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Daisy's POV I look down into the cup and count the money that guy placed in it. Five hundred dollars! Is he insane? This definitely will help me and the baby stay fed and warmed for a few days. I can buy food and finally a professional looking outfit! Things are starting to look up for us my little baby. I say as I rub my huge bump.  As I'm lost in thought, I'm brought back to reality when some asshole pushes me, knocking me onto my back. Thank god I was sitting down or that fall could have harmed the baby. As I sit myself up, I see the guy running down the sidewalk and realize he took all the cash I had. Oh, hell no!  I slowly, but surely get myself to stand up and start running after the guy. I will not let some scum take away my chance at a good life.  Avery's POV Kevin is quick to start flirting with the ladies and I take a seat at a stool. Ordering two beers for us and thinking about my mate. As I gulp down the entire bottle, I can't help but think of my mate. I have to talk to her.  I leave cash on the counter and run to the exit.  "Avery! She said to leave her alone." Kevin shouts through our mind link.  "I need to speak with her!" He just sighs and I don't look back to see if he is following or not. As soon as I swing the door open, I notice that she's not sitting in the spot from before. I look left and right, but with no luck. Thankfully, my wolf can trace her smell and I start running in the direction that he says to go.  After about two blocks, her scent was strong. Found her. She was sitting in a dark alley, head in her knees, and crying. My heart ached at the sight in front of me.  "Mind if I sit with you?" I ask as I walk slowly towards her, not wanting to cause a fright. She doesn't answer me, so I sit down on the dirty ground beside the dumpster. Luckily, her delicious smells overpower the garbage.  "Dude, where are you?" Kevin asks through the link. "I found her. Give us space. Go have fun. I'll catch up with you later." I place my hand on her back to rub it, which causes her to instantly flinch and move away from me. "Don't touch me!" She yells, and I can't help but feel hurt at that. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."  She lifts her head and stares into my eyes. "Why should I believe you?" I want to tell her we are mates, but she wouldn't understand. She's a human and telling her I'm a werewolf that would do anything to protect her might not help the situation.  "Get to know me, and you will believe me." She continues to stare at me. I don't mind though. I could get lost in those eyes forever.  "Have you thought about my offer?" Daisy's POV To be honest, I was thinking about his offer. The thought of a warm house, a comfortable bed, and food was a delightful fantasy. I don't even know the guy, but I feel like a can trust him. There's something about him that makes me feel drawn to him, not just because he's hot as f**k. If not for me, I should definitely accept his offer to help my baby. The thought of living on the streets with a newborn is devastating. If he does try anything, I know I can protect myself. I've learned how to fight and I'm really good at it. Being pregnant though, having my knife on me has been the best option. It's kind of difficult to throw a punch or kick without losing my breath due to the bump weighing me down.  "I accept."  With my words, a beautiful smile engulfs his face. He stands up, and sticks his arm down to help me to my feet. I hesitate for a moment, but then grab a hold of it. The second our hands touch, I feel a shiver run through me. Not a bad one, but a delightful feeling. Strange.  "I'm Avery, by the way."  "Daisy." I state. Not wanting to start a conversation. I think he got the hint, because he didn't say anything further.  We walk back to the bar and his friend is waiting outside the door for Avery. He didn't seem surprised to see me with him. I walk with them to the car and Avery opens the passenger door for me to get in. Such a gentleman. I climb in and am engulfed in comfort. The temperature is perfect and the seat is soft. Avery gets into the drivers seat and his friend is in the back.  I ride is silent and I feel myself start drifting off. I don't know how long I was asleep for, but when I woke up I really had to pee. "Are we almost there?" I ask nobody in particular. "Yes, we are a mile away." His friend enlightens me. "Good. I really have to pee. This baby is pushing my bladder." Kevin starts to laugh, but Avery has a look on his face that I can't figure out.  "I'm Daisy by the way." I turn my head around to tell the guy in the backseat. He smiles and tells me his name is Kevin. "Do you guys live together?" I ask, when I realize that we didn't drop him off anywhere. Kevin looks at Avery through the mirror and I'm assuming he doesn't want to be the one to answer.  "Yes. Along with many others that you will eventually meet."  "Oh." Is all I manage to get out. How many people could he possibly live with? As we pull into a hidden driveway, my question is answered.  "Holy s**t! You guys live here?!" I gawk at the largest house I have even seen. I probably shouldn't call it a house, it's more like a mansion. "Welcome to your new home." Avery says as he turns the car off.   
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