Chapter 4

1384 Words
Finn “Who the hell are all these people” Flopping down on the sofa I let my eyes wander over the bigger than usual crowd that had congregated on the club house common room. Most I recognised from the wedding that had wound down about an hour earlier but some I hadn’t even seen before. “Del drew a crowd” Dodge said with a laugh , the bottle still to his lips and a blonde young enough to be his daughter on his lap. She was giggling uncontrollably. “They are all here for Delilah?” I shook my head but my eyes were already searching for her. Needing a fix even when I hated myself for it. She was pretty easy to spot. I just had to look of the biggest group of guys in the place and there she was. Laughing at something someone had whispered her ear as she stood staring intently down at the dining table someone had dragged in to the living room. One of her ears was covered my an over sized headphone. And it was then that I noticed more than one person was dancing. “Not often she gives a show for free. You should go and talk to her” He nodded his head in her general direction. What ever his thoughts were on my earlier revelation he hadn’t said. I stared at her for several long seconds. She had set up a little make shift DJ booth on our table and was hopping about like she was playing for thousands and not barely fifty. “She’s good” I admitted to myself but it wasn’t just her skill at blending music together seamlessly ,it was her. There was something almost s****l about the way she looked, her lips parted , eyes shining . Every now and then she bit at her bottom lip with concentration. “You should go and talk to her Double” I tore my eyes off her and glanced back at the old man. Sneering “I think she has enough admirers” And as if to prove my point she leant over and said something to the guy nearest her. Giving everyone in the room a perfect view down her dress. I swallowed hard. I could not do this. “Not what I was saying Double, but you two used to be friends. You used to be close . You both need to clear the air and stop putting Dom in situations where he has to chose one of you over the other” I knew what he said made sense but I still didn’t make a move. I couldn’t it took every ounce of strength I had not to go over these and pound the face in of the man who had his hands of Doms little sisters ass. Fucking prospect was stepping over the line. “Yeah” I tore my eyes away, I couldn’t watch her flirt anymore. She did it effortlessly , like she didn’t even realise she was driving every man in the place wild. “I’ll get right on that” I caught the hand of a passing club girl and drew her down onto my lap. “Hey darling” “Hey Double” She giggled as she wiggled her ass in my lap. “Have you seen who is here?” I moved my head from her neck. Was she for serious? What was it with everyone and fawning over Delilah like she was… My eyes found her again. And my c**k that had been soft even under a pretty girls ass suddenly jumped to attention. “Yeah I’ve seen” I admitted, of course I had seen. She was the only thing I had really seen all night. “You know her right, can you introduce me?” “No, go and …” The words withered to nothing as I caught sight of Del across the room. My mouth snapped shut with enough force I was sure I had just chipped a tooth. Fucking prospect had her legs wrapped around him, a goofy ass smile plastered across his face and I wanted to wipe it off and smash his teeth down his throat. It was only a piggy back but still… “You are f*****g ridiculous” Dodge turned away. “Is her acting like that ok with you? I mean …” “She’s a grown ass woman, and I’m not her father” He shrugged “what or who she does in her spare time is none of my business” I mulled his words over for a second. “She’s like family you know” I finally found the words I wanted to use. And even to my own ears it sounded lame. “I have to look out for her , Dom wouldn’t want her to be hooking up with a f*****g prospect” Dodge laughed. “He would want me to stop her making that kind of mistake. She has a good life. She doesn’t need to be dragged down with the rest of us losers” “Hooking up isn’t the same as settling down and becoming an old lady Double. Let the girl have some fun before she goes back to her real life tomorrow” Dodge levelled his eyes on me again and my own skirted away. “Plus I think you might be to late now anyway” What the f**k? I searched the room for her and couldn’t spot her anywhere. Where the f**k was she? And more importantly where was that f*****g prospect? “f**k” What the f**k was I going to do now? It had been hard enough to see her again but to know she was just upstairs with her legs wrapped round a damn morons head was more than I could handle. But I couldn’t just go up there and drag her out of someone else’s bed even if it was for her own good. Could I? Even if it was for her own good. “f**k” I was moving without even thinking about it , taking the stairs two at a time I didn’t even acknowledge Dodges loud laughter. I knew which room he would take her too, because I had been the one to tell him he could use it if he needed to tonight. I hadn’t meant with her though. The door bounced off the wall with a thud, leaving a dent and I was in the room and dragging him off the bed by the scruff of the neck before either of them could react. “Get the f**k off her” I tossed him behind me like he was garbage and turned to her. I had a second to realise he had already stripped her out of her dress. She lay there , breasts bare and heaving in nothing but a pair of pale pink panties. Her mouth was half open and her lips puffy. “Don’t ever touch her again” I tossed her up over my shoulder , my hand firm on her ass as I walked out the room without a backwards glance. “What the hell are you doing Finn” Her small hands were beating against my back but I barely felt them. Her ass was in my hand. Her god damn bare ass. All I had to do was squeeze and I would probably shoot my load in my boxers. “Making sure you don’t do something you regret in the morning Del” I was half way down the corridor to my room when her small foot connected solidly to my ribs , grunting I did what I had wanted to do since the moment I had first seen her ass in that dress. I slapped it. Hard. I expected a squeal , even a cry of pain. What I got was a breathy exhale that was almost a moan. Fuck.
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