Chapter -2

1057 Words
Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living. ~Unknown Aiyana P.O.V "Lets not beat around the bush". I said ignoring him. "So tell me did you completed your work for which i have hired you." I told him while sitting in my chair... "Miss Da...Daniel....I tri...." He started stuttering.. "Yes or No".... I cut him while glaring . "Miss Daniel I tried my best bu..but they are refu...refusing to move." He told me while wiping the sweat from his head. "Then why the f**k you have law degree. If you cannot crack a single deal." I shouted while slamming my hand on my desk loudly. He flinch from his chair. He look so scared as if I was going to eat him alive. "GivemesometimeIwon'tdespointyou." He told me hurriedly... It angered me more. One thing I f*****g gave him one thing to do. But like everyone he choose to see my worst side. "SPEAK PROPERLY." I gritted my teeth clenching my jaw. "Give me sometime I won't dissapoint you." He said calmly but I can see the fear in his eyes. "24 hours....I am giving you 24 hours. If I did not see my name in that land then say goodbye to your job." I told him while standing up from my seat. "And one more thing If you failed to do your job then, I would like to see which company will hire you...MARK MY WORDS." With that I walked out of the room slaming the door shut. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was so engrossed in my work that I didn't even notice the time. The sun has gone back to his home. Home the word left bitter taste in my mouth. Once upon a time I used to have home. For me it was a heaven. A heaven which turned into hell. "Ana...Ana...Aiyana Daniel wake up." My mother shouted top of her lungs. I woke up with beating heart. "Mama...." I whimped like a baby. "Don't mama me. Go freshen up. Your father want to talk to you." She said while folding my blankets. "What....Why...." I asked her feelimg scared. My father is the most scariest man I ever seen. With only his glare he can burry me fifty feet deep. You can make me do anything with his name... " Mama I swear I didn't told bruno to go and bite Ms.White. That old hag is crazy. She always try to accuse me." I told her while stiffing my laugh. I tried to stop my smile remembering how I tie bruno's bone to her skirt. Oh my God what a view it was. She was screaming at the top her lungs while running towards her house and bruno was barking after her like a mad dog. He was also possesive for his food like me. I remember how furious she got when she heard me laughing. She was coming towards me with her stick and I was running for my life. That old hag can surely pass for the next Usain Bolt. "What.....Aiyana don't tell me you pranked Ms.white again." My mother gasped with wide eyes. "Wh...what....No Mama." I tried to say while stoping my laugh. "Oh God....I don't know what I will do with you." My mother told me while messaging his forhead. "Just Find Me My Prince." I told her running out of my room.. "Already did" she murmured slowly. But it was too late.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I tried to adjust myself as much as possible. My father hate tiredness. Checking myself for the last time. I took a right from hallroom which goes direct toward my father home office. It is a forbidden place to everyone until an unless you are called to come here. I knocked at his office door. "Come in" A faint voice of my father came through the closed door. I opened the door slowly. Taking deep breathe I walked towards him. "Dad you called me." I asked him lowering my gaze. "Have a seat first." He offered me his voice was soft and calm. I was staring at him...Did my father got changed in super market or what.... Never in my 20 year of my life he spoked to me like this.. I took my seat opppsite of him. With finger crossed in my laps. Shoulder wide. He always taught me to sit properly like a lady. "ahem...". He cleared his throat. "You are 20 now. You have completed your study. And as a father I think it's time for you to go back your home." He told me staring at my eyes like he was daring me to say something stupid. "Wh....What..." I asked him frowning at his words. "Be ready at evening. Your in-laws are coming to see you." He informed me. "Okay.....wait WHAT..." I asked jumping from my seat. " are jo...joking right..." I stutter swalloing the lump in my throat. His one hard stare confirm my suspicious. He was not kidding me. He was dead serious.. "Bu..but dad I am not ready. I don't even know him. I....I don't want to marry him." I pleaded him with eyes full of tears. I was bewildered. How can he say something like this out of blue. I know I always joke around to find me a prince but first i want to fall in love. I want my heart to start beating  with the mere name of my husband. I want to feel the butterfly in my stomach which my friend always talk about. I want to go on date , I want to go on a long romantic walk , with no destiny in mind just the two of us, with the sky full of his beautiful diamond who would lead us to a unknown destination. No no I can't do this.What about my dream. But can you say No to your father. My conscience mocked me. I was scared no scratch that I was terrified how can my father suddenly drop this bomb on me. He have to understand , he is my father, I am his only child , I know he will. "AIYANA....." my father snapped at me. "N....No....I am sorry dad but No.." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Lovely people Don't Forget to Vote and Comment.
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