Chapter four

1906 Words
Kimberly’s POV   “This is where you will be staying for the time period of our contract.”  Landon nodded towards the hotel in front of us as we stepped out of the car.  “Is this where you live?” I asked.  “Yeah, kind of,” he said as he grabbed my bags.  “I can take those myself,” I offered as I reached out after them.  “I got them,” he smiled while eying me. “We have a story to sell, remember?” he added quickly. “Follow me.” I followed him into the giant lobby and walked side by side with him to the counter where the receptionists were. The counter was made out of wood, a dark oak if I could tell correctly. It went very well combined with the white and black marble floors and the black ceiling.   “Hello, Mr. Wallace. Miss,” he said giving me a look I was used to getting by now. A look of hunger. “Nice to have you back,” the receptionist grinned still not taking his eyes off me.  I shifted in my composure, feeling quite uncomfortable by his eyes roaming my body.  “It’s good to be back. Is my room ready?”  Lardon’s voice had completely changed. His voice was cold, somehow distant yet still demanding. Still hard. Talk about a mood change. “Of course.” “Perfect, come on.” He took my other bag into his right hand, so he was now carrying both bags in one hand and used his left to grab my arm and drag me with him. His grip on me was tight and for a second, I imagined how it would feel to have him pin my arms over my head. I shook my head, quickly trying to forget that that thought had ever existed. Business, Kimmie. Not pleasure. And since when did I have such thoughts about a client.  We got into the elevator, and I watched as he pressed the button to go to the top floor.  “Penthouse?” “Yes.” His answer was short, and he avoided eye contact with me the entire ride. The tension in the elevator was so thick that you could choke on it.  I had no idea if I had done or said something wrong, but I tried to endure it.  “Your room will be down the hall,” he said and pointed. “The kitchen, dining room, living room, the pool is out there, and my room will be down there,” he finished.  “Thanks,” I mumbled and took my bags to the room appointed to me.  The room was big and bright. The king-size bed filled with pillows was the first thing I noticed. I walked over to it and hesitantly sat down. I let my hand run over the bed sheet as tears formed in my eyes.  “Everything to your liking?” Landon asked. “It’s perfect,” I said trying to hide my face as I quickly wiped the escaping tear. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern clear in his voice and his eyes as well as I watched them soften when they connected with mine.  “Yeah, everything is perfect,” I smiled and stood up. “So, what’s the plan now?” I asked trying to divert the conversation.  “Well for now you just get settled in and Monday we have the charity brunch,” he explained as he investigated my face.  “Sounds good to me.” “Are you hungry? It is getting kind of late,” he said as he looked at his watch.  The mentioning of food made my stomach growl and a blush appeared on my face. “I take that as a yes,” he chuckled. “Let’s order something so we won’t have to leave. Is pizza okay with you?” “Yeah.” “Good, meet me in the living room in 15 then,” he spoke before he turned around to leave.  Again, with the mood swings. I had a feeling that this was going to be a long week.    Landon’s POV   When I walked into the room it was easy to see that she was sad no matter how hard she tried to hide it. She obviously didn’t want to talk about it which I respected but something was wrong. I didn’t know why I got concerned, I shouldn’t be, but the look on her face when she put that fake smile back on, hurt me. I wasn’t the type to get hurt. I wasn’t the type that felt things, so why did I start feeling now?  I wondered if this deal was a good idea after all. We had spent less than two hours together and yet she affected me already.  I grabbed the phone and was about to order the food when I remembered that I hadn’t even asked her what she wanted. I put the phone on my shoulder and walked back in.  “What do you want on your… pizza…”  I stopped dead in my tracks as I watched her standing in front of me only wearing her lingerie. Black lace panties that sat nicely on her hips and a black lace bra that was so see-through that her n*****s could be spotted just before she covered up. “I should have knocked, I am sorry,” I apologized as I turned around.  “It’s okay,” she mumbled. “Uhm something with meat would be preferred,” she said low.   I’ll give you meat I thought to myself before I mentally kicked myself for even thinking that way. Professional Landon, professional.  “As you wish,” I replied and hurried out the room not daring to look back.  One more look at her deliciously curvy body and I would have her pinned on the bed by the second.  I needed to get a grip before this turned into something it shouldn’t.  I called down and ordered the food just as she walked back in wearing small shorts and an oversized t-shirt. How was it possible for someone to look so good without any effort?  “The food should be here shortly,” I said looking away.  “Thank you,” she whispered barely audible.  When the food came, we ate in silence. The atmosphere between us was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.  “So…” she began. “Anything I should know about you? You know, to make it all more believable.” “I value my work and I worked hard for what I have achieved. I barely have time for anything else than work. Except for when it comes to these types of events,” I sighed. “I hate these charity events you know,” I said with a chuckle.  “Then why do you even bother attending?” “Because of my mother. There’s no way she’ll let me live in peace if I don’t show up, so I’ll save myself the trouble and just show.”  I debated on whether to tell her about Lina, but id decided against it. I would tell her what she needed to know when she needed to know it and not a second before.  “Makes sense,” she shrugged.  “Tell me something about yourself,” I said as I leaned back on the couch taking in the sight of her.  “What do you want to know?” she asked taking a bite of a slice.  “How long have you worked for Elenore?” “Around 2 years,” she said licking her lips.  That tongue… I could find a better use for it than that.  “And you like it?” “To be frank with you, I don’t, but it pays the bills so I can’t really allow myself to complain,” she shrugged.  I looked at her curiously. “Why bother then?” I asked, using her own words. “Don’t you have any family that can help you out?” “I got my mom.” The answer was short, and it didn’t seem like I’d be getting to know any more than that. She didn’t even answer my question fully as to why she even bothered.  “Which reminds me, would it be okay if I visit her tomorrow before the charity week?” “Of course,” I smiled.  She was hiding something, and I wanted to know what. Never had I ever had an escort like this. Normally they would try to seduce you at every chance they got and here I had the one escort that didn’t like her job and the one that covered up if you walked in on her changing her clothes.  The rest of the night my thoughts were focused on her. The way her dark blonde hair fell over her shoulders. The way her hips swayed ever so slightly whenever she moved.  The way her eyes sparkled when she looked at me and the way her tongue glided along the edge of her lips.  It had only been one day, and I was already going insane.  The next morning, I found her in the kitchen brewing coffee in her pajamas.  “Morning,” I mumbled and eyed the coffee she had just poured.  “Morning, I made you a cup,” she said as she walked over to me and handed it to me.  “Thanks.” “So, I’ll be going in an hour if that’s fine,” she asked.  “Sure, I’ll get James to pick us up. Then he can drop me off at the office and drive you to where you need to be.” “Work even on a Saturday,” she smiled. “No wonder you made it to where you are now.” “Hard work pays off,” I shrugged. “You won’t get anything out of it if you just take the easy way out,” I huffed as I looked at her.  She looked at me from under her lashes and I saw a flash of hurt cross her face as she frowned.  “Of course not,” she smiled. “I better go get ready.” She put her coffee cup next to the sink and left before I had the chance of saying anything at all.  Why did I say that while looking at her? I mean it’s not that it wasn’t true because it was, but maybe I should be a little more careful with what I say around her. Or at least with how I say it.  “You ready?” I asked her once she came back. All I got was a small nod. “Let’s go then,” I sighed.  James opened the door and let us in. He didn’t as much as look her way which pleased me. Seemed like our little chat had worked its charm.  The entire ride to the office she was silent. Not as much as a sigh or deep breath left her lips.  “Kimberly-” I began and waited for her to look at me. “I just…” “We’re here sir,” James interrupted.  I rolled my eyes in annoyance and sighed.  “Never mind.”  
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