
I Will Love You,Eternally(Transcending Love Series Book 2)

magical world

----Book 2 of Transcending Love Series----

Quincy had finally accepted Caleb as her mate and was inducted as the Luna of the Moonbridge pack.

Caleb thought that he was finally complete as he have his mate and luna by his side.

But all went down the drain when Quincy was abducted by someone.

What will Caleb do now?

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Chapter 1
The Moonbridge pack was celebrating. After so many things that happened, the pack finally had their luna. Quincy finally agreed to be Caleb's mate and luna. They've invited all the alphas in the kingdom as well as the king and queen. At this celebration, the queen recognized Quincy as a gift from the Moon goddess. And as that happens, Xavier finally breaks free of submission. He and Caleb finally released and stood above them. Higher than the royals of the werewolves. The king and queen didn't question nor deny the power they felt inside alpha Caleb and acknowledged him as the wolf in the prophecy. (During the Luna Ceremony) Caleb's POV I look around, everyone is happy. They were all celebrating with us the induction of Quincy as my mate and Luna when we all heard a howling from a distance. The pups started crying as their mothers gathered them in their arms. Cold air breezes around us. On instinct, Xavier immediately made a scan of our land. "Rogues entered our pack. The patrols are already engaged in battle with them." It took him just a few seconds to know the situation and I am proud of it, "we need to protect everyone!" and I nodded. I grab Quincy's hand, my priority is her, I tighten my hold on her hand and I guide her towards our family. My father was already in his alpha mode instructing some warriors. It was something I know instinct told him. My siblings are holding onto my mother's hands as my father stands in front of them. Dawson, even if he's still young, never shows any fear. Ameerah, my little sister, on the other hand, is scared. Tears were building in her eyes. "We are under attack!" I whispered to them, I didn't want to scare my younger siblings anymore than they already are, "take everyone back to the packhouse" My mom nodded and pulled my siblings towards the packhouse. Other lunas follow my mother. The alphas gathered around us. "I'll go help the patrol and finish this quickly. Leon," I called my beta, he was already behind me, "stay here with the warriors, protect our pack and lunas", tapped his shoulder and he nodded. He turns around to gather all the warriors. Giving them instructions on what to do. King Blake approached me, Queen Desiree, striding beside him, " Take my guards with you, alpha Caleb". His guards stood behind them "they can help you too," and I nodded, although Xavier and I might not need them, its impolite to reject the king offered help. "Let us help you fight too, alpha Caleb" one alpha offers. I looked at him, and before I could even say anything, some offered their hand too, " Let us fight to protect our luna, alpha Caleb" I just nodded in acceptance. All the alphas walk back to their luna. As I watched them, I felt Quincy grab my arms. I turned and kissed her forehead, "I promise I'll protect you no matter what", I swore to her. I cope with her face and I lay my forehead on hers. "Wait for me, okay?" She gave me her beautiful smile and nodded. Everyone goes back inside the pack. The ones who remained outside were the alphas, the king and queen, my parents, Quincy's friends, and my beta. The alphas have shifted to their wolf. Some are scratching the ground aching to fight. Some are raring to bite some meat as their wolf feels threatened that something will harm their mate. I took a deep breath and let Xavier take over. I can feel my eyes changing and in a split second, we shift to our wolf form. I could hear everyone gasp when we finished our shift. They were surprised to see the size of our form. The alpha wolves are just like pups if placed beside us. I know we have grown bigger. I just didn't pay much attention to it. But seeing their reaction, we have changed a lot these past few days. But if everyone was surprised, our mate didn't seem to care. Quincy came up to us and touched our heads and took it down to her face. "Please be safe", she whispered, and kissed our heads. We lick her face before we face the direction of the howls. "I'm going to make the first attack," Xavier informed me. "What do you mean?" I asked back. "We both know that something has changed on us Caleb, so now let's test that" he smirks. "You want to test if we have some elemental powers right now?" It's the theory I've been wanting to do this past few days. "You believe we are the wolf in the prophecy?" I asked him again. "There's only one way to find out" I let him focus, and I can feel the surrounding, the air, the rogues, my pack. "What are you going to conjure?" I inquired. "Something to hit them from afar" we looked up in the sky. And I get it. "Alright, let's do it!" Our eyes started glowing and our aura was changing. Everyone is just watching us. And as the winds swirled around us, lighting started appearing in the sky. We control it and direct it towards the enemy, and at our will, this lightning strikes. A dozen tons of lightning hit the ground. Then we all hear some whining from a distance. I smiled to myself. This is good! All the alphas were awed at what they witnessed. Even the king and queen were shocked to witness the power the prophecy was talking about. And they know, this is not our full capacity. We looked at Quincy one more time, "I'm going now," I told her thru our link, "be careful" she said back, then we charged towards the enemy. The alphas follow us behind after they've recovered from their shock. With our size and speed, we were far ahead of the others and we managed to meet the enemy before they could even advance. Xavier growls at them, baring his teeth. Some rogues were intimidated by our size. And to make them have something to be scared more, we release our full aura. Letting them know who we are. They cower in fears. Some immediately bowed to the ground baring their necks in submission. But some rogues, whose sanity is almost gone, are fighting back. They are fighting their instinct to surrender to the stronger wolf. Now, this shows disrespect. We felt greatly disrespected. "Then you will all die!" Xavier growled, angrier. The alphas arrive and the fight begins. Rogues disregard any safety for themselves. They have no strategy, they just attack with no plan. They only focus on killing us. Those who submit to me, surrender to the royal guards. And those who have no sanity left, they come to their death. It took us a few minutes to subdue everything. When we found out that everything was settled down, we shifted back and I took over again. I grabbed some shorts behind the tree and wore them. When I face them again, they are all shifted back and wearing some clothes. "What do you want to do with them, alpha Caleb?" One alpha came up to me. I look at the rogues kneeling on the ground, "take them all to the cells." The royal guards grab each rogue and drag them all to the prison building. As I watched them walk back to the packhouse, I asked Xavier to make another sweep of the land. "Xavier, let's scan the land one more time". I have an eerie feeling that I can't explain. "Alright," he replied. We closed our eyes and made a widespread scan of our territory. And then we felt some movement on the other side of the land. "Something is moving fast that's on foot!" Xavier said. "Vampires!" I said and opened our eyes, "they won't stop won't they?!" Xavier yelled. I started running towards these sh*tty vampires. " Then this time, let's end it!" I suggested. "With pleasure" he put on an evil smile. Xavier was raring to kill those vamps. We are moving at almost lightning speed. And Xavier growls in anger when he finally has his eyes on these vamps. I jumped and tackled their leader and we rolled to the ground. His three companions stopped and looked at their friend. I grabbed his collar and threw him to the tree. But he swiftly maneuvered his body to avoid colliding with it. His friend quickly moves and stands beside him. This vampire, who I remember they called Dmitri, smirks as he brushes off some dirt on his clothes. "You're a brave one wolfie" he makes a step forward "do you think you can fight the four of us?" He taunts me as he raises his hand to them. These vampires didn't seem to recognize me. Well, vampires don't have that ability to distinguish wolves in their human form. This time, it's my turn to smirk at them. "You're trespassing on a pack territory vamps. We don't really like f*ckers like you on our land. So what do you want?" I asked. Dmitri studied my face and looked at me from head to toe. "It's none of your concerns, dogs". He insults us and this angers Xavier more that he is asking to be released. " Now run along now and save yourself before I drain you of your blood!" He yells. And I could not hold Xavier anymore, my eyes changed their color and became darker. He roars with some force that the nearby surroundings shake. This caught the vampires by surprise. "You are the one who wants to die vamps!" Xavier shouted. Our shoulders started shaking, Xavier wanted to shift. They become alerted as they felt our power surging from within us. We looked at them one more time and made a jump to shift. We want to laugh out loud as we look at them dumbfounded. Their eyes are wide open and they even take a step back unknowingly. Xavier was enjoying the fear he saw in their eyes. We stood firm on the ground, our paws were pressed hard on the wet soil. "Don't play with them, Xavier!" I reminded him, "we need to get back to her quickly" he was growling, taunting them, "they've tried to take our mate away! I'm going to play with them before we kill them!" He sadistically burst, "no! We'll finish them real quick and we will go back to her." Xavier snorts and releases a shockwave, knocking them to the ground. "Man!" I whine at him, to which he just smirks. Dmitri quickly stands up again and bare his fangs to us, "I am going to kill you, you filthy dog!" And they all attack at once. We don't want to waste any more time dealing with these vamps. "Finish this quickly, Xavier," I told him. "With pleasure" he gave an evil smile as we released another shock wave, he howled in the sky and lightning struck the ground. We smile as they avoid our attack. In just a few seconds, these vamps are catching their breath after they keep avoiding it. "F*CK!" We are glad to see this royal vamp frustrated and irritated. Xavier is enjoying this to the fullest, and I just shake my head in amusement. All was well when, suddenly, I felt something, immediately, her face came to my mind. "Quincy!" I yelled and Xavier jolted and we turned our heads in the direction of the packhouse. "Xavier, I've got a bad feeling," I told him, we forgot about the vamps in front of us, they look at each other and then back to us. The vamp who we figure as the talkative one taunts us, "what? Something happened in the packhouse?" He smirks. We turn our attention back to them. Xavier growls. "Xavier, let me take over. You check the pack. Find out if she is okay." He nodded and he retreated in our minds as I took over our wolf form. I slowly stride towards them, growling as I take a step closer. "You won't get out here alive!" I say, forcing a mind link to them. Gasping, disbelieving, their eyes grew wide as they held their heads, aching because of the forced mind link. The talkative one got aggressive and slightly bent to start the attack. I just stared at him and waited patiently. The other one moves to the other side. They want to attack both sides. I grin and they jump to attack us. I moved our heads to avoid his punch. I pinned the other vamp to the ground with my right front paw. He wiggles around, trying to get out of my paw. But I put more weight on pinning him down and I smirked at the other three. They look at each other again and then attack. I jump towards them, kicking the two as I try. I sink my teeth into their leader's neck. Lucky for him, his friend kicks him to avoid my sharp teeth. I licked my teeth when I landed on the ground. Dmitri's frustration was surging "ahhh!" He hit the ground. "I'll say it to you, don't get in my way! I will have that girl! She will be mine!" He screamed and this doesn't sit well with me. I growl and roar, my furs are spiking indicating the anger surging and wanting to be released, "you have no claim on her! And I will kill you before you can even touch a single hair on her!" And I strode quickly to attack, so fast that they barely saw my movement. Moving on his right side, my target was his head! I was near to sinking my teeth into his neck when his friend pushed him back, making my teeth sink into his body instead. Dmitri, who was shocked by being pushed aside, quickly turned around to see his bloody friend's body. "Faun!" He jumped in to punch me, but my eyes got darker, Xavier was gaining control. "What has happened?" I asked him. He seemed angrier than before, " It's mate!" He screamed, "I can't sense mate!" He said and kicked Dmitri when he got closer to us. "What?! What do you mean you can't sense her?!" How could our mate be gone? "We need to get back now!" He said, dropping the vamp's bloody body on the ground. I mind link, my warriors, to come here and deal with these vamps, I made an earth-shattering roar in the sky. We then ran towards the packhouse. When we were at the edge of the forest, we shifted back and put some pants we found behind the tree. "Leon! Where is Quincy!" I asked when I reached the packhouse. "The luna? At the packhouse with the others. Why?" He replied through the mind link Frustrated and agitated, I stormed inside the packhouse. The place seemed to have just got the power back. "What happened?" I asked as I looked around. I found my father, " Dad". I called him. "Son," he turns to me, "have you apprehended the enemy?" Everything seems to be normal inside. I nodded back "what happened here?" "The power got cut off" he explains. My eyes grew wide, a block out. "Where is Quincy?" I turned my head to look for her, "Quincy!" I shouted, everyone looked at me, and as if they just realized it, they, too, looked around. But she's nowhere to be found, my nervousness is growing, "Where is my luna?!" I screamed at everyone. My mother came up to me, "she was just here," she touched my arm, "calm down son", trying to calm me. I move away, "no! No!" I shake my head "Xavier where is she?!" My eyes turn darker "she's not here," he is growling, our aura is being released because of our emotion, rage, uneasiness. "They've taken her! Someone took her!" Roaring louder, I couldn't control him anymore. Anger and rage fill the pit. We shifted again into our wolf and we stormed out through the window. ================================

Dreame-Editor's pick


His Mate or His Girlfriend


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