Chapter One: I See Fire

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****This is the third book in the Forbidden Trilogy: Book One: Forbidden Book Two: Phoenix Book Three: From the Ashes I advise readers not to read these books out of order because they do build upon each other.****   ************************************************************************************   Content Warning: This story contains violence, language, adult content, implications of s****l trauma and abusive relationships. Reader discretion is advised.   Chapter Warning: This chapter contains graphic imagery of violence and implications of g******e. Reader discretion is advised.     Unknown (Mother)   I didn't know what was happening. I hadn't heard what Victor said because my sweet little girl had pulled my attention away from him. But, looking around at the faces surrounding me, it didn't look good. Which seemed odd. Victor had always been our spokesperson. Our confidant. Our eternal supporter. Picking up my darling girl, I quickly hushed her so I could listen to the rest of what he had to say. I wished I could have stayed in unknown bliss, because what came out of his mouth was every parent's worst nightmare. Every half breed's worst nightmare... "It is with a heavy heart I must announce the half breeds are too dangerous with their unknown internal clocks. All half breeds pose a danger to the immortal's very existence, and therefore, all half breeds will be placed in a controlled environment where none will be able to harm anyone if any half breed turns, nor will half breeds run the risk of exposing immortals to the mortal world." Because mortals now had the technology to kill immortals. This was something that had come up multiple times from immortals who were against half breeds. Most half breeds had an idea of when they would turn. And many made plans ahead of time for a peaceful death before they became evil beings. However, there were some who couldn't face death and they were the ones who gave half breeds such a bad name. In lieu of this, the High Immortal Council had designated packs to hunt down such beings who turned and posed a threat to the immortal and mortal worlds. None of us had been led to believe the councils were looking to detain us in any way. Or restrict us. My stomach bottomed out and I started to look around nervously, like so many of the others in the city square were doing. Looking, searching for a way out. But all exits were heavily guarded. I doubted any of us stood a chance at escape. "There is no hope for a cure. More and more half breeds are turning every day," he continued in a strong voice. This was true, unfortunately. I had been there at the last convention when so many turned and attacked fellow supporters and half breeds. It had been scary. Frightening. And all of us had looked to each other with guarded gazes, wondering who was next. Who would turn next.  As much as I didn't want to believe him and what he said, I couldn't help but realize what he spoke was in part truth. "I can no longer stand by the half breeds and their cause. It is time to recognize the issues they have, and to eradicate them for our own survival. From here on out, all immortal pure bloods will note that if they take a mortal mate, the mortal must be turned immediately. If, for some reason, a pregnancy results between an immortal and mortal, the pregnancy will have to be terminated. We will no longer safe guard the birth of any half breeds, nor advocate for them. For all of those half breeds who are alive, we have made a safe space for you and your families. We want you all to be able to live out the rest of your days peacefully in a controlled camp. This camp will keep you safe from those who may want to harm you, and will also keep everyone safe from you when you will inevitably turn." Controlled camp. I didn't like the implications of that. While it sounded ok, the way he said it put me on guard. Something wasn't right. And I knew I wasn't the only one who caught on to that. "Please, if you could all direct your attention to the left." We all looked and found two large portals opened. "I understand this is abrupt. And I understand your feelings of unease. Through those portals is your new life. If you cooperate, we will be able to help you not only ease you into your new life, we will also be able to obtain your belongings for you and bring them directly to you." Victor encouraged, as if he were still our friend. As if he were still wishing us the best. However, that wasn't the case anymore. Not with the undercurrents of malevolence he was giving off. Why did I have this feeling of dread? Like he wasn't being completely honest? Why couldn't we go to our homes? Collect our belongings ourselves? And then go to this place on our own time? It was suspicious. It didn't feel right. More armed guards came out of the shadows when none of us moved and pressed us closer towards the portals. It was then many of those half breeds on the edges started to fight. The guards tried to keep them contained and detained without resorting to full blown violence. However, to my utter horror, an archangel swooped in and with a few flicks of his wrist, all those fighting were instantly slain. Horrified screams rent the air and I couldn't look away from the c*****e. "Mommy?" my daughter's frightened voice filled my ears. I placed a hand on the nap of her neck and pulled her head down to rest on my shoulder. "Shh. Close your eyes. It will be ok. Everything will be ok." I soothed, even though I knew it was a lie. I rocked her, holding her tight. Wishing I could keep her safe and protected from whatever was to come. "Please, do not fight," Victor continued. "We want this to be peaceful. We do not want to have to use force." Peaceful?  This wasn't peaceful. Nor was this right. Some others in the crowd who had powers stepped forward. There was an instant ray of hope as a few were able to blast some of the front line soldiers back, however it was short lived. As they wove and cast their spells, a hooded figure stepped up next to Victor and with a wave of a hand all of those who had shown force were suddenly complacent. What in the world was going on? Was that a controller Victor found? My heart constricted knowing there would be no escaping our fate today. "Please, make your way towards the portals. As you pass through you will be directed to your new living quarters." He continued to encourage, and we knew we had no choice but to comply. Many tried one last time with a surge, pushing against those who were forcing us towards the portals. But they were no match against the soldiers Victor had brought, especially against the controller and the archangel. It took dozens more deaths before we realized we had been trapped. Our only two options were to trust Victor and walk through those portals, or die. However, what was beyond those portals none of us knew. They could be planning on killing us all the moment we stepped through. Or, they could be leading us to a place where we would be able to live out our lives until half breeds were no more. There was no certainty. There was no option other than to obey and listen to what Victor said. To place our faith and trust in someone who had ended up stabbing us in the back. I held fast to my daughter as we all started to move towards the portals. As we got closer, I could hear the guards mumbling something about us being monsters. Abominations. My daughter wasn't a monster. She was pure. Good. She deserved better than this. As much as I wanted to lash out at them, I stayed quiet, afraid if I did lash back I would be cut down for my opinion and I couldn't do that to my daughter. I refused to allow them to traumatize her in that way.  As I drew closer, the smell of fire, smoke and sulfur filled my nostrils and fear sank its claws deep into my heart. Where were we going? Where were they taking us? This was no camp. No place to live. Right as I got to the portal and I saw what was on the other side, I tried to back pedal. But it was too late. A guard took hold of my arm and pushed me through, ensuring I couldn't run. My heart seized at the sight before me and I couldn't stop the sudden cry that left my chest, alerting my daughter to the danger we had suddenly found ourselves in. We were in a large cavernous area, much like the underground city. Along the walls there spiraled a long, smooth walkway which descended down into the center. Along the walls were dozens upon dozens of holding cells. Many of which had been filled with half breeds, or were being filled currently. In the middle, down at the very bottom was a giant fire and shadows of people danced along the walls. Were they fighting? Trying to get away from the flames? From the looks of it, they were lined up and walking into the flames. My stomach turned at the possibility. The heat and smoke the huge fire generated was nearly unbearable. But the smell was what had me gagging. There was the smell of death in the air, and I had to wonder if we would all be marched to the bottom of the pit and be cast into the flames to be burned alive. I wanted to be sick. The anxiety and panic rearing up in my chest was nearly overwhelming. I wanted to scream. To cry out. To fight. But I couldn't do that to my daughter. I already knew what happened to those who fought. There was a possibility we would be placed in a cell. There were others in cells. So many others who were alive... There were a handful of other portals opened too, with hundreds, possibly even thousands of half breeds and their supporters filing through. Demons directed the processions, separating everyone by age. I clung onto my daughter as I realized we were going to be separated. No. No this couldn't be! They couldn't take her away from me! Victor had lied! He had said families would be together! Could he have meant together in the afterlife!? What could I do? There was nothing I could do but hold tight to my daughter and pray she would live. I refused to break down in front of her. I had to stay strong. I refused to feed into her fear. Refused to give her any reason to be afraid. I couldn't allow her to see how the parts of my heart were breaking, so afraid for her and her precarious future. I refused to crumble. I wouldn't let any of them get any satisfaction of seeing me break. "Momma? What's happening?" her small, frightened voice pulled at my heartstrings and I fought back the tears as I stared into her big brown eyes. "Oh baby girl." How did I explain this to her? "It's because I'm different, isn't it?" she whispered dejectedly. I hugged her fiercely. "They are afraid of us, baby. That's all. And, in order to protect us, they are putting us here for a while." "I don't like it here." "Neither do I." I admitted, watching as we drew closer to the front of the line where we would be forced to be separated. "Listen to me, honey. I need you to remember something." "Yes, momma?" "I need you to remember that I love you. That I have always loved you and no matter what happens, I always will." "Momma, you're scaring me." "I know baby, but there's nothing to be afraid of." Her little arms wrapped around my neck in a tight hug and I could feel myself starting to vibrate with nervous, anxious energy. I wanted to run. I wanted to fight. I didn't want to be here. I should never have brought her here in the first place. "R-Repeat after me, sweetheart," I said urgently, forcing her to look at me. "Say: I am smart. I am kind. I am beautiful. I am strong. I am loved." She repeated each sentence back.  "Momma?" Her little voice hitched as we got to the front and the demons demanded we go separate ways. "No! Momma!" She cried as they placed restraining hands on me and put hands on her. "No! Please! Don't take her away from me," I begged, hoping there was some shred of mercy in these creatures, even though I knew there was none. They said nothing as they used more force and ripped her out of my arms. "Remember baby girl! I love you!" I screamed at her. "No! Baby, don't fight!" I cried as they forced her away from me. As they forced me to the left while they took her to the right. "Be strong my baby girl. I will see you again," I breathed, as I strained to see where they were taking her. All I could do was hope and pray that she would survive this.  That we would be reunited. That this was all just some misunderstanding. Some kind of nightmare and they would see to it that every family was reunited once more. But as they shoved me into a cell and locked the door, I realized none of us would get out of here alive. We had been led here like lambs to slaughter. I could see them all very clearly as a group of them were led down into the pit, their shadows disappearing into the flames. And I cried, because I knew my daughter would die alone. She would be led down there with a group of children she wouldn't know. And to me, that was more heartbreaking and devastating than anything I had ever experienced before this. She would have to face death completely and utterly alone.   Unknown (Baby Girl)   I was curled up in a ball in the corner. My back leaning against the cold wall, my left side pressed against the bars. "Momma," I wailed softly as I cried into my knees and rocked. I had been ripped away from her and shoved in here with a bunch of other children I didn't know. All of us were frightened. Crying. Keeping to ourselves. All of us were strangers. There were whispers from the older ones that our parents weren't ever coming back. That they had been swallowed by the flames. And I was afraid they were right. I had seen my mother being dragged down, towards the flames. Others whispered we were orphans. I didn't know what that meant. My heart hurt. My eyes stung. My lungs burned. My throat was raw. I was hungry. I was thirsty. I was alone. The flames raged for hours, possibly even days. The shadows dancing along the walls were like nightmares. Demons and hell hounds stalked the hallways. Some hit the bars. Others looked on at us like we were prey. While still others stared hungrily at us. I cried out for my mother. Begged them to find her. But all they did was laugh in my face. I was alone. All alone. Finally, the fires were put out. Finally, there was some respite from the heat. From the smoke and the smell. But, with the fire gone, the cavern was cast into eternal darkness. I didn't realize how loud the fire had been until the embers died down and the silence settled in. And then the screams and wails of those stuck in cells started carrying up. Cries. Heart wrenching sobs. Some yelled, trying to find family. Friends. But as the screams grew to a crescendo and bled into each other, the demons descended and silenced them all. And, in the silence the cold settled in. I shivered as it settled into my bones. I wanted to be back in my mothers arms. Safe. Warm. I shuddered, curling further into myself. My mother had been strong. And I wanted to be strong like her, but all I felt was weak. And in the silence, I repeated what my mother had told me. I told myself I was smart.  I was kind.  I was beautiful.  I was strong.  And I was loved. As I repeated my mother's words over and over in my mind, I started when I felt fur against my arm. In the darkness, I barely saw the outline of a large werewolf leaning against the bars. At first I was afraid. Had he come to terrorize us? Was he part of the demon cult? But as he settled down beside me, I realized he wasn't a threat. I reached out tentatively and felt his scruffy fur. His warmth. His eyes shined into mine with a promise of retribution and strength. And for the first time since I was taken from my mother's side, I felt safe. I knew I would be safe. He would protect me. He would see to it that I got out of here alive. That we all got out of here alive...        
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