her house .
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