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Lisa's POV I have just finished packing our bags. In a few minutes, new life with Alessandro begins. I'm tired and exhausted from all the work, but I can't even take a nap because Piero will be here any minute now. I just lay down on the bed and think about my marriage to Alessandro. He is so arrogant, bitter, and heartless. I wonder if he will ever be satisfied with my service? O, and his lifestyle, UGG don't get me started. Will I ever adapt to that lifestyle? I'm used to a simple life. Not this life with money and all the fancy Patsy stuff I saw last night. We have such different personalities and have nothing in common. We don't even speak the same language for the love of all good! Numerous questions flash through my mind, questions to which I can't get an answer. I can't understand why the wedding should take place so late in the evening. I can understand just as little why there are gold diggers in the world who want to make life difficult for others. Now that I think about it again, I realize that I don't understand the Mancini's at all. Piero's arrival at the hotel interrupts my busy mind, his ready to take me to my future home. I look at the simple dress I'm wearing, maybe I should wear something fancy instead. Alessandro is blind, but the other people aren't blind. Oh, they can go to hell. I'm an ordinary person, not a rich man's daughter, and she's not going to pretend to be born rich. The porter takes my suitcases to the car parked in front of the hotel while I went to pay the hotel bill. After this, I greet the hotel manager and walk to the waiting car. Alessandro's POV I'm relaxing on the front porch with my brother and sister-in-law when a car stops. “O anima mia, che bella ragazza! Dio deve essersi preso il suo tempo per crearla!” (O my soul, what a beautiful girl! God must have taken his time creating her!.) My sister-in-law whispers. “Di chi stai parlando, Sophia?” (Who are you talking about, Sophia?) I asked with a frown. “Penso che sia la tua sposa, perché è appena scesa dalla tua macchina, Alessandro” (I think it's your bride because she just got out of your car, Alessandro) My sister-in-law explains. I immediately stand up when I hear Lisa's footsteps approaching. I immediately recognize her by her perfume. I hold my hand out for Lisa, hoping she will take it. My brother and his wife don't know about the agreement. Then I feel a cold hand taking mine. “Allow me to introduce my sister-in-law Sofia and my brother Gabriele Mancini to you, Lisa”, I then turn to my sister-in-law and say. “Lisa is the woman I'm marrying tonight. Her name is Lisa Saunders.” Lisa greets them kindly. I was just about to invite her to sit down when I hear. “I don't think there's time for talking guys, grandma has just arrived with the makeup artist,” Sophia says before Lisa can sit down. “Sophia, will you take Lisa to her room please?” I ask before they think I'm not interested in my wife-to-be. “It's not necessary, Alessandro. If you can just tell me which room I'm sure I will find it myself.” Lisa objects. Just as I want to speak my grandmother speaks. “Good to see you again my dear. I assume you already met Gabriel and Sophia? Let's get you ready. Alessandro, please go and get ready.” I just nod. I don't want to get married to a woman I have never seen before, but I can't say no to my grandmother. I hear Sophia talk to Lisa. “I hope you don't care, I already put your wedding dress and everything that goes with it on your bed this morning,” As they walk away. “Come, big bro. I can't believe you're finally getting married.” I hear Gabriel say beside me. “I must say if I was the one to marry her I would have hidden her as well.” Gabriel continues. “Let's go.” It was all I said before I feel Gabriel lead me to my room. Lisa's POV “I assume you have already taken a shower, I will only help you to get dressed, grandma hired a makeup artist and a hairdresser“ I hear Sophia say. “That's very kind of you, Mrs. Mancini,” I forced a smile on my lips. Sophia doesn't give me a chance to say more, “Since you're about to become my sister-in-law, Lisa, call me Sophia instead of Mrs. Mancini.” “Alright, I just have to get used to it,” I tell her. “This is all new to me and I don't know Alessandro that we'll yet.“ I continue. “Come, dear, let's get you ready, and from now on you can call me grandma,” Maria says as we enter a room. Suddenly all the tension, worry, and nervousness that I experienced vanished. I can't help but be impressed by the luxury that surrounds the room. The bed is a king-size, black and red bedding, there's a large flat screen t.v which is fixed to the wall, on my right-hand side there is a large walk-in wardrobe that is larger than my bedroom back in South Africa. The bathroom is large with black tiles on the floor and wall. There's a Jacuzzi and even a small flat screen t.v, the shower is so big that four people can shower at once. I was still checking the room when Sophia says, “We have to get ready before the groom comes and takes you himself.” What should have been a happy day for me is a day full of worry and stress. Just the thought of my sister gives me the strength to push through with the wedding, otherwise, I would have run away already. Finally, I'm dressed in my pure white wedding dress. The dress is shoulderless and has a low neck, at the bust there are fine beads and diamonds, her back is open, then the dress flows down past my feet. The sled is so long it looks like I'm dragging the red carpet behind me. They let my hair loose, so my natural curls show, my makeup is skillfully applied. “Something new,” Sophia said as she puts a heart-shaped necklace around my neck, “Something old” Followed by a beautiful hairpin that has white gold roses on it “Something borrowed” Sophia says as she puts a beautiful yet simple bracelet on my arm, “Then last but not least, something blue”, Sophia help to put the garter around my leg. “You are indeed the most beautiful bride I have ever seen Lisa”, I hear Maria say with admiration “It is a pity that Alessandro can not see you today, he will never know how beautiful you look today.” “Thank you very much, grandma,” I say with a sad smile. There's a knock on the door and Sophia went to open it, “Are the bride ready?” I hear Gabriel ask. “Yes, I'm ready Gabriele, thank you very much”. I answer as I walk to the door. Maria, Sophia, and I walk behind Gabriele to the back door leading to the garden. There Gabriele leaves us to go to Alessandro. “Are you ready dear?” Maria asks as she takes me to Mason. “As I will ever be,” I reply. We stop in front of Mason, “You look beautiful, Lisa. Thank you.” He says. “No, thank you.” I give a small smile. “Sophia you can go in with me grandpa will take her in,” Maria says to Sophia. Mason take my arm and lead me down the aisle. There is an audible whisper among the guests when Mason and I make our appearance in the garden. We walk slowly with ease. Then we are at Alessandro and Gabriele. I take the arm that Alessandro holds out for me, and am suddenly aware of how beautiful Alessandro looks in his black suit. Then I hear the priest say. “We are gathered together here today to unite this man Alessandro Mancini and this woman Lisa Saunders in the bonds of matrimony. Alessandro, do you take Lisa to be your lawfully wedded wife?” “I DO,” Alessandro says in an irritated voice. Lisa, do you take Alessandro to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I DO,” I say sadly knowing that after today I'm this man's wife. “By the power vested in me by the State of Vatican City State, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride” As soon as I hear this my heart beats fast, what will Alessandro do? Will he kiss me in front of everyone? Before I know what's happening Alessandro pulls me to him and kisses me on her cheeks, The freaking cheeks! “Wait, why am I upset about it?” I thought the sound of applause and whispers from the guest brings me back. Alessandro let go of me and turn towards the guests. Hand in hand, we walk to the tent where the reception is being held. The guests throw colored confetti as we walk into the tent. I didn't notice the ring on my hand until I hear, “I have never met a woman with such small hands,” Alessandro said. I look down and see a wedding ring set made of two blue diamonds. I must admit it's beautiful, but something tells me this is a family ring. Once we are alone, I will give the ring back to him. The family comes to congratulate us, photos are taken by some reporters. Then I hear how Gabriele announces, “Will the bride and groom please step to the dance floor?” Ed Sheeran's thinking “Thinking out loud” Starts to play, Alessandro and I walk to the dance floor. I start to feel nervous about being so close to the handsome man. It seems to me that Alessandro can not wait for the dance to finish. After this, everyone sits down for a festive meal. Champagne flows freely, but I only drink one glass and notice that Alessandro is doing the same. I wonder if he will go to the hospital with me? “Wait what are you thinking Lisa? Of course, he will not”. I remind myself. The guests left a few hours after dinner, then everyone made arrangements to leave — except Alessandro's brother and sister-in-law who had been invited by him to visit for a few days. After the guests leave, I excuse myself to change. But then I suddenly hear Alessandro say, “I want to feel what you look like before you go, Lisa, if you don't mind”, He gets up from the couch and continue, “Please come stand in front of me. Even though I have no eyes to see you, my fingers can tell me just as much “. Alessandro first feels over my face and hair with his fingers, then it feels like his hand is gently, carefully caressing my shoulders, arms, waist, and hips. I feel a hot blush push up against my cheeks. Then I hear him say again, “You are indeed a beautiful bride.” Alessandro let his hands fall to his side and continue softly, “You can change now, Lisa. I'll go to the hospital with you tonight.” Lisa takes his arm and says softly, “Let me just help you sit down first then I'll get dressed”. I tell him and help him to sit down. Then I quickly leave them and go to my room. It still feels like a dream to me when I dress in my new black vintage scoop neck, casual dress along with the black pumps I bought at the fashion house yesterday, and hangs a beautiful diamond infinity necklace around my neck and gold earrings to complete the outfit. I suddenly remember the diamond ring on my finger and decides to give it back to Alessandro. I walk back to where I left Alessandro. “May I please talk to you for a moment Alessandro?” I ask him. “Yes, come sit next to me and tell me what you want to talk to me about, Lisa.” He says. She carefully takes a seat next to him. “I would like to .... em ..... I mean, I just want to give your ring back to you. I realize it is a family ring.” “You are right,” He rudely interrupts, “It's the family ring which every Mancini heir usually becomes engaged with. My grandmother wants you to wear it.” He says in a cold voice. I don't know why I suddenly feel a sting after he said those words. “What time do you want to visit your sister?” He changes the subject. “I think we better go now otherwise I won't be able to see her after visiting hours”. I say. “Alright,” was all he said when he stands up. I suddenly realize how tall, a big-built man he is and the suit shows his muscles under all the clothes. His shiny, black hair is neatly combed back, and his gorgeous face is expressionless. I take his arm and lead him to the car. On the way to the hospital, it is quiet in the car. Piero stops in front of the hospital and helps Alessandro out of the car. “Ci puoi aspettare qui in macchina, Piero. (You can wait for us here in the car, Piero) He addresses his driver in Italian. “La onorevole Mancini mi assisterà ulteriormente”. (Mrs. Mancini will assist me further.) I have no idea what he just said, but it sounds sexy. I take Alessandro's arm and carefully lead him inside. It didn't take long to reach Lilani's room. Lilani was still awake when we enter the room. “Lilly, I would like to introduce Alessandro Mancini to you,” I say in English. I'm glad that Lilani learned to speak English early, so I don't have to translate everything to Alessandro. “This is my sister Lilani Saunders, Alessandro.” Alessandro greets Lilani and I help him to sit on the chair next to the bed. I then bend down and kiss her on the head. “Are you ready for the operation tomorrow little one? As soon as you get out of the hospital, I will make arrangements for a nurse to look after you at your new home until you have recovered.” A shy smile appears on Lilani's lips as she says, “Am I going to stay with you, uncle? My sister says it's a big house it looks almost like a castle. Are there any fairies in your garden? Do I get my room? “ Lilani rattles on. Alessandro kindly replies. I can't believe how this man suddenly turned ninety degrees in personality. “Yes, you are going to stay with us, my house is probably as big as a castle. And I do not know if there are fairies, maybe you can find out for us as soon as you are healthy? And to answer your last question, yes you get your room with a bathroom. “ Alessandro says very calmly. Lilani thanked him kindly. “You just married? Did you look like a princess to your prince Lisa? Oh, and was there cake? I wish I was there.” She says dreamily. I can only smile at her innocence. “Yes, the people say your sister looked beautiful, I will get a cake as soon as you get out of the hospital then you can celebrate it with us,” Alessandro says friendly. Lilani smiles and closes her eyes, very soon she falls asleep. I sigh and says worriedly, “She seems to be asleep. I think our visit and the excitement have exhausted her.” “In that case, we should rather leave so that she can rest.” Alessandro softly says. I kiss my sister gently on the head, then take Alessandro's arm and lead him to the car. On the way to the mansion, both of us are quiet. Upon our return home, Alessandro immediately disappears to his study, where he handles most of his business by telephone during the day. I sigh and walk around the house until I see grandma. “O, hey dear. Come sit here next to me. How's your sister doing?” She asks. “Alright, I guess,” I reply sadly. “I hope it goes much better with your sister after the operation tomorrow, Lisa,” Grandma says. “Alessandro is all Gabriele has left, except for me and Mason. Their parents died early. Alessandro was in his last year at university and Gabriele in his last year in school. Alessandro then had to take over the family business and take care of Gabriele. Alessandro is not one of the friendliest people today. He never talks about himself anymore. Grandpa and I tried to be there for them. But a child still needs his or her parents no matter how old they are. You see that's why I asked you to marry him. After his fiancé left him he became more and more heartless.” Grandma explains with sadness. I look at grandma and nod, “It's true,” I softly say, “He's not a friendly person. He must be careful, one of these days he will become an old grumpy man.” Grandma laughs softly and then says, “Alessandro was not always so unfriendly Lisa. His former fiancé, Bianca Lombardi's heartlessness made him so bitter. He will later realize not all women are like Bianca. I fear that it would be too late to compensate for all the damage he had done”. “Yes, I have to notice that he doesn't even trust people who are sincerely kind to him,” Lisa says. Grandma nods. “You're right. My grandson is nobody's friend at the moment. He's under the impression that people are only friends with him because he's rich. That's why the family is not keen on coming to visit. His brother visits him whenever he can and me and grandpa well I make sure that knucklehead doesn't push us away, but maybe you're just what he needs to get back to his old self.“ “I wonder if I'm going to be strong enough to do it,” I say truthfully. “He's so... Arrogant?” We chat for a while longer when grandma announces that she's going to make some tea then head to bed. We went to the kitchen and find Alessandro and Gabriel eating ice cream. “I see you boys haven't changed one bit”. Grandma scolds them. “It's his fault granny,” Gabriel says pointing to Alessandro. “Lisa, dear do you want coffee or tea?” Grandma ask me. “Coffee would be great, thank you, grandma,” I reply. I take this opportunity to study Alessandro when he suddenly speaks, “Your sister will be operated on at six tomorrow morning, Lisa. If you're at the hospital at five, you can probably still see her before she goes in the theater. “ Alessandro said. “Thank you, Alessandro,” I reply. Grandma hands me my coffee and I sit down on one of the chairs. Gabriel and Alessandro talk about their childhood and the things they did to grandpa. After a while, I excuse myself. “I will ask the housekeeper to make sure you wake up on time tomorrow morning, Lisa” Alessandro assures me. “I think you need a good night's rest after the busy day you had,” Grandma says. I wish everyone a good night's rest and leave the room. When I climb into bed I remember that today was my wedding day. I was supposed to be on honeymoon with my husband, but sadly this isn't a normal marriage. I turn the lights off still thinking about the arrogant man.
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