Chapter 4

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VHONN'S POV I CHOSE to erase from my mind the memory of that guy named Wren who went out first from the bus wherein we were sitting next to each other. I just hope we would meet again. That day would come anyway if time would let us. The moment my feet landed on the ground, I almost shifted in a feral form. Good thing I remembered I had just got out of the bus. I turned around to face it until it started to run and eventually had gone away from my sight. It was already dark. There was no one around, but I could sense a few people from afar. The sky above was gloomy. There were no stars visible. And I was certain that it would rain any moment from now. The trees were swaying too. In addition to that, a cold breeze of wind touched the bare skin of mine. From where I stood now, it was about a twenty-minute walk—a normal pace of walk— before I could get to the packhouse. Though it was safe to shapeshift at the moment, I still chose to start walking at a normal pace like what an ordinary human would do. I was not rushing anyway. When ten minutes had passed by, my pace was starting to slow. Afterward, my breathing became a little depth. I found myself lifting my nose and sniffed the air around me. My stomach also growled not from hunger but from the smell. It was like I had thought of my favorite food and the smell of it made me crave for more. My brows arched. Are there roses here? I asked myself because that was what I smelt. I have been walking around here in the woods of Wubat for a long time but I never got to see roses in the area. Well, there were roses back then but it was not here but located outside the woods. It was a strong, arousing scent of a rose flower that made me walk in a different direction for no exact reason. I had never been so fond of flowers but the scent was so lusciously intoxicating. It was driving me crazy. I involuntarily closed my eyes and licked my lips. What's happening to me? Just as I walked faster, the rain was beginning to pour down the earth. I heard the rumbling thunder and the strike of lightning but I didn't care. All I was paying attention to was to see in person and smell more of the rose flower that was making me and my wolf crazy. A few minutes more had passed by, I stopped walking as a thought suddenly flashed into my mind. "Can this be our mate's scent?" I asked my wolf, Gray. "I really think so. Go on and find our mate," my wolf said like it almost jumped in excitement. My heart was beginning to pump faster than normal. To find it better, I decided to turn into a feral form and crazily search for the source of the scent until I finally found it where. I saw a person a few meters away from me. I made a snarl. It was my mate. I could feel it. I took a few steps forward to see clearly. To my great surprise, it was a guy like me. And he was a human. More surprisingly, I knew who he was. Wren... Oh, my mate is a male human. How could this be? I was amazed. I felt happy, excited, and aroused. All those years that I had been tirelessly searching for my mate, I finally found him right at the moment in the woods of Wubat. It was all worth it. It was like a prayer granted. I could sense that he was feeling shocked and afraid to see me like this. He might be thinking right now about impossibly couldn't believe he'd seen a huge animal in front of him. Slowly, I walked closer to him that made him more terrified. I wanted to tell him that I would not pounce on him but I just couldn't. I could not turn back to a human form. It might make him more scared. And he might screw me after witnessing he knew me. I was always thinking only a few humans didn't feel afraid of werewolves. I wasn't sure if Wren was one of the few or a part of the many. The Vhonn he'd known way back in the bus is not a pure human. He might not want to be close to me if he did learn about that. All I could do right now was to be right beside him to take away the cold and tremble that he was feeling. He needed my warmth, my heat. I would just appear to him in a human form at the right time to be with him and for him to know me more. Time by time, I am hoping to tell him what I really am. And that we are mates. I needed enough strength, courage, and confidence to tell him about that. I was now in front of him. His tears were streaming down his cheeks. How I wish I could wipe those tears away. It tore my heart to see him like this. It reminded me of what had happened on the bus. He was crying, too. And I had noticed he wasn't aware of that until I interrupted him. "P-please, d-don't pounce on me. I don't want to die yet. D-don't kill me, please. Have mercy..." he cried out. His voice was shaking heavily. He then closed his eyes and hugged his self. I tried my best to look like I was not going to do something that would hurt him. I wanted to tell him I was not going to kill him. Therefore, I sat down, facing him. I was hesitant to touch him with my right hand but a few seconds later, I ended up doing so. I touched him in the arm in a gentle manner. I tapped it a few times like I was comforting him. He was trembling in fear and coldness of the place. I stopped doing it later on. Gradually, when he felt that I did not hurt him, he slowly raised his head. Then he and I stared at each other. It seemed like we were contemplating as to who would do the move first. He might have thought to stand up and run but chose to stay still when he felt it was too risky knowing I was bigger than him. He might have thought I could easily rip him to death, piece by piece. I noticed his tears springing from the corner of his eyes but I remained where I was, staring at him silently. "W-why are you not moving? Y-you are not going to kill me?" he asked bravely but nervously and like an innocent little child. I made a low grunt as if I was telling him that I had no intention to do so. He seemed to understand it so he spoke again. "W-why is a dog like you so huge? I haven't seen a huge dog like you before." Impishly, I growled as if in anger that made him quiver. How can he say that I am a dog? I am a wolf! I wanted to tell him, but then, I just laughed a bit in my thought. He was so cute that I wanted to pinch him in the cheeks. I lay down, letting him know that I would stay with him for the whole night. And it looked like he got what I wanted to tell him. "Y-you're not going to pounce on me?" he asked again, making sure if what he thought was right. I shook my head to the right with a low snarl as a reply. I then saw him gape at my action. He might be wondering why I understood what he was saying. And I couldn't help myself, I rubbed my hand on his jacket's arm to feel him. I saw he was surprised at my gesture but I knew he wasn't as afraid as before. I really felt happy. The scent of a rose flower was really coming from him. Wren is my human mate. Thank you, Moon Goddess. I was waiting for this all my life.
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