1 - Happy

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'Hold it, Dunkin.' the voice in his ear said. 'They're getting close.' 'I said hold it. Our men are on their way.' the chief said. 'We don't need them, there are only three on their side.' 'f**k, Peter! Hold fire, I say!' He reached up and turned off his earpiece. He needed to focus. Messing up was not an option. The wrong shot could be fatal. 'What did chief say?' his friend and colleague whispered behind him. Turning his head slightly to look at him, he gave him a small smirk. 'Oh, come on Peter. We need men!' 'Aren't you the one always bragging about being Mr. Tough guy?' Peter peeked his head through the containers that they were hiding behind. His gun in his hand in a tight grip, ready to fire at any time. 'We weren't going against Montana Cartels those times.' Joe replied agitated at his partner's actions to send those much-needed back up away. 'I'm going to f*****g die today.' Eddie muttered under his breath as he softly banged the back of his head on the car that they were hiding behind. 'Stop being dramatic, you two. I can see 3 men at the front. One for each of us.' Peter threw them a charming smile. This was Peter. Always so charismatic even in the most unforeseen circumstances. He never seemed to get scared over anything and he is always up for a challenge. Even if it meant putting his colleagues in danger. 'And when we get inside? You don't know what's happening in there. We need backup. What if it's a setup? What if Happy is in there?' 'Happy is not in there. This isn't even their main house. Calm down will you? Get your guns ready. These men will choke up the second we are in sight.' The two men groan in frustration, one spitting out a string of Chinese phrases, obviously cursing his friend out. 'On three.' Petter said and took in a deep breath. 'Peter come on! I have kids!'  'One.' Peter sounded counting. 'Peter!'  'Two.'  'FBI! Put your hands up!' Peter swung his head around and he felt his heart stop when he sees the SWAT car pull up and several men jumping out of the car with guns in hand. 'f**k!' Peter curssed. 'Thank god.' Joe and Eddie sighed out a relieved breath. Back in the warden's office, the three men stood in a line with their heads down in shame. Peter stood in the middle with an angry expression and his hands folded across his chest. 'Never in my 30 years of service, have I ever worked with such incompetent, disobeying group of men.'  'We had it under control.' Peter said with teeth clenched. 'Silence!' the chief slammed his fist on the table, making Joe and Eddie jump. Chief Micheal was a grumpy man and the whole office knew it. The only person daring enough to stand up to him was Peter Dunkin. But they go way back. 'How the hell did you not know it was a decoy? How the hell did you not know that wasn't actually Montana in there?'  'I swear, we did the maths and they were supposed to receive their new shipments today at those coordinates. Happy must have caught on to our plan.' Joe said with his heads down. 'I told you we didn't need backup, Micheal. If your apes didn't show up we could have gotten more information from those men who were there. Then they showed up and scared off the flies.' 'I have had it at wit's end with you, Dunkin. If it wasn't for your father your ass would have been out looking for another job!'  Peter scoffed out loud. 'You've got to be f*****g kidding me.' 'You two, leave us.'  Joe and Eddie immediately nodded their heads and turned before leaving the office, shutting the door behind them.  'Why'd you get rid of the audience, drama queen?' Peter smirked at the chief menacingly. 'You're on thin ice, Peter. I'm not playing around.' 'I had this case under control.' 'It's been 6 months and we have no leads. You're stories keep changing. We just lost another witness and the one rat we had in Montana is dead, not to mention our men last month. I don't know how you call that under control.' 'Then fire me. If I'm such a bad detective. Fire me.' Peter simply replied. 'You know I can't do that.' 'f**k that man.'  'Now you listen here, young man.' the chief stood up and pushed his chair back. 'I will not sit here quietly while you disrespect the man who gave up everything for you.' he pointed a finger at Peter. Peter chuckled sarcastically. 'You don't know anything.' 'I know too much.'  Peter looked away and chose to stay silent, not wanting to say something he might regret. 'Trust me I would have no issue firing you right this moment. But I made a promise to him that I will take care of you. And I intend on keeping that promise.' Micheal said. It hurt him to see what his godson has become after his parent's death. The once bright ambitious boy is now stubborn and bitter. Although, he kept his charm. Just like his father. 'I know you've got it in you to be a great detective. Which is another reason why I will not let you go. You just have to get rid of this pathetic attitude that you somehow adopted out of nowhere.' 'If I was such a good detective then why the f**k did you send in those bafoons today? I told you I didn't need backup.' 'I? I? It's all about I to you huh? Do you not realize you could have gotton your partners killed today if it weren't for our team?' 'Why is everyone being so dramatic today? They couldn't handle one man each?' 'We are going up against Montana Cartel. Which is a case I assigned to you because I knew you were one of my strongest detectives. You want to go play seasaw with your other cases, fine by me. But I will not be known as the fools who underestimated Happy.' 'Happy isn't as smart as everyone made him out to be.' Peter said. It was a lie, he knew. Because Happy was not only ruthless and evil, he was meticulous in everything he did. He doesn't care for anything but his geng. Anything that stands between them and their operations will not be shown mercy.  'Yes, that's what you told me before 5 of our men mysteriously died of suicide in their homes last month, who just so happen to be working on this case with you. It's a good thing he hasn't come for you yet.' 'Like I said. I'm smart enough to keep myself on the down-low. Me being alive is proof they don't even know I'm the one in charge of this case. And we will keep it that way. I've spent the last few months studying this case and I know how Happy thinks.' Peter said firmly. He has been trying to get a full reign on this case for a while now. It drives him insane that the chief isn't putting full trust in him. He knew how to navigate this.  'Your last guys were all killed because they didn't wait long enough before jumping into the water with the sharks. We have to take this slow and calculate our steps.' 'I expect updates, Dunkin. You may go.' Micheal said and went behind his desk before taking a seat. Peter turned around and headed for the door. 'Peter.' Micheal called out before he could leave. 'Your father would be proud of you.' Micheal said with solemn eyes. Peter stared at him for a few seconds before he turned the knob and exited the office, shutting the door with a slam. Peter sighed out loud, rubbing his eyes with the back of his fingers as he waited in traffic for half an hour. Work was hectic today. He wasn't expecting it to be so hard. He thought he was going to at least bring back two suspects to the office so Micheal would get off his back about any new updates. This case was bringing him more stress than he needed.  Suddenly his phone that was connected to the car speaker rang and he answered it with a click of a button. 'Hello.' 'Darling, where are you?' his lover asked on the other end. 'Traffic, baby. Might be another half an hour. What's up?'  'Slaon is sick again, so no dinner. Want to go out?'  'I'm really not that hungry, Blaine.'  'Well, I'm starving. How was work?'  Peter could hear ruffling from the other end of the call. 'Tough. Micheal is up my ass again about the case. I don't know what else to do.' 'I'm sorry to hear that baby. We'll figure it out, okay. ' Blain replied. 'Pete, where are my car keys?' 'You gotta stop doing this. It's on top of the fridge.' Peter rubbed his eyes again. His boyfriend has a habit of leaving his things around the house and never remembering them. It gets on Peter's nerves sometimes because then he has to remember it for him, and he has a lot on his plate already. Granted, Blain is also a busy man with a multi-billion-dollar organization to uphold.  'How do you feel about Casa Blanc for dinner? They have your favorite pudding.' Blaine said and Peter smiled when he could hear the smirk in Blaine's voice. That bugger knew exactly how to convince him. 'Sure. I'll meet you there. Maybe in 20 minutes?' Peter replied as he saw the traffic start to clear up at the front. Now that he would take another route he might be able to avoid it. 'Alright. Love you, darling.'  'Love you too.'  He hung up the call and turned the volume up on the radio before continuing his route to the restaurant. Peter pulled up to the restaurant after 30 minutes of driving and he felt a sense of relief to finally be able to stretch his limbs out. A man in uniform walks forward the second Peter exited his car. 'Good evening, Mr. Dunkin. Are you here for Mr. Valencia?' the boy asked. 'Yes, Ben. Is Blain upstairs already?' Peter asked. 'Yes, sir. You may go right up. I will have someone park your car.' 'Thank you.'  Peter gave him a genuine smile before walking into the place.  This restaurant has been his and Blain's favorite date night place to visit. The ambiance of the restaurant was dark and sexy. The place was split into two levels. The bottom floor was for normal guests and the upstairs was reservation required. Peter and Blaine basically have a table up there with their name on it with how regularly they visited. The upstairs was just more secluded and private for the VIP guest that just want to get away from any prying eyes. Peter walked up the steps while being greeted by the staff walking by. When he finally made it up, he made his way over to their regular table where he saw his handsome lover sat with his legs crossed and phone in his hands, looking focused on something.  'Boo!' Peter slammed his hands onto Blain's shoulder to try and scare him but to his disappointment, Blaine did not budge even a little. 'Gosh, you're annoying.' Peter pouted when his plan to scare Blaine  'The staff already told me you were downstairs.' Blaine looked up from his phone, putting it away since Peter had arrived. 'Come here.' Blain pulled Peter by his arm so their face was inches apart and their lips met in a passionate kiss.  Blaine in the midst of the heated kiss moved his arm behind Peter and grabbed his ass in a tight grip. 'Not now, baby.' Peter gasped into his mouth and said. He took Blaine's hand and removed them from his back before taking a seat next to the man. 'But I'm horny. It's been a busy day at work.' 'Yeah but not in the restaurant. I'd rather not get banned for life, I love this place.' 'I can just buy it over if you want it so badly.' Blaine nuzzled his face into Peter's neck and planted small kisses.  'Shut up, I'm trying to order my food.' 'I already ordered for you.' Blaine said and took the menu before passing it to the waiter walking by. 'So, what happened at work?'  'Same thing. Chief won't give me full trust. I've proven to him how much I am capable of taking this case on but he's still not willing to let me make the decisions.' Peter said frustratedly. 'And he had the nerves to bring up my father today. My father, Blaine. You know how long I went without remembering that fucker.' 'He hated me.' Blaine smirked at the mention of Lucas Dunkin. 'It's not funny.' Peter roll his eyes. 'I'm sorry you had to go through that, darling.' Blain caressed his lover's cheeks gently.  'Sometimes I regret agreeing to do this.'  'Hey.' Blain grabbed Peter's shoulders and turned him so they face each other. 'You are the reason this new shipment is going so smoothly. Those pigs would have been on our tails if you hadn't stepped in.' they stared into each other's eyes. One with determination and the other tired. 'Just tell him Montana caught onto your plans. I'll send someone to the station as a threat for you guys to stop the search and stand down, which I know Micheal won't agree to. But at least it will buy us enough time just for this new batch.' Blaine explained. 'Tell him you need a new plan B and that would take another few months.' 'Okay, Happy.' Peter smirked and they met in another kiss.
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