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(Unknown POV) It was the night of All Hallows Eve, the night the veil between realms was thin enough to communicate. I descended from my throne in hell to prepare myself for my yearly meeting. I was a Demon King, a lower-level Demon King to be precise. For many millennia, I have led the lower levels of hell. I was one of four who ruled. We had become sick and tired of the hierarchy. Even the lowliest of the upper-level demons had more pull than lower-level demon royalty. Just because they were fallen angels while we were birthed through the darkness after the fall doesn't mean they are any better than us. They have been outcasts just as we have, but their despicable angel blood has made them think of themselves as superior. And what are we left to do? To be seducers or to be summoned at crossroads whenever people please? Enough was enough! I had better plans, and it would raise me to the top of the food chain. I walked towards the base of the massive burning mountain and the portal separating my part of the underworld from other realms. I walked through an invisible force field that I could see shimmering with my demonic eyes. Once inside the mountain's cave, I walked towards the back and to the portal that was only open for tonight. I knew every step along the way and what to expect since I had done this trip thousands of times. Year after year, I come and pay the goddess my respect. She is trapped in a dark realm with her nine destructive sons. Only she can set balance and order to all the realms, and only then can I be free. Free to rule and overturn those fallen angels and arch angels. I approached the portal and chanted the ancient words to call forth her domain. Suddenly, the shimmering blanket of the portal turned as dark as night. Darker than the cave I was in with embers burning nearby. I could hear the hissing and whipping of the wind. When all the noises died down, I spoke. "Loviatar!" I called out into the dark abyss. "He's here. He's back. He's here, mother," I heard the heavy whispering of her many sons. "Quiet!" Loviatar's raspy voice hissed angrily at her children. Loviatar approached the barrier to the portal. All the chaos in the background had quieted down; it was just her and me. With the flickering of the embers, I could see her clearly. She had a tall, crumbled, old body with a sad face that showed her true age. The wrinkles on her long face were deep-set, and she had thin lips with a pointy nose. The worst part was probably how she stared at you with only the whites of her eyes. She was completely blind but intuitive, and I was long used to her hideous appearance. She stared at me with her white eyes for what felt like hours. I knew she was waiting for an explanation and wouldn't speak until she got one. I took a deep breath; it was time to demon up. "We were close to the white wolf, but all of my earthly contacts seem to have been killed in battle," I stated as I looked her straight in her whites. "You failed yet again. What am I going to do with you?" she smirked, and I relaxed but was unsure what put her in such a good mood. Even though we were "old friends," I still expected a good tongue-lashing like I get every time I've failed over the last three thousand years. "What has my goddess in such a mood?" I asked her. "I have felt something born. One more powerful than the white wolf," she rasped. I blinked in slight confusion. "Okay? So you want me to track this being down for the Death Moon Sacrifice?" I asked, trying to understand my mission at hand. Loviatar smirked, a crooked smirk that let me know she already had a plan. "We must wait until maturity before we attack. Give yourself at least two decades to prepare your army before you attack. And this time, Don't. Mess. Up!" Loviatar hissed through gritted, brittle, and decaying teeth. I knew if she could get to me through the portal, she would strangle me, but she was confined within a curse. "Only two decades? I can't wait to be free!" one of her sons bellowed with a heavy, husky tone. I recognized that voice, Rutto; he was Loviatars favorite, and with him came the plague. "Me either, brother!" boomed Ahky and Luuvalo in unison; with them, they would bring colic and gout, respectively. Her sons repulsed me, but not as much as I loathed the angels. Hatred tore through my heart like an infected virus, and I reveled in it. I would get Loviatar what she wanted; in return, I would rule the realms! I knew I was the only one who called on Loviatar's realm during these times, and because of that, I knew she and her vile sons relied on me. I have been trying and failing at beating blessed wolves to release Loviatar. But now I knew what I had done wrong all these millennia. I was sending vampires, wolves, and witches to do my bidding instead of handling it myself. I had planted seeds of destruction amongst families whose ancestors accepted the darkness for generations, and I had expected them to do the jobs correctly. They say if you want something done right, do it yourself. With a plan already going in my head, I had one more question to ask before I closed Loviatar's portal. "What kind of being am I looking for? You said it was more powerful than the white wolf?" I questioned. "The Crimson Wolf," Loviatar hissed before I closed the portal. I smiled as I exited the cave. It was time to rebuild my army, and I knew exactly where to start.
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