Chapter 3

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CHAPTER 3 "Then...I was left dumbfounded without even realizing what's his deal!" "Are you expecting something to happen?" I furiously looked at her. "No! It is just...I don't know how to react." I release my frustration by rolling my eyes. "You don't know what to react? Aphy, you already did. You said you were dumbfounded, right? Is it not a reaction?" I wince whenever she put her gaze back to the book she's reading. She responds to anything I say but she's not interested at all. Her attitude as a shy type of girl is fake. "Can I slap that book to your face?" I raised my right eyebrow at her. She sighed and rolled her eye. "Okay, what do you want me to do? What am I supposed to say?" "Just answer me honestly and pay more attention! That's it!" I look at her with my eyebrows met. "I do both," she said while smiling sarcastically at me. "Yes, but not the same as your reaction when I'm telling you about other guys who said they liked me. I mean, you were giving me pieces of advice on how should I handle them, what should I do, what way I can reject him without hurting his feelings, or anything related to it," my voice is kinda serious while speaking. I need her words of wisdom right now. She sighed again before she answers me. "That is a different topic, Aphy. Those guys you've mentioned are guys who you don't like. It's easy to advise on that. But for something like this, hearing you giving attention to a random guy? It's not normal! I honestly don't know how to react to it! Until now, my system can't process it well." I put my gaze down when I realized her point. "But, you're my best friend. You're the only one I can talk to about it. I...just...okay, just forget about it." I noticed that she stand up and sit beside me. "Yes, I am your best friend. And I'm really happy to hear that from you. Okay, sorry for not paying more attention, I just can't believe that you're telling me a story that I never imagined will happen." I remain my gaze at the floor. "I just can't help it, Zy. He was...something—or someone...that capture my gazed on a split moment." "So...what do you want to do now?" I lift my face and look at her seriously. "I'm thinking about how am I going to see him again. I mean, he's our classmate and I know I can see him at school but...I want to see him another way." "Wait, what? Do you want to see him again another way? Do my ears hear it right!?" Zyrell leans her body towards me to make her face near as if she's not convinced of what she heard. After just a few moments, she suddenly changes the mood again. I already believe that she's starting to be a caring best friend, but now she changed her way of speaking again as if I'm just joking around. I am on the idea that's impossible for me to give attention to boys...but, can she be more serious right now because I already changing my behavior? I push her away from me. "Hey! Can't you be more amusing for what happened rather not to be unsure? Look, usually, when I got into trouble and a guy saves me...he wants to be near with me or ask for a kiss in exchange for saving my life. But our classmate, Gai, he didn't even let me thank him!" Zy looks confused. "And your point is?" "He's the man I'm looking for! A man who just didn't look at my appearance!" my voice sounds proud. "Oh my God." I see how she cover her mouth and stare at me like I'm being somebody to her right now. "Zy, he's cool, he's brave, he's hot, and most importantly...he's handsome!" "And a pretty rude guy who's just left you dumbfounded at the middle of the street without explaining himself," she added as if she ignore what I said. The longer the conversation takes, the more it becomes stressful to explain what I feel. "Can you be less problematic about that? Come on, besty! I'm having a crush right now, you should be happy!" I said while making my eyes wide looking at her. "Crush on a problem child. What a news." She still doesn't convince. I paused when I remembered that. She's right about Gai being a problem child, he always brings trouble at school and always got a hook on fights. When we're still the first-year college, as I remembered, the mother of our classmate do confront Gai and slap him in front of the whole class. She was so mad at that time because according to her, it is Gai's fault that her son got hospitalized. She also explains that her son and our classmate fought, but she never mention the clear reason why. Even our professors didn't have the chance to know the real story behind that incident. After that scenario, no one tries to be near Gai again. They all think that he will just bring chaos when they approach or befriend him. At that time, I don't care about it because it didn't concern me. But now that I like him, I want to remember all the details about him even though I only know some of it. "You're so mean." That's how I answered her because I can't talk back anymore if that's what she will tell me. I just rolled my eyes so she can't notice my avoidance of the topic. "Oh, am I? What about Gai?" I furiously stand up and looked at her again. "Zy, he just—" "Okay, enough. I already know what you've going to say. I fully understand and I don't want to hear it." She also raised her both hands as a gesture to stop me. Then, I calm myself while watching Zyrell get the book again she's currently reading. I know that if she acts like that even I'm still here, she not interested in the topic. How I wish she goes back to her old shy type girl when she's with me like how she is when other people are around. I sit on the couch and eat the snacks that her maid brings. I chatted with Dad so he can pick me up now. While waiting, I do browse and scroll at my Friendbook account—my school account specifically. I just want to stalk Gai a little, it's a good thing that we're already friends here. Then I found myself saving his uploaded pictures. I can't help it! I like him more now as I stare at his old photo. He's very handsome in any angle, he's more like a model to my eyes, and never see him as a problem child like what Zyrell said. Honestly, I don't know how but after he yelled at me and say that my beauty is useless, I felt flattered—weird to hear but yeah, it's true. I'm happy to know that not every man appreciates my face. It is like that my boring life got a new shade of color except from the seven got mention in the rainbow. At my age, many boys always praising me. The people of the town always see me as a perfect girl. And that idea upset me as if they just appreciate my existence because they see me as gorgeous. I overthink every time that...what if my face's beauty disappears, do their affection towards me will disappear too? I got tired of hearing praises, I just want somebody to see me not because of those looks...I want to be appreciated in another way—though, what Gai did is not the way I expect. But it's okay, I'm still happy to the thought that not all boys praise me as gorgeous. After I saved all his photos, I go to his friend lucky am I that he didn't private it. I never stalk anyone here on social media so I don't know how to gain information here, but I can distinguish who's the people that become closer to him by the help of tag posts, mentions, and I also remember that I rarely see them at school. The first person I stalked is his older brother, Nheo Ramos. I noticed that were friends too, I got confused a bit when I didn't remember that I add or accept him because I only add or accept someone that I know personally, but it's okay...he is Gai's older brother and soon to be my brother-in-law—okay, not that far, Aphrodite...calm down. Next is a guy who always mentions him in some random shared post, Oxford Abad. He looks very close to Gai because he always shared memes that seem he's about Gai because of his mention, maybe they are best friends. I got to entertain and laugh a bit whenever I read or watch that I can relate to or imagined that Gai is connected to that post. And for the last one, she's a girl named Yuna Avila. This time, I spend more time scrolling at her timeline because I want to clarify for myself that they are not something that I, I can't accept that! This is the first time that I like a man so please—oh, they're cousins! I saw an old photo of them together as this girl Yuna posted five years ago. It is about she's greeting Gai for his 14th birthday and she addresses him as 'my favorite cousin' so I'm pretty sure that they are relatives. I scroll and stalk them more, I learned that there are only three people who are close to him—thanks for his problem child attitude because he doesn't have a girlfriend. "What are you doing?" Zy asked. I didn't turn my gaze to her and I just continue browsing. "Not that important. Continue your reading." But of course, she did not obey me. Instead, she sits again beside me. "Wow, it's rare to see you browsing on social media." I glared at her. "It's rare for you because you see me often scrolling, but I used to check my news feed when I'm at the house." "Really? Or you just stalking someone?" I see how her right eyebrows raised on me. I sighed. "So what?! Is there any rule saying that stalking someone is prohibited?" She smiled. "None, but I enjoy seeing you blush because of it." "You know, what? I hate you." Her eyes narrowed. "Really? Even if I say that...I'll help you to get close to him?" My eyes widened as I holds her shoulders."You will?! Really?" "Yes! My system process is now completed. You—being in love—are now registered at it." "Okay! So, what should we do now?" I always rely on Zyrell when it comes to love advice because she's a romance novel reader. She influences me but not that much because I am much entertained by reading manga, so I'm not that good when it comes to that topic. But my best friend is a pro and it is 100% legit, proven, and tested. She raised her index finger. "First, befriend his friends." My eyebrows met. "How?" "Improve your eyesight, besty! See where they are prone and how you can persuade them to befriend you too. Do some ways like talking to them at school, learn if there some things you're both interested in, and how your path can cross. Come on, it's easy as that!" I didn't answer her, I just gave her a blank expression. Then I turned my gaze again to my news feed. "How? I don't know where to start." She takes my phone by force. "The easiest prey you can target is...this girl." Zy pointed by showing Yuna's profile to me. I didn't answer her so she speaks again. "Now that I gave you an idea, it's your turn to think of a plan." After that conversation, Dad came to pick me up and we went home. While at the car, I was about to tell him about Gai because I know he never panicked at this kind of news but I hold myself...even Mom is the best actress in our house, I also want to hear her reaction about it too. So I remain silent while we take the way home thinking how can I befriend Yuna Avila like what Zyrell suggested.
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