Chapter 2

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We had another appointment with the OBGYN the other day, with all positive news. So, to continue the excitement, James and I have decided that we would have a family dinner to tell everyone about the pregnancy, but before the guests arrive, I feel it’s important that we sit Mackenzie and Elias down to tell them the news first. I’m not sure how either of them will take it since it happened a lot later than James and I originally planned for it, but here we are. “Ready?” James asked as he refilled his glass of water.          “Yes and no.” I sigh. “Yes, I am excited to tell them about the pregnancy. At the same time, though, I’m worried about their reactions. What if they feel like we’re replacing them somehow?”          “I doubt those two will think that at all,” James assures me, pulling me in for a hug. “But if they do, then we will assure them it’s not the case at all.”          “Thank you.” I sigh, leaning against his chest. After just being in the moment with my husband, I pulled away and walked into the parlor where our children were playing. “Hey, you two. Daddy and I have something we would like to talk to you about.” I say as we find a seat on the sofa together.          “Is it bad news?” Kenzie asked.           “No, when have we ever had to tell you bad news?” James questioned.          “This is big news, but good news,” I assure her. I pull the ultrasound pictures out of my pocket and show them to the kids. “Well, we’re having another baby. We’re not sure if we’re having a boy or a girl yet, but we know we’re having a baby.”          “I’m going to be a big brother?!” Eli asked excitedly.          “That’s right.” James smiled.          “Cool, can I pick the baby’s name?” Eli pressed.          “I think we could have a family discussion about it later on,” James assured him. “What are you thinking about it, Kenz?”               “It’s good, I guess.” She shrugs.          “Honey, you seem upset about something,” I reply.          “Claire was telling me about how her parents told her about some news the other day, and I thought you were telling us the same news,” Kenzie explained. “Claire’s mom and dad are getting divorced, though I’m not sure exactly what it means. They told her they would live in different houses, and she would take turns sleeping at both. Then in the library, we found a book about divorce where the girl’s mom got married to someone else, and so did her dad.”          “Well, divorce does sometimes happen when moms and dads just fight more than be happy. Sometimes it happens when moms and dads feel like something is wrong, but even though divorce sometimes happens with families, it doesn’t mean moms and dads love their children less or differently.” I explain. “I wouldn’t worry too much about all that, dear, because your dad and I are solid and strong. We’ve always planned to have a third baby since our wedding, but we wanted to wait until Eli was four before we made the decision. It just took a little longer than planned for it to happen, but the baby is growing and looking healthy and strong in my stomach.”          “I’m happy about that. Maybe I can finally get the little sister I was hoping for.” Kenzie states.           “Nuh-uh. We’re going to have a little brother!” Eli protests.          “Well, we won’t know until sometime after Christmas, so we don’t need to argue about it right now. Only time will tell if the baby is going to be a boy or a girl.” James interrupted. We try to keep the arguing to a minimum over such frivolous things. “But for now, we’re going to need your help telling Nana and Pop-pop as well as Grammy and Papa.”          “Like a surprise?” Eli asked excitedly.          “That’s the plan. We put a picture of the baby in a frame for Nana and Pop-pop, then one in another frame from Grammy and Papa. Daddy and I were thinking that you both could hand one to them. Once they open it, we’ll tell everyone else as a family. Maybe you could wear these.” I reply, pulling out a bag from behind the couch containing t-shirts for them. “Maybe put it under your sweaters outside, then together you can show everyone. Or we could play a game of who reads your shirt first.”          “They won’t know what mine says because I am the big sister.” Kenzie pointed out as she held up her shirt to read it. “Oh, it says again. So, we should also get shirts that say oldest, middle, and youngest for big announcements to everyone else.”          “Who else do you think we need to tell? Nana, Pop-pop, Grammy, Papa, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Joe, Aunt Sarah and Uncle Simon, as well as uncle Miles, will be here today.” James pointed out.          “Well, there’s all the ladies in the hair salon, then Paul’s tavern, and all of daddy’s navy friends.” Kenzie ticked off as a group. Paul ended up going into business with Chris officially two years ago, and Chris was able to retire just the other month, which was wonderful. On Fridays, we stop in as a family for dinner to visit, which is always nice since I get to see Bernie and my other regulars from when I waitressed there. Hard to believe that was such a big part of my past.          “I didn’t even think about all that.” I smile at her. “Maybe we can do those announcements once we find out if we’re having a boy or a girl,” I suggest trying to buy some time. Keeping Eli’s pregnancy quiet was way less stressful for me than Kenzie’s pregnancy since I had to think about my changed future and deal with the gossiping whispers around town. Using the college fund that my father saved for me since I was a baby to put a down payment on my first home felt like the logical thing for me to do. I mean, it wasn’t like having a baby, and going to college was in the cards for me, so instead, I chose to invest in a home for my little girl until Eli came into the picture.          “I like that idea myself.” James offered. He’s had my back since the first night I met him in the tavern and every day going forward.           “Okay,” Kenzie replied, getting off the sofa. “We should go get these shirts on before everyone arrives.”           “Good idea,” Eli replied, following her out of the room to change.          “That whole conversation made my head hurt.” James chuckled. “We announced a baby, then she began to ask about divorce, then back to the baby.”          “She had questions that needed to be answered, and you know how receptive she is to others. Always worrying about things, she doesn’t understand.” I respond.          “She’s like her mother more and more,” James noted, leaning in for a kiss. “Good thing I have years of practice handling you.”          “Oh really?” I note with a smug look. “Are you trying to tell me that I’m hard to handle?”          “Babe, we bother to know you are.”          I just roll my eyes in response as we get up off the sofa ourselves. “How does it look?” Kenzie asked as she came down the hall.          “It looks great.” I smile with a nod. We head down to the backyard, where the kids can play their games while James and I set everything up before our guests arrive. I am overly excited about this announcement. *************************************          We didn’t have to wait too long for our guests to arrive since our families tend to be early more than on time. My mom and dad were the first to arrive, followed by James’ parents. Nancy arrived with her husband and three kids, followed by Miles, then Sarah with Simon and Tyler in tow. Everyone was here thinking we’re just doing an end-of-summer cookout, but what they don’t know is we have a surprise for them. Both Kenzie and Eli are sporting their t-shirts without a sweater on now that everyone has arrived.           Of course, Sarah noticed and smiled at me. “Are we taking bets on who notices first?” She hissed in my ear.          “Something like that. Kenzie swears it’s going to be my mom, but Eli thinks Nancy or Miles will notice first.” I whisper back.          “Nah, I’m putting my money on Ruth. She’s already looked at Kenzie’s shirt twice.” Sarah pointed out.          “Makes you feel any better James says Troy will notice first, and my bet is on my dad. One of those two will notice Eli first.” I shrugged. “We’ll see.”          We waited another ten minutes, but no one has said anything about the shirts. “Momma, can we please do the gifts now?” Eli pleaded.          “Sure. Go put your sweaters on since it’s starting to cool off out here.” I replied. Eli grabbed Kenzie’s hand, and they ran inside together.          “Where are they going?” My mom asked from across the lawn.          “It’s cooling off; I want their sweaters on their arms,” I respond.          “Mia, it’s not that cold out here, and compared to the heatwave we just had last night, this is comfortable.” My mother protested.           “I know, but it’s my job as their mom to ensure they have dressed appropriately for the weather,” I argued back. I know it’s warm out here, but I really hate when she so adamantly tries to tell me how to raise my children. I know she’s only trying to help, but sometimes it feels like she forgets she’s their grandmother, not their mom.          The kids came back out with a light zip-up sweater over their shirts with the presents in hand. They know they can take the sweaters off once the gifts are open, so I’m not worried about it still being warm out. “Here, Nana, this is for you and Pop-pop, but don’t open it yet,” Eli announced as he handed Ruth her gift. Troy made his way over to sit with his wife as Eli instructed him.          “Papa, this is for you and Grammy,” Kenzie stated as she handed my dad his gift. To this day, he still is her favorite person. I love how Kenzie is attached to my dad, and Eli favors Troy, so none feel left out. Of course, they love all their grandparents, but they gravitate to one person more than the rest, like most kids their age.          My dad joined my mom at a table and placed the gift between them. “What’s going on?” My mother pressed.          “Well, your grandchildren want you to open a gift, but to ensure no one is left out, they planned to have the four of you open it together,” James explained. “So, kids, you’re in charge.”          “Open on three,” Kenzie instructed. “One.”          “Two.” Eli counted.          “Three.” They shouted together.           Both couples opened the gift as Ruth let out a gasp. “Is this for real?” Troy asked, looking up at us. James and I nod together as the kids unzip their sweaters and pull them back off.          “Baby number three!” My mom shrieked. “I was waiting for this.”          “We all were,” Ruth admitted with a laugh.           The crowd erupted in congratulations and high fives for the kids. I know Kenzie and Eli will be great older siblings, and this baby is already so loved by everyone. Finally, one pregnancy that was planned and loved by more than just three people outside of me. I know, the minute James’ family met Kenzie and Eli, they fell in love, but they were both already born before that took place. Everything feels so perfect, and I really hope it continues this way.
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