Wedding day

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Amelia pov. I woke up from the knocks on my door and I noticed that I was lying naked on my covers. I was confused about how that happened. It took me a few minutes to get my mind to work, and then the memories of the last few days flooded my mind. So okay… Today, I'm getting married to a ruthless werewolf king that I know very little about and using the term merry very loosely here. The word sold fits better in the equation. So I am being sold for power. My father and Shadow pack will get the protection it needs from the Blood moon pack. They promised to protect the pack from the rough werewolves and the underworld pack, which is no better than the roughs, who keep attacking us on a daily basis. The Underworlds pack is based right next to ours… maybe I should start calling it my father's because, by the end of this day, I will no longer be part of it. The Underworld pack is known for a few things, and none of them are good. The most f****d up fact is that they sell werewolves to humans. That is the biggest disgrace any werewolf can commit. One of the main rules of our Lunar world is that humans shouldn’t know anything about us. The last time that humanity found out about us was in the medieval ages, in human times. Back then, human people acted like scared, cornered animals, and they lashed out at us. They always act like that when they understand that they are not at the top of the food chain. The saddest part about those times is that we lost some of the most powerful lineages with special abilities. They were called witches and dealt with in the most disgusting ways of torture. So, nowadays, we tend to steer clear of humans and to not create unneeded problems for both of our kind. There are a lot of rumors we hear about the reason behind the Underworld pack selling werewolves to humans. The most common ones are that they use wolves for experiments, but that has not been proven, so we count it as that, rumors. Some say that they do it for the money, and that does sound true. I am sure they need the money to get more power and influence. They are also known to make and sell narcotics, mostly upgraded cocaine and heroin, from the human world. Human narcotics have very little to no effect on werewolves. So they tweaked the formula a bit and created a drug so strong and addictive that a few packs died out because of it. I wouldn’t have known any of it if not for my father's refusal to acknowledge me in any way, so secretly I attended quite a few of his meetings. Sneaking into them was the most exciting thing while living with my father. The knocking on my door seemed to get louder, so it drew me away from my train of thoughts. Cursing whoever was on the other side of the door as I got up and put on a robe. Who the hell was so eager this morning? I opened my door and saw a lady that usually took care of Layla's hair and makeup for special occasions. “Good morning, dear. Let's get you ready for today.” She had a fake broad smile, that faded away as she looked me over. ”We have a lot to do today before your fiancé arrives.” Fiancé… that is still so strange to think that I have a fiancé… Without wasting another moment, she ushered me into the bathroom. Here she washed and styled my hair into bouncy big red curls, pinning a few front strands with flower hairpins, making me look fairy like, maybe? She then took out her makeup bag and started working on my face. The makeup she chose for me was subtle, with a little gold eyeshadow, dramatic winged eyeliner and a bold red lip. When she was finished with me, I almost didn’t recognize myself. It was actually the first time in years that somebody did my hair for me. When I was growing up, there were a few omegas that were in charge of taking care of us. Some of them are very nice, others not so much. When I was around five, we had a lady called Melanie taking care of us. She was a nice, kind woman, with dark black hair and kind blue eyes. She was lovely, and she loved brushing my long red locks every evening. Not only that, but she would then read me to sleep after. I actually liked her a lot, maybe even loved her like a mother. One afternoon, she took me for a walk into the forest next to our pack house. We started playing hide and seek. It was my turn to hide. I hid in a bush from which I could clearly see her. One moment she was laughing, but then she stopped and froze in place. Quietly, she said to me: “Under no circumstances, do not come out of your hiding spot and stay as quiet as you can be, baby. I love you.” Her words confused me, but what I saw next scared me for life. Two gray wolves, I didn’t recognize as one of our packs, walked up to her. “What business do you have here?” She asked them, trying to look as confident as she could be. And that is when they jumped on her, ripping her apart right in front of me. I sat there in the bushes, completely in shock of what I had just seen, when I heard running and shouting coming from the pack house direction. She must have mind-linked to our pack before she was attacked. I saw four of our best fighters and my father running towards the two gray wolves that had just ripped Melanie to shreds. The fight between them took place right in front of me. Our fighters had a very hard time trying to defeat them. One of the attackers jumped straight at my father, but one of our fighters jumped in front of him, trying to protect our alpha… sadly, got his throat ripped out. As the attacker was ripping apart the fallen warrior, my father jumped on him and broke his spine. Then all five of them turned to the last one. The attacker got cornered, and a black-coated warrior jumped on him and ripped his head straight off. After witnessing all that, I just sat there with tears in my eyes. As the shock started to wear off, I jumped to my feet and ran to my father wanting his comfort and assurance, but when I reached him, he turned to me and said: “What are you doing here? Stop crying and go home. You did enough damage today.” Thinking back to it now, I think he probably blamed me as the reason for us being there that time. He blamed a four-year girl for two of his pack members dying. Well, I guess this actually sums my childhood up really well. All the people that loved me died horrible deaths in front of me, and my family blamed me for it. My sour mood and self-pity party was hindered by the makeup lady's scream as she opened a box that now sat on my bed. Surprised by her reaction, I walked to look at what was in it. What I saw was a light white fabric and a note on top of it. “This will look ideal for today's ceremony. A.” Well, that's unexpected. I saw the makeup lady pull the dress out of the box and gasp again. It was a white dress, well it was not really a dress, more like a skirt with two long pieces of fabric that should wrap around my top. I looked at it, a little bit scared, knowing it would have a hard time covering my boobs. “Okay, time to get dressed. Now get naked, so we can put this gorgeous dress on you.” I sighed and started to undress and stopped at my underwear. ”You have to be completely naked for a dress to work.” Well, f**k, I don’t even know how I felt about this, but I got naked. Covering my naked boobs with my hands, I turned my back to her, trying to conceal the little privacy I had, and put the dress on. I lifted the front strap over my shoulder, and she took it from me, pulling and wrapping the fabric on the top of my body. I was a bit uncomfortable having her touch my naked skin, but I stood there keeping my mouth shut and knowing full well I wouldn’t be able to put it on without her. When she was finished, I looked at myself in the mirror and I was stunned. She created a sexy design of twisted fabric, drawing attention to my boobs, waist and open back. I looked beautiful, like a forest goddess, with my curls falling on my shoulders, subtle makeup and a red lip. I could be mistaken for a nymph luring men into the deep forest and killing them there. “You look beautiful, the Alpha will be happy. “ She said to me, as I wondered if he would like the way I looked in it. My thoughts were disturbed by a knock on the door. “Amelia, get your fat ass downstairs. Your fiancé has just arrived.” Shouted Lea from the other side of the door. Okay… I guess it’s time then. I mustered up all of my remaining courage and went to meet my future husband. Alexander pov. Last evening, like a free man, I spent time with three gorgeous women, but my thoughts were interrupted by memories of red hair and luscious curves. I laugh at myself for being so taken by this young girl. The three ladies took turns sucking me off, then two of them started making out and pleasuring each other while I f****d the third. It was quite a beautiful sight to see…so sensual and hot. There is nothing sexier than looking at two women eating each other out, especially when they interchange and get f****d by you. As normal, I sent them off before going to sleep, but at night I only dreamt of gorgeous breasts smothering me as I f****d their owner. Some people may call it a nightmare, but I was more turned on than scared. I woke up with a raging hard-on, thinking of my future bride. I was thinking about her sexy ass. I will be f*****g this evening. I was stroking myself, knowing full well that tomorrow I would have a p***y open at my disposal at all times, and it would be mine and mine alone. Not only that, but I imagined her hand working on me instead of mine. I could see how she would lower her head and take my d**k in between her lips. Air left my lungs and came all over my stomach. I went to shower, satisfied for the moment. In the shower, I started thinking about tonight and I got a brilliant idea. I should send her a dress to wear today, something sexy, open but fit for the future Luna. Quickly, I got dressed and went to the pack's clothing store, where I was greeted by the store owner, Mia. To her, I described what I had in mind, and she showed me a few options. I chose a soft white dress that would compliment her luscious curves very well. I could see her filling out to it’s full potential. After that, I scribbled a quick note and sent the dress to her father's home. Happy with myself and my choice, I went on with my day, but my thoughts kept returning to her and the fact that I would have one hell of a time unwrapping my sexy virgin bride. Going back to the pack house, I checked on my personal house down the road. We will be living there from this evening. I had no reason to move there by myself before, but I will have more privacy there with my new wife. This was not the original plan, but now this felt like a better choice than staying in the pack house. I mind-liked the top omega, to check if everything was ready, and she assured me that she would be done by the time I arrived in the evening. Mat informed me that we would be leaving soon and went back to the pack-house to get ready. I dressed in a black shirt and black slacks, there are a few things I hated more than wearing official jackets and ties. So I usually stayed away from them. After giving myself one last quickie look in the mirror, I went to meet Matt at the front door, so we could leave and be done with it finally.
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