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The Doctor checks the woman. He isn't sure that she could proceed with the labor. The woman is in sweats. No one to hold her or sympathize her. She weeps as she sweats. For 9 months she has been bearing the pain, yet she wants to proceed. Nature as it is, is very cruel or very sweet sometimes.  The boy enters the world. From his mother's woes to her joy and to the doctor's relief he has entered the world. He is a mere atom of what his mother thinks he will be. She has a big vision for him. Although the financial and the psychological conditions are in adverse, yet she believes he will be remembered for a long time. She takes him to her hut. The loan money from his birth still remains.771 dollars is the discounted amount. She could barely earn 10 dollars a month for sweeping and cleaning her master's house. Yet she does that for her son's future. She could foresee that his future would be as bright as the sun. The story commences with screen play of hospital hatch of door: where my colleague was in situation of coma; it happen when a very speedy ambulance is moving towards the hospital using the dual carriageway. Serene is shot by bullet an hour ago; I can see her bleeding head lying on patient compartment and I can judge how panic condition is running after observing nurse and doctors made-up. Perturbation can see in screen; oxygen level is beyond the level and breathing gets assist. This is the very first time seeing my best friend in bloody condition. I can’t explain mine condition how I feel just me remember, I am very anxious and want to rush out to the hospital. Before the condition happen I remind the words that she is trying to whispering and urge me to come closer towards her. She is trying to say something in my ear. I leaned towards her mouth. She is uttering words, unfortunately shirker voice and persistent siren that disturbances in the ambulance can’t accomplish her stoic words distinct. After 2 weeks: Investigating team arrive in hospital “case no 47”; having inquiry of patient named; “Jack”. They are eager to meet the victim that was injured in accident: last Sunday September 15th 2012. Jack: Rooms with empty space just I can see the bed and different equipments like Stretchers., Defibrillators., Anesthesia Machines, Patient Monitors, Sterilizers ,EKG/ECG Machines. I’m straggling’ what’s going on?’Where am I, feel like I was dreaming long and wake up; early in the morning? I assume and try to get back my memories but my attempt is unsuccessful .in fact, I see myself lying in the hospital bed. I am in dilemma about the situation and unknown about everything that is happening to me. A young man around early 30’s, arrive towards me with three assistances around: I astonishingly ask myself instantly” what I have done?” because their uniform indicate cops officer I am bit nervous and begin to inspect the scenario of the room. Pragmatically a young police officer salutes me! And says “Good afternoon sir! How are you feeling now?” I replied: ‘Fine sir ‘, Ma I know why you are here and who are you searching for? Awkward way he replied ‘Are you not able to recognize me?’ After his answer I wait some time to focus him, ‘Do I know him? If yes then, who is he? , what relation does I have with him?’ i tried but I can’t describe.   Immediately I ask him who are you and why are you here?? “I am Inspector ‘bob’. We work together. We were trained in same canton and fortunately you are my senior officer and glad to work in different sting operation and we have solved many mystery operations.” Speechless mentality occurs, I can’t explain my situation after what I heard and hard to believe who I am and question rise: what’s my identification. “Me?” Sorry to ask but can you give me my introduction? “Yes sir. Your name is Senior Inspector ‘Nicolas’. Its honor to have such an officer sir. One of the industrious officer who has handled dire and dare cases and given reputed name in our department sir I am eager to know about more and my situation so I replied: “how I am here what happen to me?” “Last week when incident happened in flat no 13, goons had shot the close range to Ms. Serene your best friend. We were on duty and reached the crime scene after a headquarters gathered the information. Ambulance had already arrived and it ready to take Serene mam to the nearest hospital: Apollo. you were in terrifying circumstances and you were in an ambulance with Serene Madam. Her condition was worst as you can determine after observing body structural situation. A hole was drilled (5 mm) through the centre of the disc of injured chest part that allows simultaneously blood flow which makes worst condition and you ask driver to accelerate to reach destination as soon as possible. Plight occurs in very moment when ambulance tries to overtake lorry and hit forcible. During which vehicle somersault and causality death of driver spotted and again miserable happen when one the nurse expire in process to hospital and fortunately sir you are only one able to survive. These days: two weeks passed now you are able to talk to us sir , you were in coma and  having severely head inquiry.   Perplexing moment : I lost my memories however I want to know about the my friend according to police man and I immediately ask about the,’ serene’ ? Policeman replied with mournful voice: “she is no more” I feel upset even I can’t remember my relation. Even I feel worst when I lost my self and try to recall all things but it seems impossible to me. Police man try to help me to recall me and she explain my past with serene. Sir, you were intimate with her and you both  are in same training session and you guys have really top competitive and used to collect accolade from the senior. Time for posting after you completed the tutoring and luckily, posting with same department in ring road; near to your home and far to serene .the station is one of the most dangerous due to local goons and hooligans so crime rate of these station is high due to political exercise happen and they protect to them even there are wrong dower. He tries to remind me everything but still I’m not convince and my level of perplex remain same. In addition, he opens his mobile and tries giving me visualization how she looks like: my heart get blossom straight away due to her stunning poster and gorgeous look. Picture indicates we are in love but unexpressed feeling. Feeling is pumping loud and I’m panic that my remorse audible may surround in the hospital bed which makes me stiff and speechless. Surprise has made a way that feeling is vague without reasons. As far as I am concern ,I am falling in love with this beautiful faired face having brown big eyes with natural curled eyelashes more I can see her eyes are magnified by the black kajal with slightly  rolled down in her eye lids. Her oval face is melting my heart despite knowing the fact that I am viewing lifeless person photograph. I can imagine her smiley gesture that may provide me blissful feeling when she may around. Affection is volatility which is beyond my imagination. Still my eyes on cheeks which are made-up natural peach blush exactly feel like slushy sun tan. Moreover, her lips sauté with matt nude color that makes her pretty professional and blond hair with tight bun in it that makes a intellectual character along with uniform. Even I lost the way nonetheless picture gives me some expectation to search my path. One moment: imaginary hits the peak of my tenderness and feel like movie actress who have thousand fan followers, who succeed to triumph the heart of millions audience in the universes. In short: I fall in love with someone with no existence. Human feeling are vulnerable that applied me too.  “Sir!”   Terrifying; I am woken by a soft touch around my thigh by ‘bob’. I am completely revamped by the thoughts of myself. In fact, I went through imagination to get outcomes of my memories but there are nothings in it. Frustration is around my feeling!! BOB replied sir!   ‘Can we walk for a few minutes in beautiful garden?’ indicate immaculate place where greenery can seen from my windows. Springs have hits regularity in environment that can be seen in sun light which is shining brightly enhancing the view of garden. So, I simply nodded my head and the young man helped me to dress up. I feel: dizzy & anxious but eager to know myself; I get up with courage and reach our destination where I can see different natural beauty as flower that memorizes my feel. Bob; are you feeling better sir? Yes I do’ I answered’. Sir, can we proceed our conversation? With commanding voice: ‘bob’ says I still notice, uneasy and not able to garb his words distinctly nonetheless I’m eager to know about my incident desperately. He starts to talk about the time of nightmare which occurs preceding fortnight. He urges me to hark back the words that delivery by the Serenee while making the one’s way to hospital ,the moment apprise by nurse: “Nurse :Jasmine (eye witness :who is in same ambulance) .bob is aware about it and he try to  investigate to find the clue what is actually happen. Bob told me the Nurse said she saw Serene Madam ‘whispering something into my ear while I was in ambulance’. Will you try to recall: what she mentioned?” told bob On his request I tried to bring to my mind about the incident that occurred 14 days before. Unfortunaly, my full Endeavour to recollect the past situation is unsuccessful: evitable situation to look back on for me to know about my circumstances. What happened on that day exactly which it suddenly fade away everything and turned dark deep in front of my eyes. Describing plight situation makes me unconditional status; sick transport in course of action to the sanatorium building at once jiffy: unhappily catastrophe occurs ambulance hit the car due to uncontrolled of speed that maintain by our vehicle in process to the highway. Resultant vehicles are colliding badly each another and causality occurs of three person demise in this process. Driver, nurse and the mam (Serenee ) were perishing in that incident. Life is full of trouble however we have to move on sir mention by” bob “he tries to visualize my concern. “Bob! I mention; I can feel my head spinning when I try to remember the moment.”I’m really sorry!!Ambience is mysterious which create me more chaos. Bob undertake to co-operating my flaws and assisting me:“Please sir, lay down on the chair and try to relax your head. I feel really intimate with his behavior and I rest in arm chair.  Bob: I understand you sir; you shouldn’t be taking lots of stress now but, right now we have to deal with the murder case of Serene Mam. I apologies sir, giving you bother right now notwithstanding, it necessitate to do it” bob reveal in resilient way. Understanding situation I, he is mentioning about Serine’s murder case I can see his frustration and how desperate, he is to decipher the case that is obvious .Gesture I have notice on his beautiful oval face having dark brown colored eyes and with a big black moustache. “I am extremely not feeling well at all, can we move now?” I asked BOB. He nods his head ups and down motion giving the vivid sign “yes”. Knowing me, after settles all the medication in hospital and he drives me to my home. Lovely space with exquisite garden in parking space: “sir you are now in your home” staggering emotion gets passes through my brain: stimulus responses were furious on my response association with situation .Entering my entrance, I have many question were in my head which don’t have any replies current time. Not easy way ;I went to bed to wait for morning to come.   Next morning (Tring………… Tring………. Bell rang Early in the dawn, a cacophony of deafening alarm bells surrounding whole room. I’m really exhausted, even the eyes are not accept to disclose the environment part from it bell is ringing one more time which is extremely thunderous. Murmuring “f**k who the hell is “ Not much surprise!! I can see the corresponding man which is from yesterday from hospital none other than Inspector .immediately, I open the door. Good Moring sir!! He replied. Hey! Bob good Moring. At very moment, he tries to know my condition which is really significant for the case that he has been handling. And I welcome ironic police uniformed person. Till then I am worried why he is here and what conversations will be go. Bob are you willing to have some coffee or tea, I offered him. First of all he makes it sorry to be here in early in the mooring and bothering at prematurely schedule. My answer: I mention its ok Bob. The news will come as a bombshell, I guess. Bob any problem??? Will please tell me slowly and clearly. “Sure sir: bob deliver commanding sound. Preceding event are grief situation for you sir, you have lost your memories and your best colleague. Your Manifest clearly can be seen in your eyes sir. In other words, he wants to remind the condition that happening to me. Bob:  I have talked about Serene Mam’s case with our senior. What further actions should be taken?? Eventually our senior suggests us to work together as you are superior officer of our department. He adds more, we are the first one to reach to the crime scene. Probably, the case will be close with solution soon. Sir you may play vital key role to get rid of murder case. Bob encourage me to involve me soon or sooner. Audacity is best way to move on, reminding it which makes me enchantment in structure in my body and I am willing to accept his purpose. Perplex sense is still alive, can’t be obvious. Bob Sir;”I requested our senior officer to include you as well "in this case despite the occurrence of incident’s outcomes that leads to Amnesia (refers to the loss of memories).   In facts, the information and experiences of mine has been forgotten even the identity of mine is vague. Generally, I am plot in this case of real-life amnesia. Instead of these problems he wants to be with it so I feel pleased. Volatility is still around me however I answer “YES “I believe: this case will be only succor of life. In addition, he told me:” he already consults the doctor “positive response from the medical science to involve into the same case which maybe gateway to reunified neurons. It said this may help me to regain consciousness about your previous span of life.”     Let’s start about the case squad what is basically happen? I request him to be in brief details. Bob: Eye witness is only way to solve this case because there is no any person left except you sir and you is the first person to perceive information in crime scene. He said all these verses in a single breathe. Shockingly, he said I was the first one to visualize crime scene. Out of the blue, I went blank for a while. Bob again try to persuade me .He has an eye on me since he entered my room.bob create resilient environment starting gently and soften his voice and tells me “Sir, before your accident we were on duty in our police jeep returning from Gaushala(central part of highway ) to the police station. But on the way to Hanuman Dhoka (: name of police station) where our police station is located. The crucial information has given by control |room; they informed us that one of the residences of Chhetrapati (crime spot) heard the bullet shot from the house number 203.”   He said all these verses in a single breathe. I am shocked when he said I was the first one to visualize crime scene. Out of the blue, I went blank for a while. Sameer has an eye on me since he entered my room. He then gently and softly lowered his voice and tells me “Sir, before your accident we were in our police jeep returning from Gaushala to the police station. But on the way to Hanuman Dhoka where our police station is located, control room informed us that one of the residences of Chhetrapati heard the bullet shot from the house number 2045.” I am still looking at his face and he can surely notice that I am clueless at this moment. “When we heard the news we realized that the house from where firing sound came is from Serene Mam’s house.  We then instantly reversed our jeep and moved to Mam’s home.” He pauses for a while and grabs a peach colored water bottle which reminded me the fair face of Serene with her golden dyed hair. My mind visualized the clear picture of Serene and reminded me how beautiful she was. To make me clearer, he says “we were informed at around 5:15 pm in the dusk time and we reached at the crime scene at around 5:30. We entered the colony and then Mam’s house. There were crowd of neighbors’ so we handled the crowd and went to main door. The main door was open and when we entered inside we saw Serene Mam body lying in front of her cupboard in the living room. Bullet was passed from her chest and got landed on the wall of the room. We called an ambulance I stayed over there to collect enough evidence and you took Serene Mam with you in a hospital in an ambulance to hospital. And after had you had an ……….accident.” Hearing him describing the crime scene I feel to investigate this case so I genuinely accept his offer to join the case. We now are going to visit the crime scene. He is taking me with him to the place where Serene used to live in order to investigate. After reaching the place my heart is again beating in a high-speed. I can see a yellow painted one storage house which is made by Serene herself from the earning of her hard work. The main entrance door is wooden craved. In front of the door there is a well decorated living room having an orange wall paper. Next to the door, a huge sofa set is furnished. And the cupboard was in front of the sofa. In the middle of sofa and cupboard there is a marked body which is of Serene. From that mark I can clearly say the height of her was 5 feet 7 cm. After observing everything we are heading towards the inspection section. There used to be maid working in the Serene’s house. She was called in the police station and we are interrogating her. Sameer “At what time did you come out of the Mam’s house?” Maid “ At 4 pm sir” She was indeed right. We saw her coming out of home exactly at 4 pm in the recording. She may be quite punctual as she works in several houses. While we are looking to the recording further, we find that watchman was not captured in the recording  for almost half an hours in the exact time of 5 pm to 5 30.  
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