Mating ball of the season

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Blackrock city July, 1856 *Mary* A shiver of intrigue runs down my spine, the siren call of curiosity threatening to consume me. It was this very curiosity that led me to Lady Lucia Rafe's enigmatic ball. I hardly know anything about the woman, except that she wed Beta Danix Rafe earlier this year. And so, my insatiable curiosity brought me to this opulent ballroom, nestled in a corner with my cousin Alicia and two other young ladies, carefully observing the fascinating world that unfolds before us. Alpha and Luna Wickram ! The announcement of guests barely registers, as my focus is entirely on our mysterious hosts, attempting to uncover their secrets and how society perceives them. It's been years since I last laid eyes on Beta Danix. He vanished from Snow Moon castle after his nephews disappeared. Perhaps he dwells in another estate or resides in Blackrock city permanently. This luxurious abode, however, has been meticulously maintained, shimmering with elegance. The guests dazzle in their finery, drawn to the enigma of Beta Danix, the second son of an Alpha with a dark past. His brother's tragic accident, the unexplained vanishing of his three nephews… were they spirited away or abducted for ransom, only to face a cruel fate? Kidnapped for sinister reasons, enslaved in distant lands? Their fate remains a mystery. They are now the stuff of legends… the lost heirs of Snow Moon. "Has there ever been a more insipid or tiresome ball?" Miss Alicia laments, her voice dripping with melodrama as if heralding the world's impending doom. I offer a wry smile to my cousin, whose copper hair is more restrained than my own fiery red. Our eyes, however, share the same vibrant green… a trait passed down from our mothers. "I doubt Beta Danix is famed for his entertaining prowess. After all, how can a man with such misfortune be the life of the party?" My sarcastic remark earns a disapproving glance from my cousin, but the other two ladies barely take notice. They are preoccupied with scanning the crowd for potential suitors. "He's never hosted before," Miss Hermione mumbles absentmindedly, adjusting the delicate blonde curls tickling her neck. This being her second mating Season, she is well-versed in social events, unlike Alicia and I, who are making our debut in Blackrock city’s glittering society. "But then again, he has never been wed before," Miss Victoria ponders, her raven-winged eyebrows arched. "I heard from my mother, who got it from her cousin, that Luna Lucia married him on the prospect of him becoming Alpha by the end of the Season. She is rather enamored with the idea of being a Luna. The potential has drawn everyone's attention. No one wants to be out of favor with an Alpha. Hence, the ridiculous influx of guests." My father had informed me that Beta Danix had petitioned the Court of Alphas, staking his claim to the title as his nephews remained missing. It's been just over a year since the youngest reached his majority. Their failure to appear and claim their birthright can only mean one thing: they are all irretrievably gone. It's a difficult reality to accept, though I cannot dispute the logic. Throughout the years, I haven't received a single word from any of them. It's plausible that, had they contacted me, my father might have concealed it. I had failed Stephan by disclosing what I had seen and how I had aided the boys' escape to my father. I had anticipated his intervention, confronting his neighbor. Instead, I discovered my father's timid nature. He dispatched me to a convent to ruminate on the consequences of my mischief. He refused to believe someone would resort to underhanded methods for a title in this day and age. "Such things simply aren't done," he declared. Upon my return to Willow castle this spring, I visited the old abbey ruins. Amidst the howling winds, I wept. I understood why Stephan chose that spot for our reunion. It was a magical, enchanting place. I had audaciously kissed him there, fearing my father would uncover my indiscretion and exile me from my home. At just twelve, I knew I would never forget the sensation of his lips on mine... how exhilarating and terrifying it was. "What a tragedy, his nephews being eaten by wolves," Miss Alicia remarks. The gruesome discovery of their partial remains near the abbey ruins is one of the many circulating rumors, and Alicia always favored dramatic tales. The grisly story became a cautionary warning to deter young boys from midnight escapades. Another claim suggested they perished from fever, but no bodies were ever found. Over the years, sporadic sightings emerged… in the city, by the sea, or in a forest… yet no evidence surfaced. Their true fate remains an enigma. I'm convinced, however, that they must have perished during the long years of their absence. Otherwise, they would have returned as promised. Stephan would have sought me out. Nothing could have prevented him from honoring his vow. Nothing except death. Countless nights, I have mourned the loss, only to awaken the next day, believing they might still be alive. Various reasons could explain their delayed return, but with each year that passes, the hope of their survival dwindles. From the corner of my eye, I catch Beta Danix striding down a distant hallway. The man, adorned in his finery, cuts a dashing figure… a fact that grates on my nerves. He should be repulsive and grotesque, perhaps even hunchbacked like the old lycan king, who imprisoned his nephews in the Tower of the castle to secure the throne. The two share striking similarities. Earlier in the evening, I nearly lost my composure when he smiled at me in passing. His eyes hold a cunning that only I seem to detect, while others are captivated by his charm. Thankfully, he didn't take my gloved hand and press a kiss to it as he had with my aunt upon our arrival. If he had, I doubt I could have stopped my foot from connecting with his shin. Alpha and Luna Westforest! I wonder if Alicia and I should make our exit. I'm unsure of what I had hoped to achieve by attending this event. So far, I have only managed to upset my stomach, contemplating how Beta Danix came to own this residence and the possibility of him gaining even more if his petition is granted. He could have everything. I can't let that happen. I will write a letter to the Court of Alphas, detailing his actions, what I heard, and the events of the night the boys vanished. Will my words be taken seriously or dismissed as another fanciful tale in the ongoing mystery of the Snow Moon heirs? My thoughts are interrupted as two gentlemen approach to request dances with Hermione and Victoria. Once the pairs join the dance floor, Alicia says, "I can't believe you will be married at the end of the month." Nor can I. At the first ball, I caught the eye of Future Alpha, urent Beta, Fitz. A whirlwind courtship of flowers, park strolls, and cozy afternoons ensued. We share a love for music, literature, and art. Our conversations are always pleasant, though I sometimes wish they contained more passion. My rebellious days seem to be in the past. "I feel slightly guilty about it. It's supposed to be your mating Season," I remind my cousin. My father had denied me a Season, leaving me confined in the convent. Only when my aunt… Alicia's mother… intervened, insisting I be ‘released from exile’ and share the mating Season with Alicia, did I first experience the glitter and allure of Blackrock season. And I fell in love with it. Mr. Charly Godwind! "It's not over yet. I could still find my true mate," Alicia asserts confidently, indicating she hasn't given up hope. Another pang of guilt stabs me, as I'm uncertain if I can claim Fitz as my true mate. I'm undoubtedly fond of him; he's well-mannered and impeccably dressed. Had Stephan lived, I imagine he would have been quite similar: respectful, charming, and occasionally witty. I also quite like Fitz's parents… the Alpha and Luma of Glenwoods. They hold me in high regard and even approve of my convent stay, believing it instilled mercy and grace in me. In truth, it taught me never to trust my father with a secret. "Any gentleman would be fortunate to have you," I assure Alicia. "You are much too generous with your praise. And speaking of fortunate men, there's yours now," she says. I follow Alicia's gaze and see my betrothed approaching. Fitz, a few years my senior, exudes maturity and sophistication that some younger men lack. Tall, slender, and fair-skinned, he bestows upon me a charming smile. My father wholeheartedly approves of our match, despite the distance between Fitz’s future northern country packhouse and my own southern home. Alpha and Luna Rayshine! Fitz stops before me, his blue eyes roaming appreciatively. "You look exquisite, Miss Mary." He arrived only recently, and I noticed many people vying for his attention as he circled the ballroom. I smile softly. "Thank you, my Beta." He glances at Alicia. "And you as well, Miss Alicia." "You're too kind, good sir," she replies. "Merely stating the truth," he says, refocusing on me. "Did you reserve our special dance?" The seventh. His superstitious nature only endears him further. Seven is his lucky number, and he danced the seventh dance with me at the mating Season's first ball, captivated by my beauty and spirit. "Indeed, I have," I say. "Splendid. If you'll excuse us, Miss Alicia?" She nods. "Of course, good sirs." Reluctant to leave my cousin alone, I wonder why more gentlemen aren't drawn to her. Fitz's hand rests on the small of my back, guiding me to the dance floor. "Would you dance with her next?" I ask. "Who?" He looks at me. I subtly nod toward Alicia. "My cousin, Miss Alicia." "If it pleases you," he murmurs. "Immensely," I reply. "Perhaps it will make you a bit jealous?" he teases, a playful glint in his eyes. I smile. "It might, but mostly it would make me happy. I don't understand why more gentlemen aren't paying her attention." "Because she pales in comparison to you," he says. Blushing, I hope his compliments continue after our marriage. As the waltz begins, he cradles me gently. His touch lacks passion or adventure, but I have left those childish notions behind. Many considered me past my prime, but now I have an admirer after years in the convent. I spent my youth fearing Beta Danix would come for me as he did his nephews. I know his secrets, his sins. Often acting impulsively, I trusted my instincts that fateful night... His Grace, the Alpha of Snow Moon! The unexpected announcement startles me. "Good God!" Fitz exclaims, halting our dance. "Is that what this event is about? Has his petition been granted? Trust Beta Danix to surprise us all and make a spectacle of it." I can't bear the thought of Fitz's insinuation. If Beta Danix now holds the titles, the brothers are deemed dead. I strain to see... Beta Raphael Rafe! My knees buckle. Beta Tristan Rafe! My world narrows, the edges darkening, threatening to engulf me. Heart pounding, I turn to the staircase overlooking the ballroom. The music fades into silence as couples halt their dances. Hushed murmurs rise in volume as people whisper and point rudely. Several ladies gasp, and I catch a glimpse of one swooning into her husband's arms. Three imposing men with dark hair stand on the landing. Their finely tailored clothes do little to hide the wildness etched in their faces. Their hazel eyes scan the crowd, briefly resting on individuals before moving on, conveying their obvious disdain. One is brandishing g a pistol at the steward… undoubtedly the reason he announced the name his employer hopes to claim soon. I recognize Tristan holding the weapon. Although tall, he has yet to reach his brothers' height. On the far side stands Raphael, always easy to distinguish from his twin due to his slightly crooked, cocky smile… currently on full display. Stephan's smile used to lift higher on the left, but now, he isn't smiling. Horrific scars mar that side of his face, and I wonder if he can even smile anymore. A black patch covers his eye. What on earth happened to him? I take a step forward, but Fitz restrains me with a gentle hand. "Easy there, dear girl," he whispers. "You don't know what dangers lie ahead." I suspect there are many. The heirs of Snow moon have seemingly risen from the dead. And I can't help but think that tonight's dull ball is about to become the most unforgettable event of the mating Season.
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