Chapter 2

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Katlin... Monday... "Favorite meal?" He asked as we sat down for lunch at Capital Grille. "Umm, pasta! Yours?" "Pasta as well." Tuesday... "What kind of music you listen too?" "Everything really, but my favorite would be self taught musicians who play on the streets of New York." I said as we walked around Central Park. Wednesday... "You should get in, it's getting late." I waited for him to lean over for a kiss but nothing. Thursday... "What's your wildest desire?" I stared at him as he took a sip of his wine. "Ménage à trois, all females." His mouth parted before gulping down his drink. "Wow!" Friday... "I'm sorry I couldn't make it to our dinner plans. There was a slight situation I had to deal with. Promise I'll make it up tomorrow." His states apologetically. I felt an unease feeling. "Are you playing with me Aiden? I really want to know." "Why would you think that?" Standing out on my balcony I gazed up at the moon. "Andrew has tried putting obstacles in my life just so I could f**k up, was wondering if fate brought you or is this all another evil plan has planned for me?" The line went silent for a mere second. "I have plans that involve you and I, no Andrew whatsoever. Rest assured I won't hurt you." "We haven't even kissed yet, is there a problem, another woman in your life-" "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7, I booked the entire restaurant for you and I only. I'll see you then, bye." The line cuts off, causing me to gather my thoughts. Could he be...ugh. Saturday... So sweet and kind, funny and sexy but not once did we f**k this past week nor kissed. Did people wait to f**k or was he not interested in me? Today he seemed more relaxed then the past week. He was asking more questions about Andrew this time around. So I replied calmly. "Wait, so Andrew, the Andrew Bishop, the one who owns multiple of skin care and fragrance companies in New York is your ex?" Aiden questions as he pours more wine into my glass. Dinner was severed, lights were dimmed, soft music playing in the background. Slumping back into the booth, I nod. "Geez, what happened?" He muttered as he leans in next to me. The topic of Andrew gets to me every time. "The night was going so well, why do we have to talk about him?" I whispered hurtfully. "We don't, just thought it would be better if you shared what's bottled up inside you. I feel you're hurt deeply and I just want to know what damage I will deal with if we continue this." I was tried and on the verge of crying. "You booked the entire restaurant for us and had me thinking I would get laid after a poisonous year. Just for you to be a therapist in my weakest moment?" I chuckled as I held up my glass of wine. Turning to look at him, a dull smile appears on his lips. "Sorry," was all I got. He pulls himself away and just stares at me. So I did what he wanted me to do, I poured my heart out. "I never got to choose who I wanted to be with or what I want to do with my life. Wanting to be the perfect daughter, I gave into my mothers desires. Who I dated was her choice, what I did with my life was her choice. As if she was Re-enacting her youth through me once more. The only person who ever let me be me was my late father. Mother was a gold digger as father said, but still he loved her. Maybe it was for the sake of me, but never did he treat her with disrespect. 'All I do is for you Katy', father would say. When he died I felt lost, I cried myself every night to sleep. Months went by and mother went into deep depression, watching her drown in her sorrow at the peak of my youth made me feel guilty. I felt responsible, So I wanted to make her happy.'' I started to tear up. "Life can be very hard even if your rich, imagine watching your mother gamble and drinking her way to death. I didn't want to lose another parent. I made a promise to myself I would do whatever it took to make her happy, even if it meant I was unhappy." Taking another sip of my wine, I continued to speak. "Take ballet, I did. Learn the piano, I did. Dress appropriate, I did. 'Do this, don't do that', yes mother. Never did I once utter the word 'no'. So when she pushed me towards Andrew, which happened to be the first guy I've even been with. I didn't even think twice about my needs. Just hers. Andrew was soft and sweet in the beginning, showered me with gifts and took me on vacation I've always dreamt of. I was eighteen, falling for him madly. Once He asked if I knew how much power I held in my hands and I said no. I knew I had an inheritance from father but I didn't think it would be in the millions. Mother was deep in her own world, I didn't know how bad it was until she told me. 'Oh Katlin I'm in debt to Andrews father. Sign these contract so our companies could merge together then we'll pay them off.' I did without hesitation. Stupid and naive I was. Now I'm stuck so deep that I can barely breath." As of now my tears seemed to pour down my cheeks nonstop. "Those companies he had opened recently was because of me. Calling, emailing other companies to endorse my brand I worked my ass off just so I can keep my fathers name where it should be. Andrew and his father were going bankrupt, they somehow managed to make mother think she owed so much to them when in reality my fathers shares were what they needed to pull themselves out. I was stupid to trust him but over my dead body will I let them win." Chuckling, I poured the remaining wine into my soul before slamming the glass against the table. "I had just came back from Korea to surprise him with the deal I had sealed. A new skin line and fragrance collection was going to drop this summer. Instead of heading home to relax I couldn't wait to tell him. I walked into his office, he was f*****g not one, but two ladies as the same time. One happened to be the only friend I thought I had. So yea, you wanted me to un-bottle so there you have it." His eyes held pity as he took in every word I said. "Oh, and this all happened on Christmas Eve. So what a wonderful present to open huh." I exhale deeply before laughing. "I'm just trying to forget so that's why I swiped right on you. I've had enough pity and tears so don't feel sorry for me. Everyone can go f**k themselves for all I care." "Even your mother?" He questioned curiously. "I haven't seen my mother nor Andrew in the past year. I don't want to be around anyone. I just wanna focus on myself getting f****d with a real d**k that's all." "I can f**k you all night long if you want." He stated in a deep tone. "Can you?" "Yea, I really want too." "I really wanted you too." I whispered. "But not anymore." "Why?" "It would be pity s*x and that's something I don't want. So can you please just take me home?" I question. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "For what? Why are you always sorry?" He didn't say anything. Shaking his head he just shrugged his shoulders. "Are you another man who works for Andrew?" I asked know very well he was. Something in my gut was telling me this isn't real. He can't just appear out of nowhere. His eyes widen. I giggled before erupting into a laughter. "My god that asshole will do anything huh?" "No..I..-" "How much is he paying you?" He froze completely. I watched him grip the wine glass tightly. "You're not the first man he sent you know. God, you.. " I couldn't form any words to says. "I was going to tell you." "Oh really? When? After you-" "If I wanted to f**k you over I would have f****d you senseless by now. You would have been sent to heaven and back with just a touch. Yes, I know who Andrew is, yes he offered me money to sweep you off your feet. Yes I was willing to take the money, f**k you raw and hard then leave you broken but I didn't. The reason why I couldn't make it to dinner last night is because I went and told him that the deal is off, that I want no say in his game." Shocked would be an understatement. My mind was going haywire. My worst fear was coming true, Andrew was never going to leave my in peace until he got what he wanted. "Why didn't you go through with it? Not enough money?" "No, he offered- he placed the balance in my account already. 1 million, why I didn't go through with the plan was Because I really want you, badly, for myself." I felt like I wanted to vomit, I couldn't breathe. "I want to go hom-" "Katy-" "DON'T YOU DARE." My voice rises for the first time in my life. I gather myself together before pulling out the booth. The sound of heels clicking against the title floor along with footsteps following echoed through my ears. "Katlin, stop, fuck." He voice muffled through the dark street. I didn't know where I was going, my mind was going in and out of focus. An arm warps around my waist and that's when I lost it. "You sick son of a b***h," my hands had a mind of there own as I hit him anywhere I could see. Eyes blurry with tears, I slapped him as hard as I could. He didn't react. Just stood still. "I'll take you home." "No, I don't want anything to do with you." People staring while others minded their own business. He leans in closer to me only for me to back away. "It's late and dark, let me take you home." "I don't even want to look at you, or ever see you again." His shoulders slump in defeat as his eyes storm a look of pain. "you'll never see me again, promise." He reaches out to grab my arm but I just ignored him, walking towards his car. ..... The ride back to my apartment was utter silence. Traffic made it even more difficult for me. My mind was replaying all the pain I had endured. I want to cry but felt numb. The car stops completely, right in front of my apartment complex. I had no physical strength to carry myself any longer. "I'm sorry." I opened the passenger door before getting out. "Sorry doesn't fix anything, but thank you for not stabbing the knife so deeply. At least you warned me." Were my last words before slamming the door shut. Walking away I could feel his gaze. Not daring to look back I entered the complex. *** Aiden... "So how long will you be like this?" Eric implies as I aim at the target. "Like what?" Pulling the trigger back. "Damn, you didn't even have a taste of her p***y and she got you hooked." The bullet went through the sheet easily, right in the middle before I decided to point the gun at him. "Woah, easy there. I'm just worried about you. It's been 3 month and still your hung up on her. It's not like you man. You don't feel s**t, what different about her?" He questioned, pushing the gun away from his face. "She didn't even remember me, she's seen me before but didn't remember. I was waiting for her to say, 'haven't we meet before', but nothing. One week of over f*****g thinking, you don't even know how f*****g hard it was for me to stop myself from f*****g her. It wasn't a feeling that developed overnight, I've wanted her since Andrew introduced me to her." "Okay, now what? You're going to let her go?" Pushing him aside, I punch in the code before It opens. Men carrying weapons stood still along the dark hallway. "Aiden, if you want her just go and make things right." Eric states as he follows me up the staircase. Ignoring him, I enter back into the club where the smell of cheap cologne, smoke and booze filled the air. Music blasting at the highest max, I came to a halt as I caught a glimpse of someone familiar. "What the f**k?" "Aiden, just relax, I'll handle it." Eric try's to walk ahead of me but I stopped him. "I'll deal with it. You go see if the girls need help." He nods before walking away. I had over to my special guest. They can see me approaching. "Aiden, how's things going for you?" Andrew hums out as two of his men stood behind him while Natie gave him a lap dance. "I come for her you know, I do say, you sure have the finest women New York has to offer." Sitting before him, I chuckled. "Your pleasure is our satisfaction." He caressed Natie behind which caused me to look at her. Her eyes reassure me that she's fine and continues. "Why are you here Andrew?" Knowing very well things didn't end nicely the last time we meet. "Oh, just came to have a good time. I'm Celebrating." He smirks while making eye contact. "Celebrating what?" His eyes locks into mine before saying. "Katlin will sign the contract I sent you to get tomorrow. Didn't she tell you?" A wicked smile appears on his lips. Fisting both hands tightly, I held my anger in. "You came to hear a congratulations from me?" He stops Natie before leaning over. "You actually thought that Katlin would come to you with open arms? You lost a million dollar over guilt. I mean, I don't blame you. She is absolutely breathtaking, but you actually thought that you and her would be a couple? You're a f*****g hitman. What will everyone think of you now?" Leaning over as well, I made sure he will hear every word I spoke. "If she signs anything tomorrow, I'll f*****g kill you. You won't hurt her, not as long as I'm breathing. You can mark my word." "Are you threatening me?" He asked, titling his head to the side. "I sure f*****g am."
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