Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 LALAINE'S POV Lola Pasing and Lala lived together; she supported all Lala's needs from selling vegetables at the market until she was able to work as a maid at a well-known family. At the early age of five my mother died due to a heart disease, meanwhile my father I lost all connections with him--from what Lola Pasing told me he married another woman and then left me with her. "Why did you do that Lala? Why do you have to agree with the Ladies proposal with you? You have to tell her you take back what you said." I refrained from treating her for a moment and stared at her there was sadness written all over her eyes. "I had to do that for you grandmother, i did that to protect you I can’t bear to see you getting hurt." my voice cracked as I replied to her. I can’t just stand by and watch her suffer from the lady’s wrath. Though she made a mistake and cause trouble, it wasn’t right to resort to violence. If only we were rich, I would never let my grandmother work as a servant there. She is too old and is suffering from aches around her body. Almost half of her salary is just for her medications and the rest was for my educational need and other expenses. Grand-mother really had a plan to stop working at the mansion but, one thing that always held her back is the expenses for the rent and her medications would be a big problem if ever she would stop working. But where? where can we find a money to provide fir her medication? Even if we worked as hard as we could it won’t be enough to provide for everything. I'm doing my best when it comes to my studies at a public school, I would sometimes find a different job where I could gain a certain income so the money, I received from her would remain untouched and can be added for her medicines. "I could still handle myself, just let me take all the blame because it was my fault to begin with. Tomorrow morning you will go to your school and attend your respective class. Forget everything you and Donya Lucinda talked about yesterday." she stared straight at me with teary eyes. "Lola you have to drink your medicine now." I tried to divert his thoughts; I don't like the idea of arguing with her about that. I have already accepted the consequence bound to the answer I gave to Donya Lucinda. I stood up and get some medicine and water for her to drink. "Lala." she called my name and tried to talk things out with me once more. "You don’t have to do it Lala, if I begged to the lady once more this time, I’m sure she will listen to me.” "What if she won't listen to you? I asked and she just remained silent "What If she would really send you off to prison? My conscience won’t allow anything like that to happen---specially to see you behind that bars. I would still choose to this this for you even without your permission." "Everything is not as easy as how you think it is Lala, working inside that mansion is a different from you selling foods at the town, it’s not that easy." "This is not what I wanted for you, to live a life similar to mine." she held my hand ang just looked at it I could feel the heavy burden she's feeling. "It is not that I looked down on people who works as a maid but, this is not the life I wanted you to have. I promised your mother before she died that--I would raise you well, you will graduate will a college degree and have a better life, and find a decent job." "That is what I promised her Lala." I caressed her hands and replied "I knew that, but please this time let me be the one to be there for you, to help you." We stared at each other as we came to understand each other. ---The next day I went to the mansion early in the morning, time for me to start working as a servant. I’m scared and hesitant while I walk inside that mansion. The other maids are all busy doing all their respected jobs. I was wearing a blue colored pants topped with a black shirt and an old tennis for foot wares. I let my long black hair down and made myself presentable with just a powder, letting my tanned skin exposed. "Why are your clothes like that? Didn’t your grandmother told you that you are supposed to wear a black pants and black shoes during your first day at work." Betty told her, if betty and I weren’t close she would've rolled her eyes on me by now. "I have no clothes like that so I wore this instead.” "Oh god Lala, thankfully that the Donya is not around this time, because if she did, you'll get scolded again. Tomorrow make sure you ask you grandmother to buy you a pair of black shoes and pants you can use it for the mean time while your uniform has not arrived yet. May I remind you how strict our house owner is so that clothes you're warring right now is not appropriate in here." "You have to be lot more careful than usual." she reminded me. "Yes, I will." Betty went ahead while I quietly followed her. It was white with a touch of black-- the color of the maid’s uniforms. I could estimate that there are around 10 maids in here, without including the cook, driver, the guards and other workers in this mansion. The uniform betty was wearing is different. It was white and blue which could emphasize her position as a mayordoma of the mansion. Betty guided me a tour around this castle like mansion. It was spacious, a two-story house, everything inside the house shines as bright as gold. Huge chandeliers, expensive paintings were hanged on walls, and many other antiques---who would've thought I can witness such sight of the house it was amazing the lower floor itself was already amazing and extravagant that one has a spacious area where it can accommodate from a hundred to two hundred visitor whenever a party is being held inside their mansion. Aside from that venue inside, it also has a huge living room, kitchen, restrooms, and a personalized movie theater inside the house. They also have a separate quarter for the maid to rest at, and a laundry area. From the outside of the mansion it was decorated with lots of beautiful flowers and fountain. Far behind from it you can find an indoor pool and a parking lot where there are lots of luxurious cars owned by the house owner. I was mesmerized by all that I am seeing right now we proceeded to the second layer of the mansion where you can’t find the music room, gaming room and a spacious hallway, out of all the numerous guestroom I could only remember the room that Donya Lucinda uses. “By 5’oclock in the morning everyone must be awake by that time and is ready to start working on their respected jobs, on daily basis you will be assigned on different task according to your schedule, each servant in here is assigned with different task.” she explained while reading whatever was written inside that tablet she was holding. “Here on this floor is where you can find the master bedroom our master uses.” She stated. I knew it long ago that the it was a man who own this mansion, it is said he still not married. I’ve been here in the mansion several times but I have never even seen him once. It was always because he is at work and would rarely go home. From what I heard he is a short-tempered man, all of the servants here were warry of him. I was wondering what kind of person he looks like? What kind of personality our masters have? “Are we not allowed to go inside the master’s room?” I asked of her. “No, Sir Connor have his own man who cleans and the only person allowed to enter his room. We are strictly prohibited to enter his room.” wow so his name was Connor. Just from his name itself it already sounds fancy. “You must avoid to anger Sir Connor—he doesn’t like people who are talkative, asks questions all the time above all is those who have itchy hands.” “Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.” Betty and I goes down together, and reminded me. “Donya Lucinda comes in here every once a week, she would visit in here to check if we are doing our jobs properly. She hates those who are a failure on doing their job properly, keep that in mind Lala. You’re still new to this job it’ll be different when you made the lady angry, she has sharp tongue so if you want to stay long in here do your job properly.” If there is something that I fear in here it would be Donya Lucinda. I thought it was just all talks from the maids that the lady was ill natured, that was proven yesterday. “I understand.” “Take a look at what was assigned for you today.” Betty paused and handed me over what she was holding. “And if ever you forgot what your assigned task was today, I have posted a copy by the kitchen where you ca take a look at it. For now, you are assigned by the garden. ‘Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.” Five days went by so fast; I have now fully grasped all of my routines as a maid in here. The work in here is really tiring and draining, cleaning for a whole day and doing other jobs assigned to me, this is really a lot different from what I grew up with but I have to do all this for my grandmother “is there something wrong?” I can help but notice the other maids seem to be acting a lot different on how they do in every day. “it is said that sir Connor is at home today.” Claring butted in, she is the one I was assigned together doing chores within the kitchen like wiping glasses. She refrained from wiping the glasses and then moved on to making something out of that marbled tea set. She putted in a tray along with what she brewed. “Lala.” “Go on and bring this to Sir Connor, whenever he goes home, he would always request this drink.” She said while handing me over the tray. “W-What? Why me?” I was shocked and terrified from what she said. Wait-wait Is it really me who will deliver this to Sir Connor? For real? What will I do if ever I made a mistake in front of him? I knew that this would be a part of my job as a servant in here, I knew that one day I would serve him like this but I wasn’t prepared. Not this time. “Well of course Lala, only the two of us were assigned to deliver this to Sir Connor. But I can’t so you do this instead, bring this to the living room and he would drink it right after. I really have to take a dump Lala take care of this for me.” She was holding back what was about to come out when she said that. “Do your best Lala, make sure you won’t make any mistake okay??” “B-But Clarin—” I couldn’t even finish what I was about to say when she hurriedly ran off. I went pale while I was holding the tray, I was out of myself looking at Fred and Wilson, the chef inside the mansion. “Oh, don’t look at us like that you know we are assigned only to handle the foods served.” Wilson said “Just go on and deliver it right before Sir Connor gets mad and would rush off here in the kitchen.” he said while chopping off the fish in the chop board using a huge knife. With heavy wights on my shoulder, I went out of the kitchen to deliver this, lots of men wearing black suits is what I can see around the house carrying luggage’s from the car to his room. Base from what they look they’re presence is too intimidating. “Just where should I put this.” I asked to myself while walking towards the living room. I can’t see anyone who looked different that might be Sir Connor. “Is it for sir Connor?” A tall man wearing a black suit with a strong presence stopped in front of me. “Bring that over there.” he bitterly said and pointed at where I could remember that there is a veranda over there. “Yes, I will.” I respectfully replied at followed to where he told me to bring this. While I was on my way to deliver this, I didn’t expect to se a man appears right before me while I was walking and we clashed against each other. Due to the strong impact what was inside the tray I was carrying splashed on his white long sleeve as I fall over. My ears rang from the loud sound of the broken glassware’s. "The f**k! Bullshit!” The irritated shout of a man’s voice. “I-I really am so sorry I didn’t mean to it.” I panicked as I begged for forgiveness to the man I bumped with. “I-I’m really sor---” I wasn’t able to finish what I was about to say when that man furiously grabbed me off from my uniforms collar. “WHAT THE HELL! f**k!!” he blurted out and stared at me. His eyes were burning in anger. My heart beats so fast from the fear towards this man. Oh god, Spare me from this trouble
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