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Henry Barclay It’s been a week since I had received a text from Emma saying she was in Montana and would text when she got to the hotel. Surely, I should have heard from her by now? At least to give me the reports on the bank but even they hadn’t even heard or seen her yet. I had been so furious with her when I arrived home only to have Mary hand me a letter from Emma informing me that she was going to run Barclay’s Bank in Montana City whether I approved or not. That stubborn child! But now I was getting a little worried as she should have contacted me by now. “Mr Barclay.” Alfred knocked on my office door. “Enter.” I answered. “Any word?” I asked as he handed me the paper. “No Sir.” He replied with sadness. I nodded dismissing him. I sipped my tea and opened the newspaper up. And there on the second page written in big black bold letters. ‘LANKFORD CONVOY ATTACKED!’ Lankford ranching? The cattle-ranching tycoon? I read the article out of curiosity. Who in their right minds would attack a tycoon? Well, who wouldn’t? Lots of money can be demanded ransom. Didn’t they lose family members in an accident at one of the ranches? I shook my head and carried on reading. All of Mr Lankford’s staff and the guardS were viscously attacked by hijackers. Only Lucy Lankford, Lucas Lankford’s 6-year-old niece survived with the aid of a passably Emma.’ “Emma! My Emma?!” I breathed feeling the life drain out of me. I read the article further as my heart continued to race. Miss Emma was gravely injured and is now recovering in Montana City. “ALFRED!” I yelled jumping up knocking the table over. The teapot and cup crashed to the floor shattering everywhere spiling the hot liquid. “Alfred came running in with panic. “SIR?!” He gasped in panic and fear. “Find out where exactly is this hospital and who I need to talk to there. I’m going to Montana.” I said shoving the newspaper into his hands. He read the article while I shouted for Mary to go pack my bags. “Our Miss Emma?” He asked in a raspy voice. “Send word to the police, whoever. It can only be her.” I said charging out of the office and up the stairs. “Stupid, stupid little girl!” Lucas After 72 hours Emma was cleared and out of danger but she still in a coma. I had managed to convince the doctor to release Emma as no one had filed a missing person report or inquired about her. And to be honest I just would feel better if she was home with me. The doctor reluctantly agreed that she could be cared for at my estate as there was nothing more that can be done except wait for her to wake up. By now the story had broken the newspapers and social media and a journalist interviewed me. I didn’t want to do it but Boone had said it was the best way to let everyone know that we would seek revenge and as well for Emma’s loved ones to know of her whereabouts. Which I didn’t like, I wanted Emma to myself. Once we reached the estate Lucy refused to leave Emma’s bedside, she had even crawled up onto the bed which was in my room. As all the other rooms were filled by our new members. Lucy would fall asleep next to Emma holding her hand. She didn’t once have nightmares after Emma’s arrival and even her behavior changed. She would listen and not throw tantrums. We had a mass funeral, burning our lost members. We wolves believe that burning the body released the wolf spirit back into the earth through the ashes, waiting for the next generation. Most of the new members were pregnant women and children with their mates. Their Alpha had ordered them to abandon the fight as not to lose their unborn pups. He also had sent 3 unmated guards to protect them.  The guards were beaten up before being ordered to leave and protect the remainder of the pack. As soon as I got back to the house, I accepted them straight away before they became loners. They had already been too long without an Alpha. As it was one of the wolf’s whose mate, the wife was heavily pregnant had to be restrained causing her to go into early labor To our luck, The Blue Moon Pack had a doctor, or rather a med student. The pup was named Jerimiah and the husband calmed down as soon as the acceptance was announced. I had doubled the guards and patrols around the estate as the attack was a little too close to home for my comfort. ‘Alpha, the Sherriff’s here to see you.’ Boone linked me.  As soon as he linked me there was a knock on my office door. The Sherriff just walked in. “Thank you, Boone. Sherriff.” I said as Boone closed the door frowning. “I received word that the young lady that saved your niece is none other than Emma Barclay. Henry Barclay’s daughter.” He said taking a glass of bourbon from me. “Barclay? As in Barclay’s bank?” I asked taken a little bit back as I sat down. “Exactly that Barclay.” The Sherriff said tilting his glass to me. “What is a bank tycoon’s daughter doing traveling alone for?” I asked in disbelief. Everyone in Montana City and neighboring towns does their banking at Barclay’s. “She was apparently on her way to take over management.” He said with disgust on his face. The Sherriff believed women should be seen, not heard. I know stupid in this era. I and other farmers had put in complaints about the way the manager was running things but to honest, I never thought that they would replace him with Henry Barclay’s own daughter. It was just unheard-of socialites or heiresses never got their hands dirty or ever worked they were mostly all spoiled brats. “Well, her father sent word that he is on his way from New York to come to take her home.” The Sherriff said getting up. “What?!” I asked confused and angry. No one is going to be taking my mate anywhere. “He will be here in a day or so with a chopper, apparently.” The Sherriff said frowning before he left. “My mate is a bank tycoon’s daughter.” I muttered falling back into my chair. “Alpha?” Boone called out knocking and coming into my office closing the door behind him. “My mate is Emma Barclay of Barclay’s banking.” I said in a strained voice swallowing my drink in one gulp. “That’s Emma Barclay, Henry Barclay’s daughter. The bank tycoon?” He asked in a loud voice. I nodded slouching in my chair. “He’s coming to take her away, back to New York.” I mumbled feeling numb and my wolf howl in pain. Boone stopped pacing and fell into the chair in front of me. “What are you going to do?” He asked in a gravelly voice. “He can’t have her, He can’t take her, she’s, my mate. I don’t know.” I said in a small voice. “He’s coming by chopper.”  “Well, he can’t have her moved across the country, she’s too weak.” He said matter of fact tone. “She’s still can’t be moved, not after last time.” He’s right no matter how rich either of was, to move Emma via ambulance or chopper is too dangerous. When we moved her here with the Red Cross chopper, we got turbulence and she started bleeding again but I at least had a doctor to back me up. I had felt so horrible for that and cursed myself for putting her in such danger but I wanted her by me I thought selfishly. My wolf was starting to get excited at the idea of the doctor’s involvement. “Call Doc in.” I ordered Boone. He nodded getting up. “Alpha, even though we’re not close I wish your mate, our Luna stays, for all our sakes.” He said before leaving. “Me too Boone, me too.” I replied as he walked out.  A few minutes later Hoyt, the new doctor–med student knocked on my door before entering. “You wanted to see me Alpha?” He asked nervously. He was young, 22 years old with sandy hair. “Take a seat, Hoyt.” I said gesturing to the chair in front of my desk where Boone had sat. He nodded and took his seat. “How are you coping with everything?” I asked knowing that he had worked his fingers to the bone with all the injured wolves. “I’ll manage Alpha.” He said looking down at the floor. “Hoyt.” I said in a stern tone making him look up at me. “I don’t know what you have gone through and I can’t even begin to imagine what you had to do with limited knowledge. But you can rest now.” I could see the bags under his eyes. He let out a slight breath of relief and nodded. “I will have our old pack doctor’s house turned into a full proper clinic for you and get it stocked up. and you will attend class or intern at the local hospital.” I said watching his eyes widen and brighten up at what I was saying. What was I thinking?! I can’t bribe or order this young man into forcing my mate’s father to let her stay. I’m just not that kind of person but I will keep my word of what I promised him. I sighed in sadness. “Alpha?” He asked with concern. “Emma is the bank tycoon Henry Barclay’s daughter. He’s on his way to take her back home.” I explained feeling all gloom and doom. “The Barclay’s Bank?” He asked surprised. I nodded. “Alpha. She can’t be moved. The journey will kill her!” He all but shrieked jumping up. “Please Sir, she can’t be moved.” He pleaded. “Hoyt, calm down.” “Alpha, she is too weak and our Luna will die.” He croaked sitting down in despair. Luna?! I never told anyone about Emma being my mate and only Boone knew. “How do you know about Emma?” I asked suspiciously standing up. “Her scent is fused with yours.” He whimpered. “Everyone can smell it. You and her are mates. And the pack accepts her because she fought so bravely and save the princess and heir to the throne.” He showed his neck in submission, whimpering. “What?” I asked in a hoarse voice falling back into my chair.  There’s still so much I have to learn about Alphas and Lunas. I was never really interested because I knew I would never take the throne or really wanted a mate. “Alpha?”  “I didn’t know?” I replied in a thick voice. “Thank you, Hoyt you can go now.” He bowed his head and left. I slowly rose from my chair and felt a pull to my mate. My pack and new members already know and accept her as their Luna, a human because she showed such bravery. I opened the bedroom door and saw Lucy brushing Emma’s hair. “Gently Lucy.” I instructed moving closer to them. She glanced up at me smiling brightly and continued to brush Emma’s now clean long platinum blonde hair. She looked like an angel apart from all the cuts and bruises. My heart sank that this precious person was injured so. “Is Emma going to stay with us forever?” Lucy asked staring at Emma. I swallowed hard. “Her father Mr Barclay is going to come and visit then we’ll discuss what to do after.” I answered as honestly as I could without upsetting Lucy too much. “But she’s, our Luna.” Lucy protested pouting. “I know sweety but we can’t keep Emma from her father.” I explained with sadness. “She’ll stay, she’s, my protector.” Lucy said in a matter-of-fact tone. She continued brushing Emma’s hair. I sighed not wanting to argue with her and to be honest my heart was sore at the thought of her leaving me, us. My wolf growled and howled in misery. After finding out who Emma really was, I couldn’t help but do a little research on her and her father.  He was a cruel and strict bank tycoon. His life was banking and his wife and daughter were the trophy family until Emma’s mother’s murder. Her mother had been at one of their bank branches during an audit. Henry was not a fan that his wife worked. Personally, I think it was to get away from him, she was forced to marry young and be the obedient wife. Emma had been tutored her whole life and graduated at 16 years old and had started studying finance like her mother which sent her father into a fit of rage.  She graduated quickly with her master’s degree; well, her IQ was 139. Smart and sexy. She backpacked through Europe last year after graduating which freaked henry out and he apparently almost disowned Emma for the stunt. He believed that women should be seen not heard and tried to set her up to marry some wall street guy and that’s when she left for Europe and embarrassed them both. I shook my head at that knowledge, in this stone age how can you still believe that but yet again the sheriff had the same mindset. It annoyed the crap out of me. Henry Barclay I had received word that Emma was not at the hospital but at the Lankford estate. I was furious beyond comparison. How dare they?!! The Lankford estate housed the staff. Lucas Lankford was now in charge of the company as he had lost his father and older brother at one of the ranches and then his mother and sister-in-law to some fever? His niece and he were the last of their family name. Tragedy has hit this family hard I thought a little sympathetically with my anger subsiding as I read all the information on the Lankford’s.  My chopper descended into a clearing at the estate. I noticed armed men patrolling and a huge house, more of a mansion. This house was old but I could see more floors and rooms had been added along with small houses on the property itself. The pilot shut the engines and I saw a tall lean blonde man run up to us and opened my door. “Good day, Mr Barclay my name is James.” He said bowing to me. “Good day.” I said a little shocked at this custom. “Please follow me Mr Lankford is expecting you.” He said motioning for me to follow him. “My daughter?” I asked looking around me. Staff were busy setting up picnic tables. “She’s up in Mr Lankford’s room as we took in a group of new members from a neighboring farm that was attacked.” He explained clearly seeing the disapproval in my face. The front door opened and a tall buff, a brown-haired man came out. “Mr Barclay, I’m Lucas Lankford.” He introduced himself shaking my hand. His grip was firm and strong and his skin tanned. Clearly, he had worked on the ranch at some point. “Please come in and out of the heat.” He gestured stepping aside. “Emma?” I asked stepping past him into the cool hallway. “Of course, follow me.” He said walking to the huge oak wooden staircase in the middle of the lobby. The house was very open and bustling. “We are having a barbecue to welcome new members, workers from a neighboring farm that was attacked. They lost a lot as did I with my staff.” He said as we climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. “I’m sorry for your loss.” I said earnestly. “Thank you. It would have been worse and devasting if I lost my niece too but Emma saved her.” He said with a grateful smile. “She fought bravely.”  He smiled pausing at the door looking at me with eyes gleaming. He opened it and I walked in to see a little black-haired girl sitting on the bed brushing Emma’s hair. “Lucy!” He growled from behind me. The little girl put the brush down and gently climbed off of the bed looking guilty. “Forgive me but Lucy barely leaves Emma’s side after she rescued her.” He explained picking up the girl. I studied her and saw some bruises and faint scratches on her face and hands. She hid her face in his neck. I looked back at Emma and moved closer to the bed. My breath caught and hitched when I saw my beautiful Emma’s pale face and full of bruises, cut, scratches, and swollen lips. I fell down in the chair next to the bed and picked up her cold hand. “What happened?” I breathed my eyes not leaving her ruined face. “Boone!” He called out. Within a second another tall blacked haired man walked into the room and bowed. “Take Lucy to play with the other children.” Lucas said giving Lucy to the man. He bowed again and left with the child. Such strange customs here, everyone bowing. “Mr Barclay.” He said closing then walked over to the bed and took a seat on the other side of the bed. He stared at Emma with eyes that I didn’t like. I cleared my throat to get his attention. “My convoy was attacked in an attempted high jacking on their way to the mall but animals, savages.” He spat in anger. “Your daughter’s taxi was also attacked. None of my staff survived. My niece somehow managed to hide in the forest. And Emma, Emma fought off and killed 5 attackers to keep my Lucy safe.” “Five?!” I asked flabbergasted at the news. “Yes. The two that attacked her taxi and then the three that pursued them into the woods.” He explained with a pained expression. “My Emma fight and kill?” I asked still in disbelief looking down at her. “She even stood her ground when my men and I found them. But she was wounded badly.” He said with grief and guilt. “How bad?” I whispered unable to speak up from fear. “She was stabbed in the stomach and shot in the shoulder. She has cracked ribs from the taxi crashing and flipping a few times.” He said pointing to her wounds with a shaky hand. “The doctors had to operate and said she was lucky to be alive from the blood loss. They all say she’s a fighter.” He stared at her with what seemed to admiration. “That’s my Emma always fighting, stubborn as a mule just like her mother, free-spirited, they called it.” I grumbled at the memory of them gaining up on me. “I know she stuck a knife to my throat before fainting.” He said with a small chuckle. I frowned at him, he looked like a love-sick puppy. I couldn’t ignore his stares anymore. “I will be taking my daughter home now. Thank you for your hospitality.” I started standing up. He narrowed his eyes looking up at me. “She can’t be moved or travel. She will die then for sure.” He growled standing up to towering over me. “I will not have you tell me what I can and can’t do with my own daughter. I will do as I see fit. And why in the Hell is she not at the hospital?!” I yelled at him making myself taller. “Ask the doctor yourself when he gets here in the next hour.” He snared before storming out of the slamming the door. Arrogant fool I thought angrily as I sat down again staring at Emma. “What did you get yourself into child.” Lucas After I stormed out of my room, I raced outside to the backyard and informed everyone I was going for a run. I had to before I lost my temper even more and did something that I would regret later, like kill my mate’s father. I had had to fight for control for my wolf not to take control and rip his head off. The old stocky fool I thought in annoyance and anger. I stripped off my clothes, laying them behind a tree, and thought wolf. I felt myself shift. There was an electric current that buzzed as I fell to all fours and my bones contorted and shaped into a wolf. My fur was pitch black to show authority. All Alpha’s furs were always black or turned black when a wolf became Alpha. My fur was a very dark grey until I became Alpha then my fur darkened to pitch black. I could hear and see everything so clear and smell ten times better than my human nose. I dug my claws into the soft ground and pushed myself off into the woods and let out a howl. After running around the property flat out for an hour Boone linked me, notifying me that the doctor from the hospital had arrived. I raced back to the tree with my clothes and thought human. I transformed back and quickly dress feeling a little breathless from the run. My wolf and I were a lot calmer as I raced back into the house just as the doctor entered the lobby. “Doctor, Nurse Candy.” I greeted the doctor with a handshake and a nod to the nurse. Just then Mr Barclay came rushing down the stairs making my blood boil from the start again, so much for the run. “This is Henry Barclay, Emma’s father.” I introduced them to each other trying not to snare. “Shall we check on Emma?” The doctor asking looking to the stairs. “Yes, please right this way.” I gestured and started climbing the stairs. “How soon can we leave for New York?” Henry asked the doctor walking next to him. “Mr Barclay, Emma is in no condition to be moved. It was a risk just to move her here.” The doctor answered with a frown. Henry wanted to protest but the doctor stopped him and the nurse carried on up to the bedroom. “Her are too serious and just the slightest rough bump or turbulence could tear her stitches. And I assure you Emma will bleed out internally.” Henry’s face paled. “Bleed out?” he asked dried mouth. “Yes, she has tremendous tissue damage. It will take months to heal properly and she’s in a coma too.” The doctor said as we reached the room. “I’ll take it from here.” Henry said barging past me to open the door. He let the doctor in then quickly closed the door in my face before I had a chance to enter. I stood growling at the door for a few minutes trying to calm my wolf and myself. How dare he not allow me in the room to see my own mate examined?! I paced up and down the hallway feeling my eyes shift from blue to black as I could hear Henry’s breathing escalate while the doctor was tending to Emma. I swear I could hear her sharp breath intake as the doctor was changing her bandages. “Why isn’t Emma still at the hospital?” I heard Henry asked angrily in a raised voice. Werewolf ears. Usually, I try and tune it out in the house, with so many people it sounds like 50 radio stations trying to all play at once. “There was fear for her safety due to the high jacking and to be honest Lankford’s have a semi clinic and Med student on the estate. And not much more can be done from the hospital. Emma needs rest, a quiet environment. Even with a private room at the hospital, there’s still too much noise around.” The doctor stated annoyed. “But it’s busy here…” I couldn’t listen anymore; I was growling too much and might just bust the door down and really rip Henry’s head off. I moved to the foot of the stairs and focused my hearing on everything else going on in the house and outside. Finally, I heard footsteps move to the door and the knob turn. “She should not be moved until she wakes up Mr Barclay. Her best chance at survival is to stay here.” The doctor said opening the door. Henry glared at him I made my way back to them. “You paid him off!” He accused angrily spitting. “I beg your pardon?” the doctor asked astonished at such an accusation. I just narrowed my eyes while a small intimidating growl escaped my throat.  “I assure you I would never do such a thing.” I said through clenched teeth. “Well, Mr Barclay clearly you don’t care about your daughter’s wellbeing.” The doctor said with disgust. “Good day to both.” The doctor turned to leave with a frown, Nurse Candy also frowned at Henry with disgust before storming off. Henry seemed shocked at what had just been said or it could have been my growl, either way, I just didn’t care as I pushed past him into the bedroom and closed the door on him. I turned to look at Emma, the sun was shining on the bed making her look like an angel with her platinum blonde hair glowing white with gold in between. As I moved closer to the bed my heart sank again as her face was paler and strained even in the coma, she was in pain. I sat down with her cold small hand in my big warm hand. “Please don’t leave me.” I pleaded, kissing her bruised hand.
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