
1280 Words
Silver’s POV I follow behind Alpha Lucian and Tiffany, my heart pounding harshly against my chest as we drew closer to the sitting room where Alpha Damien and the others were. If my guess was right, Alpha Lucian had realized that I didn’t have a wolf from our little encounter. This is exactly what Damien was trying to avoid when he ordered me to stay locked up in the room but I was so stupid and didn’t listen. I should have followed mum when she left. I should have. Then, I wouldn’t be in this mess. Alpha Damien was seated and beside him was our current Alpha, his father. My father and the rest of the Pack elders were also gathered in the living room with a few other stranger who were probably Lucian’s men from their dark aura. They both had a small wolf tattoo on their faces with the crest of the black shadow pack. My father is the first to see me behind Alpha Lucian and his eyes widen, throwing daggers at me. The others follow his baffled gaze until they take sight of me. Alpha Damien looked ready to kill as he laid his eyes on me. “Alpha Lucian. You took quite sometime looking for the restroom.” Alpha Damien is the first to speak up as he tries to shift their attention away from me while mouthing to Tiffany to take me away but she responds with a sigh, pointing to Alpha Lucian. “I found something pretty interesting on my way back.” Alpha Lucian says, turning to stare at me his piercing gaze. All I wanted right now is for the moon goddess to take my life and save me from the trouble that laid ahead. Alpha Damien’s eyes widen as he realizes that what he had been trying to avoid has already happened. With fear in his eyes, he hurries to Alpha Lucian. “She is no one, Alpha. A mere maid that no one cares about. You don’t have to worry about anything.” He assures, grabbing arm to take me with him. “Stop!” Alpha Lucian’s voice booms through the room with authority and everyone goes silent. Alpha Damien’s hold on my arm tightens, hurting me in the process but I dare not complain. Alpha Lucian lowers his eyes to Damien’s hold on my arm and his jaw tightens. Wait, what? “Let her go.” He orders, his gaze fixed on my arm which was beginning to hurt really bad. I watch his face and it is almost like he can feel my pain as he twists his face in annoyance, taking large strides to where I stood before pulling Damien’s hand away. “Who is she?” He questions, not even bothering to take his eyes off me. I could already feel the tears brimming and I struggled to keep them in. “I already told you, Alpha. She’s no one.” Damien says, his voice shaking with fear. “Alpha Lucian. We have other matters to discuss. Please, do not be disturbed by this maid.” Damien’s father speaks up and I sniff, taking my tears back in. How can they say that I am a maid when my father is the beta and my sister is the future Luna? I hate my life! “Go back to your room, silver.” He orders but I turn a deaf ear to him. I leave this pack tomorrow either ways so why do I have to listen to their trash and have them belittle me. If I am going to leave regardless of what happens here, I might as well leave on a high note. “Why? You’re ashamed of me?” For the first time in my entire life, I talk back to the Alpha. They all gasp in surprise at my tone. This was unexpected, even to me. “How dare you talk back to your Alpha?” Damien barks and I can tell that he is holding himself back because of Alpha Lucian’s presence. If he weren’t here, I would probably be bleeding by now. “Silver!” My father shouts, losing his cool and I smirk inwardly. This is exactly what I wanted to achieve. I wanted Alpha Lucian to see their true colors and not this pretense they had put on. “Let her speak. I want to hear what she has to say.” Damien’s father says and turns to me, urging me to carry on. I open my mouth to speak but close it back when I remember that I could lose my life the minute Alpha Lucian steps out. The look in Damien’s eyes made me realize that I had made a big mistake. Fuck! “LEAVE.” Damien spits out, daring me to disobey him. I lower my head and turn to leave, the fear of what was to come making me lose my mind. “One million.” Alpha Lucian roared, dominance oozing out of him. All heads turn to him in confusion. He sees our confused looks and smirks, taking a seat in front of everyone. “I’ll give you one million dollars in exchange for the maid. It shouldn’t be an issue for you guys. She’s just a maid after all.” I feel my head spin and the room suddenly feels stuffy as I struggle to breathe. Was he trying to…? Oh my God! “You’ll buy her for a million dollars?” Tiffany says with a baffled expression, her eyes glued to Alpha Lucian who said nothing to her. “A-alpha. Why would you want a nobody like her? We have better women if you want someone from our pack. She’ll only be a liability.” My father says without a second thought and Tiffany nods in response, smoothening her hair. Was she a w***e or something? She’s engaged to Alpha Damien for goodness sake! “You should go for someone worth your money, don’t you think?” Father continues, looking at me with disgust and hatred. I am so close to telling Alpha Lucian the truth. That I am the beta’s daughter and rejected mate of the Alpha. I wanted to scream so bad but I swallow my words. It was bad enough that Alpha Lucian wanted to buy me. I didn’t even know who to hate more. Alpha Lucian for wanting to buy me or my pack for saying that I was worthless. They are all monsters! I look at my father but he doesn’t seem to mind. It didn’t bother him that his daughter was about to be sold off to a ruthless devil as a slave. But then again, he never thought of me as his daughter. Like he said, I’m only a liability to him and the pack. “Yes, Alpha Lucian. Silver will only bring you bad luck. You must’ve had noticed already but she’s wolfless. You know what that means, right?” Tiffany blurts out and Damien snaps at her, his eyes warning her to shut the hell up. “What? He already knows!” She wines, rolling her eyes at him before she focuses on Alpha Lucian with a sly smile on her face. “Do we have a deal?” Alpha Lucian turns his attention to Damien and his father and both share a look amongst themselves, talking with their mind link. A few minutes later, they finish and turn to Alpha Lucian who was patiently waiting for their decision. “Sure. When do you want to leave with her?” Alpha Jacob, Damien’s father says with a big smile on his face.
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