1- The Cottage

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Previously on Little of Loure : 'Collin Basil? Who's this?' 'You'll find out.' Dylan turned his head quickly but before he could take a look at Lincoln he was swung back by a strong force before his head smashed onto the table and his body fell to the ground with a loud thud. The doctor was knocked out. Lincoln stood over his unconscious body. His hand held a golf club that he had found in the storage room which he rarely ever used. Lincoln heard his phone binged outside while he was searching for Dylan's bag and figured it was worth going t check if it was Emanuel. But to his disdain, Dylan got to it first and had looked at his message, and from the looks of it, Dylan must have caught on to something. The prince had to think quickly before this goes out of hand. He threw the golf club aside and bent down to lift Dylan up slightly to look at his face. 'Looks like you're coming with us, Dove.' ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 'Abby, it's time to come in, baby.' Lincoln called out from the kitchen where he was wiping down the counters after their breakfast. '5 more minutes, please!' Abby said from the garden. Her hands were filthy from digging through the dirt all day, picking flowers. The dress Lincoln put her in wasn't any better. Lincoln peeked out the window and saw that the clouds were turning dark grey and the sun was hidden. 'Abby, come in. It's going to rain.' Lincoln said while walking to the door. 'I found an earthworm.' Abby said and stood from the ground, making her way to Lincoln who stood by the steps. 'Put it back on the ground, you'll catch a sickness with those things.' Lincoln scolded with scrunched eyebrows. He cringed at the fat worm in her hands wiggling its body around. Abby giggled softly before tossing it back in the garden as far as she could. 'What did you pick?' 'Somemore sunflowers. Are you sure Deedee would like them?' 'I'm sure he'll love all the flowers you've picked so far.' Lincoln assured her and bent down to kiss her forehead. He carried her up and they both entered their new little home before the rain hits. The cottage that Emanuel had sent them to was a rather spacious property. It was smaller than what Lincoln was used to but he didn't mind it that much. The place was located in the secluded part of a small village. Lincoln took note of a little town about 2 kilometres away from their cottage. There were shops along the corner and what seemed to be a library. It was a village with a population of red eyed vampires and some humans. People of a lower class. When they reached the cottage, Lincoln immediately notice how much bigger the place was compared to the smaller houses he saw back in the village. The house was made of stones of brown and tanned tones. There were beautiful vines growing by the side of the walls, covering the entire home in greenery. It was clear nobody took the time to really take care of this home besides cleaning the inside, leaving the exterior to fend for itself. It was a small family home that consisted of three bedrooms, a study, and 2 bathrooms. The backyard had a well-established garden that consisted of bushes, vines, weeds, and trees. Abby was very excited about the garden, however with Lincoln's worrisome behavior, she was not allowed to spend long in the garden as he wasn't familiar with the area and was concerned about the possibility of any snakes or other dangerous items hidden in the grass. The first day she was forbidden from even stepping foot on the grounds. Lincoln had made sure to go inspect the area before he let her go explore. But even then she was only allowed out for 15 minutes. They had moved in four nights ago, left with a box of groceries as well as their belongings. Emanuel's words were proven right when the driver pulled up at the property. The place was covered with trees and empty fields. It was definitely secluded with the only civilisation being 2 kilometres away. Lincoln, of course, did not like this but it wasn't like he had a choice. He was a social creature and enjoyed being around people but if it meant keeping him and Abby safe, he was fine with this. As long as they were together, he will be fine. 'Do you want to be the one to go check on him again?' Lincoln asked when they were in the home. 'Yes please.' Abby said excitedly. 'Okay, off you go. Here, take this. You know what to do.' Lincoln grabbed a damp cloth from the sink and folded it before passing it to Abby. 'Soft dabs on the forehead and neck.' Abby recited what Lincoln had instructed her the first day they arrived. 'That's a good girl. Go on, now.' Lincoln patted her butt and scooted her towards the stairs where the rooms were. Abby quickly made her way upstairs with the flowers and the cloth tightly held in her hand. Her lips were tugged up in a small smile as she couldn't wait to go see Dylan who laid unconsciously in Lincoln's room. 'I'm coming, Deedee.' she whispered to herself as her small feet padded the wooden flooring. There were small cracks along the way, making her footsteps known to whoever was listening in. When she reached the room, she opened the door and peaked in slowly, before walking in fully. Dylan laid unmoving on the bed with his arms limp by his side and his face pale. His hair was nicely combed and tucked behind his ears. He was dressed in comfortable satin pajamas that Lincoln owned. His lips were in a frown, with small stubble forming on his chin. It has been days since he was unconscious and shaving wasn't his top priority at the moment. 'Hi, Deedee! It's me, Abby.' Abby greeted and climbed onto the bed before she sat with her legs crisscrossed next to Dylan's unconscious body. She moved closer and started to wipe his face with the damp cloth that Lincoln gave her. The cooling sensation is hoped to help Dylan wake up from his deep slumber. 4 'I picked more flowers for you from our new garden.' she said and placed the flowers into the vase by the bedside table. 'Daddy said if I keep getting you flowers, you will wake up faster because it smells so nice. But I can't go out for more than 15 minutes because daddy is scared I will get a snakebite so I can only pick flowers for a short time. But I'll keep getting more tomorrow!' Abby laid her head on the pillow right next to Dylan. She buried her nose into the surface, taking in the smell of Lincoln. She loved the way he always smelled so fresh. 'Please wake up soon. Daddy didn't mean to hit you in the head so hard. He just wanted to bring you with us on this trip. He told me we have to keep ourselves hidden so bad people don't come and take us. He just didn't want you to go tell anyone. But we are safe now.' she whispered softly as she moved her fingers to pat Dylan's head, smoothing out the small strands that stuck out. Abby was worried the night when she woke up in the car with Lincoln and Dylan, who laid limp in the seat, his head wrapped in a bandage. She didn't know what was happening. Looking out the car window there was nothing but trees and darkness. Lincoln assured her everything was fine and she had nothing to worry about. Before she knew it, they arrived at a beautiful cottage where they were dropped off with bags and luggage. The strange man merely helped put everything into the room and helped place the doctor in the master bedroom before mysteriously leaving without a word. It took Lincoln till the next day to explain everything to Abby. He had told her that because of a few bad people who were after him, they have to stay in this cottage for a while until it is safe. Abby didn't like the idea of that and wanted to go back to the city where her pet fishes and plants were waiting for her care. But Lincoln ensured her that he had appointed someone to care for them while they were gone. When Abby asked him about Dylan's condition, Lincoln told her it was an accident and that Dylan will be joining them on this trip. She was still very confused about the whole thing but as long as she knew Lincoln and Dylan were going to be safe, she will try her best to adjust to the change. Although most nights she wakes up crying from the unfamiliar room. Lincoln had decided to put Abby in the room next to his since the bed in the master bedroom was a rather small one and could only fit Dylan and him. If he had given more thought on the first night he would have placed Dylan in the other room which had a single bed so that Abby wouldn't have to sleep alone. But the night was rather hectic. Emanuel clearly did not prepare this house for a little since Lincoln didn't have one four years ago. The guest room had a single bed and the third room was a study. It was good that Abby had no problem sleeping in a normal bed so a cot was not needed to Lincoln's relief, but she was still afraid to be left alone. Lincoln would wake up in the middle of the night to go soothe Abby who would wake up crying before putting her back to sleep. It was tough adjusting to the cottage. Lincoln didn't realize how much he took advantage of the safety he felt in his penthouse. But in this place, he was constantly worried. Lincoln had always had a tendency to overthink and it wasn't helping that he was in an unknown place with a little he must protect. 'Daddy said when you wake up, we can go and explore the area a little bit. I don't like this place very much but it's for daddy's safety.' Abby whispered to Dylan and snuggled closer to him, closing her eyes. Downstairs, Lincoln sat on the porch outside looking into the distance. His legs were propped up on the dirty white fence and his back laid back on the porch chair. The sky was already dark at this point and he could feel the slight wind blowing on his skin. The only thing keeping the night from becoming pitch black was the light from the distant village homes. This had become his routine since they arrived. He would stay outside and just take in the silence and serenity that he had come to enjoy that this place gives. His hands were folded across his chest in a loose grip, one handheld a lit cigarette between his fingers. He had found a box of it in one of the drawers in the kitchen and decided that he deserve a puff after what he had gone through. But one puff had now turned into a nightly habit. He wasn't addicted, he just needed something to do while he stared into the abyss every night as his mind wandered. Sometimes he would hear raccoons in the far distance in the woods. He would try and pick them up through his heightened vision and keep himself entertained with the animals running around the trees. One night he was even lucky enough to catch two in a heated mating session which he was very amused by. There really wasn't much to do here. The TV works but neither of them bothered watching any tv. Lincoln was afraid of what he would find in the news. Either the fact that the prince was missing or that the Folley heir was missing. Either way, it wouldn't be good news. Sighing a small breath he took his fingers up to his mouth and took a puff of the cigarette. Lincoln knew this was a bad habit and he stopped years ago, but at this point of his life he didn't care at all. He just wanted to feel a sense of relief and these gave him a temporary high. He tilted his head up before releasing the smoke from his nostrils in a slow exhale, indulging in all its relaxing glory. His life was going so great. How did one-night switch on him so quickly? Almost like all the work he put into fixing himself was all pointless. Lincoln was convinced happiness just wasn't meant for certain people and he was one of them. Because of his family, his history, and the things he knows, blissfulness simply doesn't last long in his life. Before, he would just accept his fate and how he was destined for a complicated life. But he has Abby now. He cannot allow any of the danger he use to accept for himself to even come close to her. It was not a question. He must protect her at all cost. And Dylan. Lincoln had no idea what to do with him. After seeing that Dylan had seen the text on Lincoln's phone, he panicked. He had to stop Dylan from doing anything that would jeopardize their plan. So he knocked him unconscious and brought him with them. Sure, some could call it a hostage situation. But if Dylan's family really does pose a danger to Lincoln and Abby, it begs the question of whether he would choose his family, or the prince that he has a small crush on. Whatever his decision is, Lincoln had no time to hear it and he did what he had to do. Although, Dylan's state worried him to no end. Each night that goes by that Dylan doesn't wake up made Lincoln's anxiety spike. Dylan was a strong vampire, but Lincoln was stronger. And the force that Lincoln used to swing at Dylan with the golf club was harder than he meant. Lincoln tried his best to patch his head up and check up on him hourly just in case. But Dylan's breathing sounded normal and the prince could hear his blood streaming in his body, which is a sign his body was still at works. So that gave him slight relief. Bringing his fingers up, he took the last puff before he crushed the butt on the cement wall before tossing them in the vase by the side of the window, where the cigarette joined his other discarded sticks from the past few days. Lincoln let out the puff and stood up from the porch chair before turning and walking into the house and shutting the door behind him. It was about 8PM at night and Abby needs to take a bath and go to bed. Lincoln made his way up the stairs and into the master bedroom, where the room was dimly lit by the lamp in the corner. On the bed laid Dylan, still unmoving and next to him was Abby who had fallen asleep. It has also become a routine for him to find Abby asleep in the bed before he waked her up for her bath. 'Abby.' Lincoln moved her shoulders so she was laying on her back. 'Come on, honey. Time for your bath.' Lincoln whispered and carried her into his arms in which the little immediately cuddled into his shoulders refusing to wake up. Lincoln turned and made his way to the bathroom where he turned the lights on and placed Abby on the counter. 'Daddy, I dont want to shower.' 'You played outside today, Abby. I dont need you getting sick right now. Dylan isnt awake to heal you.' Lincoln said and started removing her clothes one by one, putting them in the hamper. 'But he will wake up soon right?' Abby asked worriedly. Lincoln stared at her for a moment, letting out a sigh. 'Of course, sweetheart. You don't have to worry about that.' Lincoln gave her a small smile and kiss on her cheek. _____________________________________________________________________ That shall be the first chapter to Little of Loure II. First book available on my Dreame account! Let me know in the comments how you feel about it. What do you predict is going to happen?
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