Request Between Alphas.....And a Curiosity Piqued

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         Falcon made his way up the stairs to speak to the Alpha Crescent. The attacks on the town had become steadily more frequent and without a pattern, so it was hard to figure out when the next strike would be. This alone placed stress on the packs as it was hard for them all to get their rest because of the endless border patrol.      It was time for the pack, both his, the Alpha’s, and the few given to the Luna Crescenda by her brother, to rest and regain their strength. He only hoped that the Alpha saw it the same way. He’d hate to have discord with his future mate’s father on such a menial matter.     The Alpha, Warren Crescent was a gracious and very understanding Alpha. Falcon respected him a great deal within a few moments of meeting him simply because of the air about him alone. He was straightforward and very confident in himself and his pack without coming off arrogant. It was quite evident that the great and legendary had well over a few won battles under his belt and absolute authority over his people. What was even more amazing was the fact that his people weren't just the wolves, but the shifter, and the witches, as well as the vampires. They all revered him, and while Falcon was known to be on Warren Crescent's heels of having legendary attributes, he still knew an Alpha deserving of respect when he saw one. However, Falcon had begun to notice lately how on edge the great Warren Crescent had become. Not to mention the scent that constantly followed him around.     He noticed six months ago when he first arrived at Crescent Falls, Virginia. It was always subtle but very distinct; and over the past few months, it had only gotten stronger. Sometimes, it would even call Falcon's attention away from the pack meetings that would be held between him and the Alpha Crescent.      It wasn’t an odorous scent; in fact, it was one quite intoxicatingly distinct in its pleasantness. He knew the scent was that of a human but Falcon was no stranger to the man's home and never had he saw one human slave in the Alpha Crescent’s home-not one such beholding to that scent anyway. So, the fact that the scent was constant caught him off of his guard and granted him quite suspicious to know...was the Alpha hiding a human?    Regardless, of whether the man was hiding something or not, he knew that when all was said and done it was none of his business. No matter how curious he was about what the Alpha Crescent did behind closed doors. If it were a human that Falcon was catching the scent of, he tried to chalk it up to the Alpha having a secret human that he hid from his family.    Humans were used as feeding tools and servitude but in the Inhuman world, they weren't so barbarically chosen as so in books and television. While the humans did not truly know about the Inhuman, the Inhumans still had great dealings in their politics and livelihood and tried to keep a balance in taking host of the most undesirable of their kind. They found most of their food source from prisons, those that would not be missed by society and what they considered, by law, to be an extreme offender or otherwise.  While this was the norm for Inhumans-using humans for their bidding, some would fall slave to darker desires-most of a s****l nature; and while this was a frowned upon norm, it was better known for both mates to participate in such fantasies if it was to happen.    However, there were always those alphas and even those of a lower-ranking that would commit these dark desires unbeknownst to their families. Female mates were never particularly fond of their male counterparts finding pleasures elsewhere without them or their consent, them being just as territorial and possessive as their male equivalents. Especially where an "insignificant human" was involved. However, sometimes, there was a human with a certain essence that was hard to share-even with the one you love. It was an essence that would cause a predator to become possessive over its prey-and never wanting that possession to be potentially taken away from them. The male species, when performing such taboo acts with these humans preferred to savor the moment while the females would oblige and quickly end the human before an attachment was grown. This naturally led to a lot of problems amongst pairs.    Falcon, to be honest, never found this act tasteful in the first place. Sure, he had humans as servants as well as a source of food when he did not have the time nor the energy to hunt as he'd sometimes do just to break from the norm.  He’d even consider some of the female humans attractive but never had he thought them worthy enough to bed.     He was more traditional in the way that he’d satiate his needs via the unmated females of his own kind. He never understood why the s****l use of the humans was so fascinating; and as far as he was concerned, there would never be a human that would cause him to feel this way.    Nevertheless, apparently, the Alpha Crescent was one of those types that liked to keep secrets from his family concerning his after-hour activities. It was bothersome to think about, considering the large amount of respect he had for the Alpha Crescent. However, in the end, yet again, it was none of his business what the Alpha Crescent did with his time. Though, even Falcon had to admit that the scent that often carried itself around the Alpha Crescent was understandably hard to ignore.      Falcon had been around those rare humans with that irresistible scent, and in those times, his lust for satiation would always win over resistance. However, this one in particular-when he inhaled, it was almost as if he could blood-drunk off of the scent itself. He could only imagine how the human that it originated from would actually taste. And if he could smell it, he couldn’t fathom how the Luna Crescenda couldn’t, as she was just as legendary in her abilities as the great Crescent son himself. Maybe she was involved as well. Who knew?    Tired of thinking of such frivolous things, Falcon finally ended up in the main office of the school where the Alpha Crescent resided as headmaster; only one of a few day jobs he possessed.    “I’d like to speak to the Headmaster.”    “The Headmaster, Crescent is not taking visitors today.” The older woman said as she attentively watched Falcon.     It wasn’t an unusual thing. Falcon often accrued quite a few stares as the last Alpha Lycan of his species. Not to mention his eyes; one being a misty, vibrant almost silver with green specks. The other was a deep verdant green, mirroring the specks in his silver eye while specked with the same silvery mist of his left eye as well.      Most of the females-wolves and Lycan alike, found his aura irresistible in a sense-even in him being so young an age as twenty. Though, his stature was mature enough to assume otherwise.          Unfortunately, for them, he was already spoken for-the chosen mate of the Alpha Crescent’s gorgeous daughter, Alora Crescent.     “You know who I am. I would not come here if it were not of importance.”     Still, watching him intently, she picked up the phone. With three numbers she seemed to dial the Headmaster’s office, asking if it were alright to allow the significantly younger Alpha into his office.     Shortly after this, she hung up the phone and gave him a smile. “I apologize, Alpha Alvaro, wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t check with the Alpha Crescent first.”     Falcon nodded, though annoyed that his position did not do much in terms of rank with the Alpha Crescent; yeah, they respected and feared the young man, however, it was no question that they'd never go against their Alpha. It was to be expected considering this was his town, however; and Falcon would respect this fact. He just wasn't used to playing under another Alpha's jurisdiction. It was a pride thing.     He headed up the stair to the second floor where the office of the Alpha Crescent was. As he kept to his stride, he could not help but catch a whiff of that familiar scent. It was that same scent that he’d just been thinking of earlier-as it had a tendency to linger on the mind once experienced.     At one point he thought he was going crazy as it seemed to become stronger, the closer he got to the alpha’s office. Realizing this granted Falcon pause as he certainly did not want to walk in on something that he should not see.     As courtesy obliged, he knocked on the door firmly but still hesitantly and waited for the go-ahead of Alpha Crescent. He was half expecting him not to answer and slightly surprised when he had.     “Come in.”     Reluctantly, Falcon entered the room and there the scent became even louder but the only person there was a woman whose back was turned away from him as she leaned against the desk next to Alpha Crescent.     A slight turn of the neck revealed part of her flawless features. A small smile appeared from the corner of her mouth before she completely turned around to face Falcon with an expression that was welcoming.     There was no question at all as to why the Alpha Crescent didn’t bother finding his mate and instead choosing her as his mate instead; Crescenda Crescent. She was without a doubt the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Even Alora being so perfect in her ways did not hold a candle to the regal beauty that brought her into this world. It then dawned on Falcon that there was no way that the Alpha would ever go outside of his marriage; anyone would take him a fool to do so.     When he saw the amused smirk on her face, Falcon was suddenly embarrassed, remembering that she had the cunning ability to read minds and he had not bothered to shield his thoughts before entering the room.     “Should I leave you boys to it?” She asked.     “No, Luna Crescenda.” Falcon hurriedly reassured as it was just as important for her to be there as it was for the Alpha Crescent. Though, her beauty did add a bonus to her being present in the room.     The Alpha eyed Falcon for a moment before a smirk appeared upon his face. “I’m sure the young Alpha does not mind your company.” He said.      Falcon, trying to contain his professional air, nodded his head in agreement, though he caught the hint that the Alpha had obviously noticed him admiring his wife. He boldly countered. "Only a fool would mind the presence of such beauty,"      Warren simply smirked, brow raised. He knew the young Alpha wasn't trying to challenge him by saying these words and actually found his rebuttal amusing. “So, what is it? Any new developments from the patrol?”      “No, Alpha, Crescent,” Falcon answered. “In fact, it’s been quiet for the past week and a half. I’m sure they’ve been doing some patrolling of their own and have realized that we’re pretty tight in security around the border of the town. There have been a few stragglers-some ferals trying to surprise us by sneaking in during the daylight but those small problems were nipped in the bud.”      “Well, that’s good news. As long as we keep up with patrol, the ferals will surely stay away for a while.” He said but then realized that there was something else weighing on the young Alpha’s mind. “There’s something else.”      “Yes, Alpha. Actually, there is.” Falcon said without hesitation.      “What is it?”      “Our men,” Falcon replied. “They’ve become weary-not resting day or night and barely eating.”      “I assure you that my pack is trained for long periods of time without holding nourishment.” The Alpha Crescent assured.      “Yes, but as you know the Lycan’s appetite is quite different-they have not had much in the way of nourishment. And while there is no doubt in my mind that they, as well as your men and the Luna’s, can hold out longer, I request that we give them a day to go to their respective homes to rest and regroup. We’ve been quiet but the last attack was vicious, Alpha Crescent, and some men have not fully recovered from that. Yet they refuse to stand idle to rest and be healed because their comrades are not permitted to. Adding the fact that they are without food-well, at this point those injured would only serve as bait. My conscious will not allow this.”      “Well, what do you suggest we do, Falcon?” The Alpha said. “If what you say is correct and the enemy has been doing a little border patrol of their own-then it would stand to reason that once we remove our men, they’ll attack.”     "BloodHaven," Falcon replied.     "What?" Warren raised his brow confoundedly, almost feeling that maybe he did not hear the young Lycan right. He did not remember the last time BloodHaven assisted in situations such as this, so sure he could not have proposing such a thing now?      “The BloodHaven vampires have agreed to take the packs' place throughout the borders while we rest, and regroup."      He scoffed. “How do you know that you can trust the vampires?” The Alpha Crescent asked. “They’re conniving and mischievous. They only say yes when they seek to gain from a situation. So, again I ask, what makes you think that you can trust them?”      “I can understand that there may be a past as neither Lycan nor wolf necessarily have a cordial relationship with vampires," Falcon replied. "However, I am not so naive as to place sole trust in them either." He reassured Warren Crescent and his Luna. "The shifters have also agreed to assist, as well as a few of the witch covens, who have already began preparations to summon a protection barrier across the borders of the town." He added. "As for what the vamps would gain, the ferals and the wildlings have no respect of person. During the last attack, one of their own-a child-was lost by one of the wildling vamps; they’re angry and seek some form of vengeance. If for nothing else, they’d agree just to see to the protection of their own. A one, Varick Jefferson-White as assured me of it.”   "Varick, huh?" He scoffed as he heard the old vampires name. Their past was shaky to say the least as Varick's interests always aligned with himself and his coven. He was quite neutral but sometimes dangerously so.  The Alpha Crescent scowled in distaste at any further thought of the notion. “Just never thought that the leeches would be of any use.”      “On the contrary, my love.” The Luna, Crescenda Crescent said in her deep english accent. “While we may not be on the best of terms, the vampires have quite extraordinary abilities. Besides, do we really have the right to call them leeches when we both get our nourishment the same way?”      “There are more ways to be a leech than just feeding on humans, Cres.” Alpha Crescent said. “Such extraordinary abilities and yet not once have they lifted a finger to help-not even if it were for their own benefit.”      “They have assured their cooperation, Alpha,” Falcon said. “The leader does wish to meet with the both of us together first, however, to confirm the agreement.”      “Your word was not good enough?” The Alpha inquired.      “I am an Alpha; however, I as well as everyone else in this town are well aware that I am not their leader. You should know that better than anyone, Alpha. They'll never go against their leader, and I'd be sooner question their loyalty if they did. Besides, even if he did not request the meeting, I would, out of respect of your position.”       After a moment of silence, he looked at his mate. “What do you think, love?” He asked.       Crescenda touched Warren's shoulder and nodded toward Falcon. “I think that this young Alpha has a very good idea in getting the BloodHaven clan to earn their keep by assisting in guarding the town. They have the means and the necessary help.”       "True.” Alpha Crescent said. “I just never thought to trust them.”       “I have warned them about deceit, Alpha.” Falcon further reassured. “If they do anything that will jeapordize the safety of Crescent Falls, they will be dealt with accordingly.”       The Alpha Crescent nodded. “And where is my Beta amongst all of this negotiation, young Alpha?” It was a wonder why Baz had not come to him with this notion first.       “Baz, asked that I come to you with the request since I am a fellow Alph,” Falcon clarified. “Aside, that fact, he is on a patrol of the town’s borders, and...well to be quite frank, Alpha, if you thought this idea to be ridiculous, I’d rather take full responsibility for it than send another in my place-no matter how close he may be to you.”      Warren sat quietly for a minute, and then the Alpha looked at Falcon before a small smirk appeared across his perfect features.      “True leader indeed.” The Alpha Crescent finally said. “You do realize, however, that your pack is your pack-you do not have to ask my permission if they need rest.”      “I was asking on behalf of your men, Alpha Crescent.” Falcon made it clear before he also nodded in the direction of Crescenda. "As well as yours, Luna," He added. “Considering the fact that I am here under your jurisdiction, my pack will not be given the opportunity of rest if their fellow comrades are not eligible to do the same.”      Another smile graced the Alpha Crescent’s features; he was obviously impressed with Falcon’s dedication to the respect of another Alpha’s territory. And by the looks of Crescenda’s expression, so was she.      “Well, then I guess we have a trip to make after I’m done here.”      Falcon nodded. “I’ll await your call, Alpha.”      “Well it seems, that you boys have gotten everything covered,” Crescenda said. “I’ll see myself out.” She kissed her mate and headed for the door.      Falcon held the door for her, and no sooner she approached there it was again...that scent. It was stronger on her than he'd ever scented it on the Alpha Crescent. How did he not notice before when he was in the office with her and the Alpha? Was he that preoccupied with assuring his as well as the Alpha and Luna's packs' mental and physical wellbeing?      Was it she that was hiding something from him? Did the scent linger on the Alpha Crescent due to contact? And more curious than this-what type of human was this that had an essence so powerful-so strong that it lingered so long?      Falcon knew that it was not his business but it was so hard to ignore, that he could not escape the curiosity to know what she was up to? He followed her out of the office of the Alpha Crescent, and they started to part ways, he noticing that she was not moving in the same direction as he.      “That really is, an extraordinary scent that you are wearing, Luna Crescent.” Falcon found himself commenting before he could think better of it. "If you don't mind my saying."      The Luna, Crescenda turned to face him with curiosity. “Scent?”      “Yes.” He said. “The fragrance is very….potent.” He pointed out. It was undoubtedly the scent of a human. Fortunately, he’d cordoned off his mind by this time, so she couldn’t tell that he was thinking this. Still, her seemingly amused expression revealed to him that she was not so naïve to think that there wasn’t something to be read in between the lines of his words.      “Thank you.” She simply smiled. “It is my favorite scent.” She said before walking away.      All the while as the Luna walked in the opposite direction of the exit, Falcon had to wonder where she was headed. Alora’s class was in the direction that he was going, so she couldn’t have been going to pay her a visit. This was the only reason that the Luna would find herself at the school aside from that of the Alpha-or at least that was what Falcon thought.      Was this 'special' side piece of hers somewhere around? Was she hiding this from the Alpha Crescent? He found this above all else, impossible. The Alpha was far too seasoned a wolf to be tricked in such a way. And even so, the essence of whatever kind of human this was, was entirely too overwhelmingly strong to be ignored.       It was obvious at this point, as far as Falcon was concerned. The Crescents were hiding something.
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