Chapter 5 - Game time!

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When we walk out I noticed the group of girls around Dylan have left, as well as Dylan and the boys. Aiden and I grab a map of the school, so I can fix walking on my own when Aiden or Alex isn't around. "Want another coffee?" Aiden asks me as I'm reading my notes from the last class. "Yeah, would be great, let me get my wallet" I say, "Nope, today is on me" he says as he smiles and walks off to get the coffee. I smile back at him, he is one amazing friend. "Well well well, what have we here?" Someone whispers in my ear, sending chills all over my spine. I smell something sweet, like coffee mixed with chocolate and I feel my whole body tingling in sensation which is totally new for me, however I immediately recognize the scent, "The f*ck do you want Dylan? Don't you have something better to do? Like hang around the bimbos?" I smirk as his face is still next to my ear, feeling his warm breath over my cheek. "You should learn when to keep your bigh ass mounth shut, you know, besides I don't care about the bimbos, I wanna figure out who the hell you are" he says to me as I slowly turn my head, looking him straight in the eye. Damn he really is gorgeous I say to myself. Aiden comes up eith the coffee, "Trying to play the new girl already Dylan? Seems like a new f*cking record you know" Aiden says giggling a bit. "Shut it" Dylan norts "I don't need to win her over, you know" he said with a smirk on his face. "Better get a damn reality check moron" I say softly but he still heared me, I flusher a bit. "See ya soon beautiful" he giggles as he walks off to Gary and Michel. Michel waves at me, I just raise my hand, lighting a cig as I turn to Aiden and my coffee. "So what was that all about?" I ask Aiden while sipping my coffee. "Dylan is as you probably realised by now, the most popular guy in all Grey Meadows High. Girls basically throw themselves at him and he enjoys every bit of it. He just plays them a bit. However I never thought he would hit on you so soon as he did now to be quite honest about it" he chucles, "So what do you think about him, you are probably the only one to talk back to him, you know, except for Alex haha". "Well he is good looking, no denying in that, but I hate guys who think they own everything and everyone just because they are popular. So far he scored more in the minus then plus points" I say giving Aiden a stern look, noticing him gazing at Gary, "So you're gonna tell me why you drool all over Gary?" I say giving him a friendly punch in the arm. Aiden's face turns bright red as soon as I mentioned it, "You know you're quite observing, but what do you think about Gary?" "That isn't even an answer to my question hahaha! But I dunno, he looks like he is in pain all the time or something like that, does that makes sense to you?" I ask him. "Yeah I noticed too, but a guy like him will never even notice me you know" he sighed softly. "Well if you don't talk to him, how the hell is he supposed to know you like him?" I ask, throwing my cig away, noticing Dylans gaze still focused on me. Aiden sighs, "I know you're right, but trust me when I tell you it's quite hard to be gay, especially around this school". I decide to drop the subject, bumping his shoulder as I give him a smile, "Lets focus on the next class, okay?" I ask him. He smiles and nods me a yes. The rest of the day passes by smoothly, Dylan keeps walking right behind me, "Little stalker, please get the f**k out of my way" I sneer at him, receiving only a smirk on his face. "b***h, better watch your tongue before I smack you face around every corner of this school" a dark haired girl yells at me. "Hunny, you are absolutely no match for me" I smirk as Alex is now beside me, Aiden on my other side. "Wanna fight me you dumb b***h?" she says, I just smile and walk off, hearing the girl still yelling some nasty stuff to me. I'm kinda used to this kind of s**t now, besides fighting a girl wouldn't be my best choice as I'm used to fight guys in the gym. "Jesus Mary, do you have any clue who the hell you just sneered at?!" Alex screams enthousiastic. "No and she was starting it" I cry out, "That my sweet new best friend, was the cheer captain and the most popular girl in school. She's been dying to get Dylan in the sheets but he never gives in." Alex says to me. We walk to my Jeep, "So you guys wanna come over to my place?" I ask them, they nod, Alex gets on the passenger side while Aiden rolls in the backseat. We turn on the radio, singing along the Eagle's Hotel California till we reach my house. "Mom, Dad, I'm home!" I yell in the house, my mother comes walking up to me, giving me a hug, "Well and who are you two?" she says, smiling gently at Alex and Aiden. "These are Alex and Aiden mom, I actually made friends. This place is really better then the hell hole we left" I say with the biggest smile on my face ever. "Hahaha well it's nice to have my daughter back for once" she says "Want some tea? I'll bring it upstairs, along with some home made chocolate chip cookies if you like some" I nod as Alex is basically drooling al over the thought of my moms cookies. I have to admit, she really makes the best ones. As wel walk up the stairs to my gameroom, they both look in awe of the house. "Damn girl, you are lucky!" Alex says as Aiden nods in agreement. "Yeah, I know, I'm actually happy to have met you guys, I think I finally feel good about something again." We sit down in the room, mom brought the tea and cookies, I thank her as we decide to play some Mario Kart. "So you guys know of any good gyms around here?" I ask them. "Yeah, best gym is like a 15 minute walk from here" Alex says. Aiden raises a brow, frowning at me, "What do you plan on doing Mary?" he asks me. "Well, I used to train a lot, keeping myself in shape and all." I say to them. We still do a bit of chit chat and then they leave to head home. "See you tomorrow!" I tell them, hugging them goodbye and letting them out. "See ya tomorrow!" the yell while walking off. I walk back in the house, smelling something really good, "What's for dinner mom?" I ask her walking in the kitchen. "Your favorites sweety, steak, fries and spinach" she says, "It was nice to see you laugh hunny, your friends seem quite nice" she smiles at me, I nod and wait for dinner. Dad walks in, giving me a kiss on my cheek and kissing my mom passionately. "So did I miss anything?" he asks, mom replied immediately "Mary had 2 friends over today, Alex and.... Aiden, they seem nice and you daughter was actually smiling again" she says smiling from ear to ear. Dad raised a brow, "Damn, that's something I didn't think would happen so damn soo babygirl. I'm proud of you" "Thanks dad!" I reply happily. We all sat down and had dinner. "So mom, what is it you wanted to talk about?" I ask her as we are on the porch with our coffee. She nearly chockes on her coffee, making me more curious by the minute.
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