Chapter 4

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Caleb's POV I watched as all the alphas leave our land. We have agreed to a bloody fight. I smirked as I remembered yesterday's event. Yesterday's meeting As King Blake looked at everyone, "alphas of the southern kingdom! You've all been told of the wolf in the prophecy. I know you already know who that is" he then looked at me, "the wolf who receives the greatest power, strength, and speed like no other in this world". He paused, turned to face the alphas and waited for any reaction from them, "fellow alphas, its time to know and acknowledge the presence of the wolf in that prophecy". We watched the facial expressions of everyone in the room. Alpha are all prideful creatures, someone would surely object, " That wolf is alpha Caleb of the Moonbridge pack!" A few seconds passed before a reaction was voiced out "oh hell no!" Protested by an alpha ten years older than me. "You're telling us that, that alpha," he's pointing at me, his eyes glaring, in envy, I might add, "is the one in the prophecy" he then looked at his fellow alpha, "and you want us to bow down to him!" Another alpha started supporting his statement, "no way in hell I will bow down to him!" "Your highness," alpha Oliver came in, "pardon us, but," he looked at everyone before looking at me, "we swore loyalty to the throne, not to someone prophesized," he looked at me taunting. I stepped forward by King Blake's side. I smirked at him too, " Wanna bet on that, alpha Oliver?" my eyes began to turn darker. Everyone got alerted as I let my aura overflow. I smiled at myself as they, one by one, knelt on the floor against their will. "You can try to fight it if you want" I urged them, pushing my aura more. Xavier let his spirit know to these alpha's wolves. As our spirits knew who they should be bowed upon. "Let your wolf know and try to fight me", but no one can stand on their own. They tried to fight their instinct. "I'm waiting". The three behind me are chuckling. Leon, Garret, and Wayne didn't hide their laugh watching these pathetic alphas trying to fight their instinct to submit to me. "Sh*t!" Growling, "get up!" One alpha commanded himself. Every one of them, their faces almost touched the floor. "What is happening?!" Sweats were dripping on their faces. "Defy me!" I challenged them, "show me you are stronger than me! Or you can submit to me!" I roared at them. Prideful an alpha they are, they wouldn't submit, not that easily. King Blake walked towards them, in front of them, "the royals of the werewolf kingdom have long been waiting for the prophecy to come true". He stated. He said it before, at our last meeting, "as king of the southern kingdom", he looked at them still trying to fight their instinct to submit to the much higher power. "I release you all from your oath of loyalty" Alpha Oliver slammed his fist on the marbled floor, "your highness!" He was shaking his head. And I couldn't help myself smiling seeing this old man struggling to keep his pride as an alpha who swore his loyalty to the kingdom. " Stop this, why would you bow down to someone like him?!" He yelled. I didn't like his tongue, nor Xavier. I made one step forward and roared, my energy focusing on him, and the result was, his whole body was pressed on the ground like something was pinning him down. King Blake stood in front of the old alpha, " My friend, Oliver, I appreciate and value our friendship, and I am so thankful for your loyalty," he turned his head at the others. "All of you. But, as a descendant of that wolf, it's in my blood to recognize him as the rightful heir to the throne, as the prophecy dictates." He then turned around and faced me, I frowned at him, my eyes grew wide when he suddenly knelt, lowering his head and baring his neck to me. "I, alpha Blake of the southern kingdom, pledge my loyalty to you, Alpha Caleb" Everyone and I mean everyone in that hall were shocked and left their, mouth wide open at the action our king took. "Your highness!" Alpha Oliver was still trying desperately to get up, fighting my power that was pressing him down. Xavier suddenly takes over our bodies. With dark eyes, he stepped forward and stood in front of the king. Xavier was pleased and satisfied. My spirit wolf, Xavier, is contented that our power is being recognized. Now I understand everything, the reason why it bothers Xavier so much to submit to him before. We are not born to obey anyone. We stand at the top! I stood at the back of our minds and watched Xavier. He kneels at eye level in front of the king. He grabbed the king's head, he pressed his head to him, then he closed our eyes and we saw his wolf inside, the wolf of the king, a black wolf with red furs on his chest. This wolf lowered his head to us, acknowledging us as his alpha. Xavier smiles and nods. After a moment, Xavier let go of the king's head and stood up. King Blake follows. Xavier faced the rest of the alpha, "anyone else,?" He asked them while smirking. The alphas are now angry, very angry. Even if their wolf recognized us as their alpha, their human fights that instinct and won't submit to us. "Let them go Xavier", I want to know what they will do next, "let's see what they'll do" he released a loud growl, decapitating our power in the hall. The alphas were relieved and they slowly got up on their feet. And then an experienced alpha made the comment I'd been waiting for. Spitting, this alpha made a challenge, "I, alpha Hendrick of the Stormnight pack, challenge you alpha Caleb for that title!" We all looked at him and before I could accept his challenge, another alpha made a challenge, followed by another, and another. To sum it all, they all challenge us except for Alpha James and alpha Albert of the Greenville pack. "I accept all the challenges" Xavier's voice echoed throughout the hall. I sighed, "Xavier, do not kill anyone," I told him, he snarled at me, "Quincy would not like it if she learned that we killed some alpha," I reminded him, "but they're impudent alphas who deserve to die for not submitting to us!" I shake my head and reason out with him, "that maybe so, still, try not to kill them, but a little pain is not bad" I smiled at him, "let them feel some pain" Xavier walked to the center, in the middle of the room, surrounded by all of our challenges, "last chance," he offered, but it was answered by their roaring and growling, their teeth had elongated. Xavier's eyes were dancing in excitement, he burned this urge to fight, and our pent-up energy wasn't decimated. Shaking our bodies, he eyed everyone until they made the first attack. Back to present To summarize that fight, they all had either a broken arm or a leg. And with a bloody face, they all kneel and bare their necks to us. Submitting to us and recognizing us as their alpha. Alpha James was the last one to leave our land. He walked up to me, "alpha Caleb". He offered his hand for a shake, "I hope you find your luna as soon as possible." I accepted his hand. " Thank you Alpha James". He nodded and turned around to his car. We watched him drive away. "We need to find a mate now!" Xavier said to me, his voice laced with sadness and longing. I am too. I missed her intensely. "Okay," I agreed to him and mind link, Leon. "Leon, meet us in my office, bring Garret and Wayne too." "Okay, Caleb" he replied back. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Quincy's POV It's been two days since I was taken. Two days of not knowing where we are. We have stocked here alone in this spellbound room. Willow said she didn't hear anything outside, indicating they were probably somewhere far away from people's house. "Icy, I still couldn't mind link Xavier" she wailed. We've been trying to contact our mate thru the link but this spell must have something to do that enables us to reach out to him. "What are we going to do?" I shake my head, I don't know. I looked around again for a hundredth time trying to find some way to get out of here. "I don't know Will," I gave a sigh, adjusting my position on the bed, "I still don't understand why someone would take us and lock us here." Willow snorted that she had an idea "there could only be one reason, Icy," she paused and my heart skips a beat when a realization hits me "that's right!" confirming it, "someone knows that we're the gift and mates to the wolf of the prophecy" This is bad, really, really bad. "Oh, Caleb!" I silently whispered, "where are you?" Wishing he was here, saving us, calming us. "Oh please moon goddess" I stared at the small opening above the wall looking at the moon, "please let us hear his voice" I prayed. A noise from the other side of the door snaps our heads and makes us alerted. Willow is already growling inside, ready to defend ourselves from whoever is coming from the other side. After a few seconds, it opened and a woman in brown cloth entered the room. She has in her hands some clothes. I couldn't help raising my brow at what I saw. I immediately stood up from the bed and walked towards her. "Who are you?" I asked, "why did you take me, and why are you keeping me here?" I tried to grab her arms but she was whispering something even before I could get to her. It halted my movement. No let me correct that, something made me stop and my whole body was petrified. Shocked with my wide eyes, I realized what she was; a witch! This witch walked past me and laid the clothes on the bed. She walked back in front of me. "I'm sorry about this Luna Quincy". She knew who I was, my heart beat faster, was she one of them? I wonder. "My alpha will return tomorrow and meet with you if you could just be patient," she said and turned around to leave. After locking the door, the spellbinding me also vanished. "Willow, I think we're in deep trouble", I confided. I was nervous and started panicking. What should we do? "No sh*t!" She cursed. The whole night, we thought about what would happen when the morning came. This alpha the witch is talking about, who could it be? We can't afford to shut our eyes in fear that someone will come in during our sleep. So, with bloody eyes, we keep staring at the door, waiting for it to open. Through the morning, no one came, and we've been dozing off now and then. "Icy, you need to rest," I know we're both tired, staying up, I don't want to sleep only to wake up that we're in a not very good situation. "No, I'm fine" so I told her. "Well, either one of us should rest," she's persistent but I get her, I just don't want to scum to the darkest without knowing who's behind our a*******n. "Then I'll rest first" I nodded to her, "sleep well Willow" Hours passed by, and the sun was already up high. It's probably in the middle of the day now. Again, I sighed, pulling my legs up to my chest, "Caleb", I whispered as I looked at my palm, the wound still there, the symbol of our connection. "I miss him", I talked to myself, I can't believe I'll be missing him like this. I traced the wound with my finger, "we didn't even enjoy our run". Tears were forming in my eyes. It was a tradition that the new luna would hunt that night with her mate. Only the two of them. But that didn't happen. I looked up again at that small window, "mom, dad," calling them like they were just outside waiting for me. Scratches from the door brought me back to my senses. I quickly wiped away my tears and braced myself for whoever would come from that door. My anticipation came to an end when a male figure walked in. That side of the room was dimmed, so I couldn't see how he looked to know who he was until he walked in my direction where more lights were. And as this person got nearer, his figure slowly lightened, and I couldn't hold my gasp when I finally recognized him. He stood at the end of the bed, his hand stuck inside his pocket, and he was looking at me. His eyes held something I didn't want to name. "No way!" I was shaking my head, I couldn't believe who I was looking at right now, "H-how? W-why?!" I diverted my eyes and looked at somewhere else. I felt betrayed. "Because I want you Quincy", I turned my head to him when he spoke, "I want you for myself". I can tell there's obsession laced in his voice. "But I have a mate. I am mated to alpha Caleb" He suddenly became angry and roared "you are mine!" He screamed, leaning on the bed. "Not his or anyone else!" His eyes turned black, his wolf was surfacing. Fears crept into my whole body as tears began to form again. He stood up again and smiled, " You will be staying here from now on". He then turned around and walked to the door. I quickly got out of bed. "wait!" I called to him "stop!" I ran to the door, but it was already shut and locked. I hit and shouted "Alpha James!" ==================================================================
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