Chapter 3: The Strong Werewolf And The Seer Inside The Forest

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SAME DAY… ALARICK “But you said he was powerful, why am I the one that will kill him? I'm still young.” Luningning said, facing me. I told Luningning about the prophecy I saw ten years ago that a powerful child will be born among the werewolves, and he's going to be stronger than the evil monster sitting on the vampires' throne. The child will destroy and kill the evil monster so that all werewolves can live in peace. But we don't know who will give birth to that powerful child prophecy talks about. We pass the prophecy across all the werewolves, so all the couples among the wolves started impregnating themselves, to produce a young werewolf. Maybe the prophecy child will be among them. All the children given birth to then, were just mere werewolves, they're not powerful. Akeldama Delacruz keeps attacking us, burning down our huts. He captured the werewolf who went hunting. We'll get scared because we don't know what will happen to a werewolf after Akeldama took her away. “Why can't all the werewolves fight and kill him?” Scoffs, “All of us don't match half of Akeldama Delacruz's power. We'll get killed if we ever think of doing that.” I replied Luningning. “So, how did you know that I am the one inside the prophecy?” I told Luningning how close I am to his parents before he was given birth. His parents and I were closed because they're the only ones that accept me after I was brought into their midst. Immediately I hid Eva, Luningning's mother hand one sunny day the prophecy repeated itself in my head, as I saw a newborn baby crying under a full blood moon. And I told her that she's pregnant with the most powerful child that the prophecy talks about, Eva's jaw slack. She asked how did I know that she's pregnant? The reason is, she has not informed anyone concerning the pregnancy. Eva becomes happy that she's going to be the one that will give birth to the child's destiny to save all the werewolves. We spread the news among other werewolves, and we made your parents the leader of us all, you're the only one who was born under the full blood moon six years ago among the werewolves. “What happened to the werewolf Akeldama Delacruz took away?” “She was tortured by Akeldama Delacruz, and she told him about the prophecy, but I'm not certain, maybe the werewolf tells Akeldama Delacruz who your parents are.” “I'm sure she must have gone through so much pain for her to betray her kin,” Luningning said to me. “Sure, but what she said made Akeldama Delacruz become more furious with us and burn down our former huts, but your parents got protected by escape, that's why I said Akeldama Delacruz might not believe you died inside the fire last night with others.” Luningning stood up and matched forward with two steps, then turned and faced me. His nostrils flared as he stared at me, and asked me to teach him how to use his power to defeat Akeldama Delacruz. At this point, my smile was like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corner of the room. Because I see the flame of anger burning inside Luningning and if that continues until he grows up, killing Akeldama Delacruz won't be a problem at all. I stood up and step closer to Luningning, held his shoulder with a big smile on my face, then I said, we should both hide in the forest and I will teach Luningning how to fight and defend himself. Once he can fight any creature, we will both move into the city of Manila. But I need to test how powerful Luningning is. Without holding back, I closed my eyes for two seconds. Then opened it back, my black eyeballs turned to amber. Moreover, my fang brown nails came out, with my canine long teeth on both sides. I know you might be thinking I want to bite Luningning, but no, I'm not doing that because it will poison his blood. I scratch Luningning deep with my fang fingers on his shoulder. Luningning screams and steps back with two steps holding and looking at his shoulder that I scratch. He raised his head and Luningning eyes got slanted in a distinct almond shape. Then the eyeballs turned pale yellow. My brow become furrowed in deep concentration towards Luningning because I wanted to see his power. “What have you done!!” Luningning said with his jaw clenched. “Do not ask questions! Attack me!!” I barked at Luningning waiting for him to show his power aside from the werewolf look on his face but instead, Luningning was just staring at me with his curled lips. Then I know that Luningning doesn't have another power aside from turning into a werewolf. I closed my eyes and opened it again for my eyes to turn to black with my fang fingers back to normal nails because I prefer not to force Luningning, he was just a child. “What's that for!” Water rolls out from Luningning's eyes to his cheek with his quavering voice. “I'm sorry, I just want to know maybe you've possessed power aside from turning into a werewolf,” I replied Luningning. “Do you mean I cannot fight the evil monster yet?” Luningning uses the back of his hands to wipe the tears dropping from his eyes. “Yes, you don't possess any power yet, but don't worry, I will help you awake your powers and teach you how to fight! We'll live together inside this forest so that Akeldama Delacruz won't find us.” I dropped to my knees and hugged Luningning tight. The sun set, everywhere became dark and silent, Luningning sat beside me with his eyes wide open. “Are you not feeling sleepy?” I asked Luningning, looking into his eyes. “I'm scared, the evil monster might attack us if I closed my eyes,” Luningning said to me. “Come here.” I draw Luningning closer to myself and lay his head on my lap, then tell him to go ahead and rest, I will keep watch, and he doesn't have to be scared since he's with me. Luningning fell asleep and my eyes' lid was tired trying to close by itself, but I kept forcing it to stay open. After few seconds that Luningning fell asleep, “Argh!!” Luningning roars out from sleep as he quickly jumps up from my leg. I stood up as fast as I could and hold Luningning's shoulder, trying to calm him and ask what happened. “Tell me, what is it? Why did you jump up from your sleep?” “I saw him! He appeared in my dream!” Luningning was breathing heavily with his eyes wide open. “Who is that? Who did you see? Tell me, who?” I kept repeating the same questions because I don't know what he saw. “Akeldama Delacruz!” Immediately Luningning mentioned his name, my eyes became more open with my jaw slacking, then I knew that Akeldama Delacruz wanted to hunt the powerful werewolf down as a child, which is Luningning. I said this in words to myself as I dropped my ass on the ground. ******************************* Thunders trike into an obscure room, and shows the back of a giant man, wearing a black impressive long sleeve robe with a hood design. Akeldama Delacruz. He was standing in front of a window.
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