Chapter 4: Adbay POV

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I have gone about this the wrong way. I should have befriended her years ago. At least then, I would have had her trust. I race after her because I can't let her get away. She is the future queen whether she wants to believe it or not. I pick up my pace, and she looks behind herself and sees me running after her, so she speeds up. I know where she is going, so I don't try to pursue her faster. Just as I decided to stay at my pace, we rounded a corner to her home. She stops running and turns around to face me. "My parents are still dead inside aren't they," She asks me with tears in her eyes. My heart squeezes inside my chest for this girl I have watched grow up with adoptive parents, and now she is an orphan. "Yes, they are dead and if you like I can help you clean up and maybe be able to explain what is happening. You cannot run from this." I don't wait for her to answer as I walk away and into her house. She follows behind me, and we get to work cleaning up her parents. "Your birth mother, Queen Kali left you a letter. It is at my home and I was suppose to give it to you on your 24th birthday when your powers first rose but things have not been going as planned." "What did you plan?" "I had plan to court you in a way. To become somewhat of a mentor to you and then when the time was right before your powers awaken I was going to gently tell you of your true heritage." I pause to look at her to make sure she is still with me before I said anymore. "Do you have any questions before I begin Princess." She winces at the word princess, and I mentally punch myself for using it. "No, but please for just right now….call me Amita." I nod my head in agreement and hope to the Great Mother I do not disappoint her. "Amita, when you were born you were given to me to protect. I was just a boy at the time, ten years old. My parents woke me up from my sleep with a crying baby and told me that the baby was the crown princess just an hour old." "Just an hour old? Does Vipin know I am alive and who I am?" She asks "At first, I thought he did, which is why my parents wanted to get you out of the crown city fast, but as the months turned to years and no one sought you out, I believed Vipin had no clue you were born but then your power awakened on your 24th birthday and soon after your parents are dead. I fear Vipin's soldiers may have sensed your magic and tracked it here. I need to start training you to master your magic. "Master my magic to do what?" "To defeat Vipin and bring balance back to the kingdom." "I am not going to do that. Are you out of your mind. I am not who you think I am. I..I cannot be queen I am weak and ill of mind. The kingdom deserve a strong ruler. I have fainting spells and panic episodes I am telling you, you have the wrong person." I look at her and remain silent, letting nothing fill the air. I take a deep breath and try again. "Amita, you are the future queen. I have a letter from your mother that will explain everything to you when you are ready. Would you like to hear the rest of our story?" "Yes please." "My parents had everything packed and told me to seek safety here in Anahata to find a family for you and to make sure no one knew of who we were. I did just that always watching over you. Which you made very easy by the way. You have no friends the only people you talked to were your parents and the only places you were were places you had to go. The library is were you spent most of your time so that is where I have spent most of my time." "So you have just what… been following me your whole life? What happen to your parents?" "The last I saw of my parents they were giving you to me to protect and I have done that but now my job needs to shift to being your mentor. I need to teach you how to unlock your chakras so that you can control your magic and defeat Vipin." She starts shaking her head no, and I can't help but let out a small laugh. "You are not in this alone Amita. You will have me and your chakra mates." "My chakra mates? Who are they? I don't know any men other than you how will I find them." "It is okay Amita all of this has been done before. You should be able to see your mates aura. It will be a bright light of a specific color for the kingdom they are to rule at your side." As soon as I say this, she looks directly at me with a look of fear on her face as if I said the wrong thing. "How will my mates know who I am?" she asks. "They will be able to see your aura as well" I know what she is getting at. I know she sees my aura because I see hers. Ever since her power awakened a few weeks ago, I have been able to see it. I've known I am her mate, but I needed her to see it for herself. "Are you one of my mates Adbay? Can you see my aura?" I am shocked that she would just come right out and ask me, but I should be relieved it's not like we have a lot of time. "Yes, I am one of your mates and I will be here by your side until my death. I have protected you all your life and I will not stop now." I tell her needing her to understand that she is not alone. "Okay well I know nothing about you other than your name so why don't you tell me more about yourself so it will distract me from what we are really doing." I nod my head in understanding, and I tell her about our ride from the crown city to Anahata. It was an eight-day ride, and she never cried, not once, and how I fed her and protected her long after I was supposed to find her a family. I could not just leave her with anyone. I had to make sure they were a good fit, that they would care for her and not harm her. It would make doing my job at keeping her safe a lot easier. I finally found the perfect parents for her, and I left her on their doorstep. Once she was safe, I had to get myself established to have everything we needed when the time came. So I worked as an apprentice to the blacksmith until I saved up enough money to build my own house, and now I work as one of the town blacksmiths. "Thats really all there is to know about me. I have known from a young age I would need to help you and I have always felt a strong pull toward you and now that your magic has awaken and I am your mate it all makes sense. The Great Mother is funny that way." "Yes she is, all my life I have read and search for a reason for all of this. Why was I or anyone born to just be a slave to horrible people?" "I do not know the reason for anyone else's life but my own and yours. I know that by helping you I am helping them and myself live the life we were meant to live. We have been robbed of our lives and we have a chance to get it back, that is what is worth fighting for." Amita sits across from me at her dinner table, silent as a mouse. We just buried her parents in the back under the most prominent tree. She said some words, but I can tell this is all a little too much for her. I wish I could take some of this off of her, but I can't. She is the future queen, and if Vipin knows of her existence, then we need to get to training sooner rather than later. "I would like for you to come with me to my home Amita. There are things I need to show you so that you can fully understand what it is we need to do." "How long will I need to stay there?" "Well I want to tell you not long but I think it would be safer if you stayed with me until we made a plan. That way if someone comes back they wont find you here." She nods her head in agreement slowly. I'm not sure she trusts me just yet, but that's OK; we have some time for that. Not a lot of time, but still, some is better than none. "OK just let me gather some of my things and we can go." She stands up and walks to the back of the house. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I can't gage how well she is taking this. Her parents just died, and a strange man has just inserted himself into her life and told her she needs to save the world. I'm not sure how I would even take that. 
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