Chapter 4: Childhood Friend's Assistant

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Sara let the Uber dropped Katie off at the front of a popular coffee shop near the office building of the fashion house Katie was interning in. Katie waved to Sara after she closed the car door. She went inside the coffee shop when the Uber Sara was on was already moving away. Katie ordered her usual mocha frappe once she got near the available cashier. There was 3 isle of them, 2 are occupied with customers ordering their coffees, while the one on Katie's isle just finished her order. Lucky. She also ordered an extra Hazelnut frappe and two muffins and cookies. After she got everything, she went out of the coffeeshop and walked towards the building for the fashion house she was interning. "Good morning." Katie greeted with a smile to the security who was standing near the automatic sliding glass doors of the building. "Good morning, Ms. Park." the security greeted back with a smile and nod. "You're early, ma'am." He said familiarly. Why, Katie was almost always at this building, so it was not surprising to see her. Katie grinned. "Better not be late on my first day of internship or the boss will kill me." She joked. "That's doubtful mademoiselle." The security laughed. "You never know." Katie shrugged and waved before she made her way to the elevator exclusive for the company CEO. She swiped her card and typed some code before the elevator opened. It'll bring her straight to 8th floor. The building has a ten floor in total. First floor for lobby and receptions, second and third for administration and staff, fourth and fifth floor for the artists and creators where they work their magic to create their vision, Sixth floor is for the showroom and where the finish products are stored and displayed, seventh and eight floor are for the executive offices, and ninth and tenth floor are for the boss's private residences. The rooftop has a helipad on one side, and a bar and a pool and pool house on the other side. And Katie's favorite are the 6th floor, since it looks like a huge shopping mall in one floor. She loves all the clothes, shoes, bags and accessories that Nate and his team designs. That was why she was a frequent visitor at this fashion house and everyone was already familiar with her. That was also why Sara told Katie that she doesn't need to worry that Katie won't be hired as an intern since she knew this building like the back of her hand since she was young. Nate and Katie visited and played here when they were kids and the CEO back then was still Nate's mother, who was a famous former beauty queen and fashion model in her time. While Nate's father was a hotel businessman and they have branches worldwide. When Nate took over his mother's company as CEO and a fashion designer, his parents mostly stayed in Japan. It was their getaway place from the busy and hectic New York City. While Nate's younger brother and sister was still on their last year of college. They were twins. His younger brother was set to take over the hotel business, since Nate preferred the Fashion business, while his younger sister wants to be a fashion model and a jetsetter after college. Katie heard that Natsumi was already a freelance model while attending university in New York with her twin brother, Naoki. When the elevator stopped on the 8th floor, Katie walked out and went straight to the boss's office. "Good morning, Karen. Is Nate there already?" Katie greeted Nate's executive assistant who's desk was right before Nate's office. Although Katie was interning as an assistant, it was on the creative and artistic side, and not the executive side. Since like Nate, she loves fashion! Karen smiled at her. "Good morning, Katie. He's already inside and he's expecting you. Go right ahead." Katie nodded. "Thank you." Then Katie walked right in after the assistant of the executive assistant, who just got back from somewhere, opened the door for her. "Thank you, Rose, and good morning." "Good morning Katie." Rose greeted back with a smile and nod before she finally closed the door after Katie went in the office. "Good morning, handsome boss!" Katie greeted Nate, the CEO of the fashion house, SKRM, anagram for his mother's name Sakura Matsunaga. "Morning, Katie belle." Nate greeted her back with his endearment to her. "I'm surprise you didn't spent more time first at the 6th floor. We have a new designs stocks in there." Katie's eye sparkled. "I'll check it out later. I just went here to report that I'm already here and also to bring you your favorite hazelnut frappe, blueberry muffins and chocolate chip cookie." She declared while she put everything on Nate's table. And then she started to eat her own cheese muffin with her frappe. "Thank you. You're a real sweetheart." Nate said before he drank from his own frappe. Katie gave an air kiss before sipping from her frappe. "So, what's our agenda for today?" Katie asked before she bit into her muffin. "We have a meeting later with some suppliers, then meeting with some shops, also a lunch meeting with some agents and entertainment companies for ads and to use our merchandise for their artists. And then an afternoon meeting with an advertising agency for the next company advertisement. In between those meetings, we'll have time to do some designing and brainstorming for the next fashion show." Nate recited everything that was scheduled for them this day. Katie whistled. "Whoa. Good thing I brought breakfast and coffee." "Welcome to the fashion industry. Where 80% of it is all about meetings and plannings." Nate shrugged and grinned. "You're so great, Nate. No wonder you have your own private rooms on top of this building." Katie complimented Nate. "I don't think I can do all the work you're doing in just a day. That's why if I ever start a business, I'd prefer to operate on a smaller scale or maybe I'll just become a silent partner." She shrugged. "You're only saying that now, but when you enjoy what you do, you won't think about all the extra works." Nate told her. "Yeah, you're a great designer and artist. I love all your designs. I thought before that you'll create manga's since you're so good with illustrations." Nate shrugged. "I illustrated some characters now and then, but It'll take a while for me to create a full graphic novel. Maybe when the busy months of Fashion week is over." Katie shook her head. "You of all people should know, that Fashion never takes a rest, just like New York that never sleeps. There's always some new things to create. And everywhere I look it seems that there's always a fashion event." "You got that right. Since after here in New York, we'll go to Milan and then London for meetings. We need to check things out before the start of Fashion week." Nate informed her. "Good thing that I already have a passport." Katie declared with a grin. "I'm looking forward to our trip. I hope we can tour and shop, too. We're going to Milan and London afterall." "I knew you'd love it." "Who wouldn't like to go to Milan or London. All the fashion, arts and history are there. I think I need more than a month to go about everything there." Katie pointed out. "Don't worry, we'll be there for a few weeks, if not a month, we'll have some time to do some sightseeing and shopping." Nate reassured her. "You're the best, Nate. I'll definitely work for your company officially after I'm done with all my requirements to officialy be a graduate student, then I can just stay and create beautiful masterpieces here and be an everyday visitor on the 6th floor." Katie declared. "You just love all the perks." Katie winked and agreed. "That too!" then she added. "Also having a generous and handsome boss is a mega plus." "Flatterer." Nate said with an eye roll. "Na-uh, I only tell facts, darling." Katie declared. "And to let you see how diligent a worker I am, so tell me what I need to do while we wait for the meetings scheduled for today. So in the near future, you'll be excited and eager to hire me and not think that I'm only here to flatter you." Nate just shook his head as he was used to Katie's antics. "You can use the drawing monitor to start creating designs." Then Nate handed her a thin tablet-like tablet, only this one was for drawing specifically, witj also an electronic drawing pen with it. "Besides drawing, you'll be participating in pitching ideas for the next fashion line and shows. That'll happen in the meeting later. That's why even if you can work anywhere as an fashion illustrator you still need to be here since you need to attend meetings and it'll be easier to consult with the others in your team. And besides, you're here to intern, so you really can't do a work from anywhere kind of thing at the moment." He explained to her.
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