1- Chocolate Bar

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Marcel took a glance at his watch to check the time. He has been standing outside the big golden doors guarding for about 4 hours now and tapped his foot waiting for another 30 minutes to end before the next guy comes and replace him. He looked up at his fellow guard and was mesmerized by how disciplined and professional the men had been since their shift started. Joe was like a statue, standing and looking forward to not moving a muscle and barely even breathing. With only 2 weeks of experience working in the castle, Marcel is yet to get used to standing for long hours just merely guarding doors. But today would be the first that he was assigned to guard the King's study as the man who would originally be standing in his place was off on a sick day. But so far nothing special has happened yet considering the King has not left the study since that morning after giving them strict order to not bother him. It was the first time he had met the Royal Highness but he barely turned to look at them. He walked past them into his study with long strides and merely stated that he did not want to be bothered. A few more minutes passed when Marcel heard little pitter-patters coming down the hallway. Along with the rapid footsteps, there were soft jingles and humming. He turned his head to the noise and saw a girl, about 4 feet tall with brown hair and caramel skin holding a teddy bear in her arms. She was dressed in luxury from head to toe. Her blue silk dress flowed beautifully as she skipped up towards the golden doors her shoes were jeweled and nicely made. The diamond tiara that laid on her head informed Marcel that she was probably the princess. The Kings Little. She looked to be about 17 human years of age. Being surrounded by vampires, Marcel held no knowledge in human biology and how they grow. Only the elite members of the vampire society have Littles of their own that they adopt and care for. Marcel came from a middle-class family with a father who works as a butler in this very castle. His only experience with Littles is from the daycare center that his neighbor owned where wealthy vampires bring their Littles to be looked after for a day. Marcel found them cute and sometimes helped out a little bit at the daycare by playing with the little angels but that doesn't educate him much on how Littles were taken care of. As Marcel kept his eyes on the little who is coming near the golden doors he realized that she was about to reach for the doorknobs in which he immediately stood in front of, blocking her access. 'Hey there sweetie, you can't go in there.' The girl looked at him with a frown, confused at what he was doing. Did someone really refuse her? She ignored him and moved towards the doorknobs again in where Marcel gently took ahold of her arms and guided her away from the doors. 'I'm sorry but The King is really busy now he doesn't want to be bothered.' Marcel told her with the most gentle tone he could muster. 'I wanna see daddy.' Princess said as she tried to pull her arms away. Nobody touches her beside her Daddy and Martha, her nanny. 'I know you do but maybe come back a little later, alright. Daddy's very busy.' 'Don't touch her, Marcel' as Marcel tried to reason with the girl he heard Joe whisper almost in a warning tone. Even as he said those words his gaze never wavered, staring forward in a professional manner. Marcel decided to listen to Joe as he let go of Princess but he still remained in front of her preventing her from any access to the study. 'I wanna see Daddy.' She repeated, this time in a louder tone. Marcel was conflicted, if he let the girl in, the King might find him incompetent in taking simple instructions. But from the whiny tone Princess was presenting and the unshed tears in her eyes, he didn't want to be put in the position of making the King's little cry. 'Sweetie calm down. You can see Daddy okay but not right now. Daddy told Marcel to not let anyone bother him.' At his words, Princess started to cry and yell for her Daddy. She threw herself on the ground and wiggles her short legs throwing a fit for being denied her Daddy. As her face started to get red, Marcel immediately bent down on his knees on the ground with her to try and calm her down. He tried reasoning with her that her Daddy may not be happy that they are interrupting him in his work. But nothing seems to work. Even Joe broke out of his stone-cold demeanor and looked helpless. 'Marcel, get back here, don't bother her anymore.' he said with the same tone as before. Marcel didn't seem to hear him through Princess's loud crying and cracked his head thinking of ways to get her to stop crying. At that moment he remembered he had a new Chocolate bar stored away in his back pocket that he was saving for lunch. He took it out and wiggled it in front of Princess whose face was wet with tears and red as a tomato. 'Hey look what I got here! Marcel has got chocolates. Princess can have it if she stops crying okay?' This caught her attention. The only time that she gets candy is when Daddy says yes, and that's only when she has been a good girl. So to have staff give her some just like that was mind-boggling to her. Neither Martha or the other staff ever gave her sweets or toys since Daddy already gives her everything she wants and more. Her cries slowly died down as she reached her hands out to grab the candy bar from the man that she now considers her new best friend. Marcel's lips pulled into a smile when all he heard was silence in the hall after a minute of continuous crying from the Little. 'There you go. You can have the whole bar for being such a good girl.' he told her even though Princess's attention is no longer on him and was occupied in trying to open the plastic wrapping. Before he could offer to help her open up the chocolate bars Marcel heard the sounds of the study doors opened and Joe's hard to tone. 'Sire.' Marcel stood up quickly and turned around to only face the hard chest of the King who did not look happy to be witnessing what was going on between his precious and one of his staff. 'Daddy!!' Before Marcel could utter a single word Princess rushed pass him and jumped into her Daddy's arms. The king's face immediately twisted from a hard gaze to a gentle loving look. 'Baby.' He muttered as he took Princess into his arms and peppered her face with kisses. 'Have my Princess been crying?' Princess snuggled her face on the King's expensive silk shirt trying to wipe off the wetness on her face. 'I was but I stopped and Marcel said I was a good girl so he gave me this!'  Princess said and showed her Daddy the chocolate bar that she received minutes ago from one of his workers. 'And what's this, may I ask my love.' 'Candy!' Princess yelled excitedly. This made the King move his hard gaze unto the young boy stood in front of him. 'Your highness.' Marcel greeted respectfully with a bow. The King continued staring at him with brows furrowed and lips in a straight line. 'Princess why don't you go wait for Daddy inside. Daddy's got some things to work out alright.' Emanuel said to his angel as he slowly took the chocolate bar from her hand and set her down on the ground so she could go into his study. 'Daddy, mine.' Princess said when she realized that the candy is no longer in her hands and reached her hands up to her daddy to take it back. Emanuel was about 7 foot tall being a vampire of a royal bloodline he is naturally taller than the rest. 'Of course, baby but daddy would like to just take a look okay. Go wait inside now, pretty.' The King reasoned with her and she happily skipped into his studies. Joe shut the studies door as soon as the Princess was in as he was trained to know certain orders from the King without needing the King to imply. In his situation, he predicts that Marcel will be getting a mouthful if he was lucky and Princess didn't need to hear one of her Daddy's infamous interrogations. 'Name.' Emanuel said while looking at the chocolate bar as though he was examining it. 'M-Marcel Dayne, Your Highness.' The new guard stuttered in front of his employer and King. His head was still bowed, afraid to look at King in his eyes. 'You're Paul's kid.' Emanuel was familiar with the Dayne family as Paul Dayne, Marcel's father has been their butler since the previous king, Emanuel's father was still ruling. Emanuel was only a child when he started working for them and that was 200 years ago. Paul has been a trusted staff and friend to the Royal family for a long time. And to think his son was so incompetent amused him. 'And may I ask what was all the noise I heard in my study?' 'I apologize, Sire. Princess was requesting to see you but we were given orders to not bother you in your stu-' 'Are you implying that my Little is a bother to me.' The King interrupted. With that Marcel's eyes shot up to meet the most beautiful emerald eyes he has ever witnessed on a person. He had never gotten a proper look at the King before and now that he is only one step away from him he was mesmerized. Quickly, Marcel regained his composure and defended his statement. 'Of course not, sir. I was only trying to refrain from causing any trouble.' 'And you thought it would be a swell idea to give Princess sugar unauthorized by me. Is that correct?' The King said while twirling the chocolate bar in his left hand and his right hand in his pocket. His posture was sexy and intimidating. Marcel could not focus on what the King is saying as he was distracted by his tall frame and beautiful features. 'Are you dumb as well as inefficient?' said the King when he didn't get a response from the young boy. Marcel snapped back to reality as it just dawned on him how much trouble he is in. 'No sir. I apologize. I was only trying to keep Princess from crying as that would lead to sickness.' Marcel was smart to play the Princess card as he tries to divert the question and paint himself in a better light as someone who cared for the princess's well being. But to be honest with himself, at the moment he only thought to keep her from crying and making him look bad. Emanuel took a step forward towards Marcel so now they are only centimeters away from touching making sure to keep his intimidating stare at the boy. 'First thing you should know when I give orders to not be bothered I am referring to everyone on this planet but Princess. It doesn't matter if she merely wanted a hug. Nobody and certainly not you will deny her from accessing me. ' The King said in a low and dangerous tone to the guard. 'Secondly, I will have you know that Princess is on a very strict nutritious and expensive diet prepared by the castle chef personally handpicked and authorized by me. I will not tolerate any unapproved feeding by any staffs such as yourself that will disrupt her health. Am I clear?' When Marcel heard what the King said, he immediately nodded his head and bowed his head to show submission. It was a good thing that Princess was unable to open the package. Who knew what her Daddy would have done to him if the Little had taken a bite out of that chocolate bar. And knowing the royals they only consume food that is made with the price of gold. The bar he gave the princess was a simple snack he got from the convenience store near his home that cost about five cents. If Princess were to be given any candy it must be well made by luxury stores that uses expensive ingredients that are rare and valuable. 'Yes, sir. It won't happen again.' Marcel quickly said and lowered his head again. 'How long have you been here?' The King asked. 'Just a little over two weeks, your highness.' 'Well, then that explains the lack of work ethics. I won't fire you just out of respect for your father. But I do hope you understand that this is a punishable offense.' Marcel gulped a lump in his throat when he heard the king's tone. Almost taunting him, like he is a fox playing with a new rat he caught. He nodded again to show that he was listening. 'You will tend to the animals in the stables for a month as punishment for your careless behavior. You may consult with your fathers on the duties of a stableman. I expect only the best from my staff and I must say so far I am not impressed, Mr. Daynes.' Emanuel stated Marcel's punishment before he threw the chocolate bar on the ground in front of the boy and turned to return back to his Princess. Marcel let go of a huge breath he was holding and bent down to pick up his lunch. 'Told you to leave her alone.' Joe said after he shut the door leaving just the outside of the study. Marcel merely glanced at him and returned to his position on the left of the door. —————————
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