The war and the profit

1006 Words
News follows that War has been started between Idleton and Perseus. Mainly because each state have the city in each other's name. Idleton has a city named Perseus and Perseus has a city named Idleton. Since the time of King Gulliver, the two states debate that each other have derived a city using each other's state name. Yet no proof of as to which one had the name first has been found. Forsberry being in the middle of the two states has been affected .However the blacksmith have fostered as War demands weapons such as swords. John was busy as he had to make 200 swords and also deliver. He asked George to take 5 swords and 50 arrows to  Kai .On his way through a small forest, he sees  a man being chased by 3 men. Geo hides behind the trees only to find the man in front of him. The man wore clothes as if he were a Nobel. He was wounded and could not run. "Boy, give me the sword" he cries. Geo  hesitates. "You want coins. Here take this pouch" says the man as he takes all the weapons including the swords and the arrows and gives the pouch. Geo is confused as he couldn't count until he opened the pouch but he runs as he hears the sound of sword fight and men shouting. He finds Kai just a moment later. Kai asks him why he ran. He says there are bandits attacking a man and they should run. Kai takes Geo back to John. Kai talks with John about the situation. Geo goes inside his home. He had no room of his own like his sister. He never asked anything since his mother always scolded him. He used to sleep in the floor. His father always used to accompany him and sometimes even took him to his room when Rhea was away. Geo goes in the kitchen. It was dark as the oil in the lamp had finished and the wood too. His mother had gone outside to fetch oil and wood. He opens the pouch that the man gave him. Although he couldn't see what was inside he could feel there were lot of coins. Must be at-least hundred. As he moves his fingers he feels a big coin. He takes the big coin out of the pouch as he puts the big coin inside his pocket. He gives the pouch to his father and tells him the story .John listens to the sound of the coins as he lifts the pouch. He doesn't open the pouch. "Must be at-least 200.Well I did got a hundred coppers once when I sold 20 swords to the knights  of Xarta. They said I made the best swords. May be you will be a negotiator one day" says John as he doesn't open the pouch but puts it one of his boxes. He thinks he will use the coppers after he's finished the 20 left in his pocket. He doesn't think about giving to his wife as his daughter used to give Rhea a silver coin every month. He leaves Geo. As Geo steps outside the home he takes out the big coin only to see that it was a ring ,a golden one with the Perseus emblem on it.  After the incident ,Kai takes Geo to Catarina ,One of the smallest jungle  on Hayarth to teach him hunting. His sister Lila, preferred meat over bread. Kai's father was a ranger back in his days. His father taught Kai to use a bow and to hunt rabbits. Kai use to kill 3 rabbits every month and give one of them to John. He did had an intention to marry John's daughter. He was John's friend but still only 31.Geo asks Kai that he used to come and meet his sister every day two years ago but since she has been earning silver he doesn't come .Kai refuses to answer and gives a gesture that he is busy nowadays. He tells Geo to stop as he pulls two bows and 10 arrows hidden inside the twigs which lay under an old withered tree. He gives Geo an arrow and takes the remaining with him. He demonstrates how to use a bow as they see a bunch of 6 rabbits few Miley's away. Kai asks Geo to hold the bow firm and put the arrow in the string and then draw and aim at the rabbits. He doesn't tell Geo to shoot. Kai shoots the arrow from Geos bow as he kills a rabbit. "You have a good grip boy, tomorrow I'll teach you to shoot" says Kai. Kai and Geo return with 3 rabbits. But it still would take them at-least an hour to reach Geos home from the Jungle. Meanwhile Rhea was back with a barrel of Oil for the  lamps and some wood. She asks John to give a copper coin to give to the boy who carried the barrel from the bazaar(market) to her home. John goes inside his room pulls the pouch from his box and without looking at the pouch picks a coin and gives to Rhea. Rhea looks at the coin which reflected her image. "So now Lila is giving you from her wages now?" she asks. She sends the boy away . "No.....No actually I had made a hundred swords and equal number of arrows. They paid me good and one of them gave me....uhh some few silver coins" says a confused John. "It must be because of the war....I heard the soldiers paid 2 silver coins to the grumpy black smith for the five shields. Would you imagine 2 silver coins for shields" says Rheas as she laughs at the profit that blacksmith made. She further adds " I am glad you are being smart even at this age" as she laughs and carries the Barrel inside the kitchen. Seeing his wife go inside he opens the pouch to see hundreds of shinning silver coins.        
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