Prophecies and Promises

967 Words
When I made it to the pond, I could feel something I had never felt before. Almost like a calm over my whole body and a pull towards the trunk of the tree. I balanced along the roots rising and falling throughout the pond until I reached my familiar moss covered meditation spot. When I sat down with my back against the bark it was like the different trees started to separate and I fell into a space that hadn't been there before. Laying there, I glanced around and realized that this was the same room I had been in as a child. The smell had made me realize first and then the fireplace lit itself and the rest of the room was visible enough to see the fur blankets and pillows. "Who followed you?" Mother Nature asked. "What do you mean? I've never been followed here before and I didn't hear or see anyone on my way today." "A young man was close on your heels the whole way. My roots have reached the edge of the forest so I feel when you're heading my way. He has been following you since before you entered the trees. See....." a hole appeared in the floor with water that I'm guessing was the same as the pond and mirrored the reflection of the young man wandering around my friend in search of me. "Of course he would......" I was so angry.... he had no right to follow me into my territory!! After my disappearance into the woods, my mother had made sure that everyone knew these woods were mine and they were not to enter without my verbal permission but of course Wyatt did what he wanted without a care in the world of rules. "Is he who you wanted to talk to me about?" she sounded humored and it lightened my mood a bit. "How did you know I was coming to talk about a male?" I giggled in surprise. "You were thinking and said something about a suitor, I was trying to stay out of your mind but your thoughts were so loud I couldn't help it." she seemed a bit unsure of her words as she continued but she knew her end point. "You seem to be more connected to the forest than usual, are you.... alright?" "Yes, he's one of the reasons I came out to see you but I wanted your opinion more than anything. My mother and father want me to choose a husband but I don't love any of them. I'm not sure how to get them to wait, I need more time." "More time, to find someone you love or choose someone out of your choices?" she had a humored giggle to her voice, "You don't seem to like the boy that followed you out here and I'm not sure that you like any of the choices you've been given." I wasn't surprised that she could pretty much read my mind but I hadn't really thought about all of my choices because I had never met most of them. "You're right, I don't know most of them and I don't like the ones that I know. I feel like they see me as a prize to be won, not the warrior princess that I am but what should I do to change this?" "From what I see, the choice that's made must be yours and yours alone. The love you seek will not be easy to find but will happen in due time. I can not reveal to much to you at this time but soon you will come to me and I will be able to open a world of wonder for you. You will know when this time comes.... I have spread my roots throughout the forest and will be ready for you the moment you step foot on the ground between us." Mother Nature sounded so loving in these moments, almost as if she was mothering me, like she felt empathy for me. "Is he still out there?" I asked wishing he hadn't followed me at all. "No, I scared him away with a dozen boar. That boy was no match for our woods and as long as I'm here no one will ever hurt you while you walk through these trees." "You always know how to make me feel better!" I had wished I could hug her and almost immediately after a beautiful brown fur was placed on my shoulders by a root that had appeared from nowhere and I was given a quick and gentle but firm squeeze from the root. "Reading my thoughts again?" I giggled. "It's hard not to today, you seem so desperate to have your questions answered and they will be soon. There is a cart with your horse attached to it at the base of our pond and 2 boar in it ready to be cooked when you arrive home, along with other treats. Give your parents the truth, no matter what you tell them your path doesn't change, your journey begins soon and I will see you again when it does... go to your mother and father, enjoy the night with them. You will appreciate the memories of tonight for many years to come." with that she opened up her trunk and led me to the cart on rolling roots through the water. The cart had been filled with herbs, roots, fungi, spices and 2 very large already prepared hogs, stuffed, spiced and all, as she had told me. Plus there were at least 20 skinned rabbits that I'm guessing were where my shawl of brown fur came from. I got on my Shadow and directed him through the forest, making sure the cart would fit all the way.
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