Chapter Four - Rejecting the Dominant

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“You look tired,” Andrea remarked as Stephan entered the kitchen. He gave her a weak smile before sitting down heavily at the kitchen table. She was right. Although he didn’t just look tired, he was tired. Exhausted was actually the correct word though. Andrea came over and placed a plate of dry toast and cheese in front of him. “Breakfast isn’t quite ready yet, but this should help you until then,” she told him softly before returning to the stove. Stephan lazily picked up a slice of toast and bit into it. A month had passed since that day he had stood up to Frank. A month of hard work, dedication and effort. It was paying off, he knew that. But at what cost? He wasn’t sure. He picked up on her scent before she entered the kitchen and he looked down, a wave of guilt washing over him. Stephan knew he hadn’t made any time for his mate over this month and suddenly it felt even longer as his penetrating gaze took in her appearance. Her long blonde hair was messy and hanging freely down her back. When she turned to face him, he didn’t miss that her blue eyes looked dull, sad and once again the feeling of guilt plagued him. Stephan continued to chew on his toast with the occasional piece of cheese. Once done, he quietly excused himself and rushed upstairs for a quick shower. He didn’t need to eat breakfast now, which meant he could easily avoid being in his father’s presence as well as Jewel’s. After his shower, he hurriedly got dressed and made a hasty exit out the front door. He didn’t want his mother calling him back for the dreaded breakfast. “Morning,” Clifton called out to him. Stephan jogged the rest of the way and smiled. He enjoyed Clifton’s company. “Morning Clif,” Stephan greeted him and the two of them made their way to the pack's borderline. Without even thinking about it, they shifted. Stephan’s wolf was big. Alpha big. Clif’s dark brown fur almost looked black and he quickly followed behind Stephan as they did a perimeter run. Stephan was struggling to keep his thoughts and emotions to himself. “What’s up, man?” Clif’s voice filled his mind. “I’m a coward,” Stephan admitted. Nothing else was said between them as they finished their run and headed over to the packs small training grounds. They both entered, still in wolf form and then shifted back and got dressed. “Why the hell do you think you are a coward?” Clif asked as they headed to the gym section of the grounds. Stephan shrugged, unsure of how to answer his friend. “Aw come on man, don’t just brush it off like that,” “It’s just, I'm trying to prove myself and I’ve lost sight of Jewel,” Stephan hated to admit it, but he had. He had promised her he would prove himself to her and yet he hadn’t. In fact, all he had done was to neglect her and avoid her. “Talk to her man, don’t be a wussy,” Clif said as he started punching and kicking the large punching bag that was suspended from the ceiling. Stephan didn’t say anything as he thought about it. He wasn’t being a ‘wussy’ he was just scared. Like being scared was better than being a wussy. After spending an hour working out, Stephan took a quick shower and ran back to the house. He knew where he would find her and went straight to the little backyard. Sure enough, she was sitting comfortably on the bench swing whilst reading a book. Stephan stopped to take her in. She didn’t look unhappy although he could clearly see she wasn’t happy. Her features just looked pale and sad. “Are you going to say something or what?” she asked him quietly. He shook his head as he made his way towards her. “Hi,” he said as he sat down next to her. She had placed her feet firmly on the ground to stop the bench from swinging. “What do you want?” she asked him bitterly. He frowned, he knew he had been avoiding her, but he hadn’t been expecting her to be this cold towards him. Maybe he deserved it. “Look, Jewel, I’m sorry for not being around much and proving myself to you,” he started, he could see she wanted to talk but he didn’t want to give her an opportunity to say anything just yet. “I’ve been so consumed to show George and Frank that I am more than worthy to be Alpha and that I’ve left our relationship to fall back. I don’t want you to think that you aren’t important to me because you are, it’s just that right now, I don’t feel our situation is, um, damn, I’m digging my own grave right now,” the look she was giving him was dangerous, he could feel her anger radiating off her. He could smell her desire to hurt him. “I Jewel- “she started and immediately Stephan began to panic. He knew what was coming. “Stop, please don’t,” Stephan begged her. “I Jewel Wood, reject you Step-” “Please! Don’t!” he shouted, begging her yet again. He was desperate and didn’t want to lose her. Yet as he looked into her eyes, he knew that nothing he would say or do would change her mind. He hadn’t realized that he had pushed her too far this time. Sighing in defeat, he closed his eyes and waited. “I Jewel Wood, reject you, Stephan Lavoie,” as soon as she finished, he immediately felt his heartbreaking and he started to sweat. How could she do that to him? How could she do that to them? He opened his eyes and he could see the pain in hers, but he didn’t care. He refused to accept it. Stephan took a deep breath and held her attention. “I Stephan Lavoie,” he paused as he watched her. She looked panicked and he smiled, surprising them both. “Refuse your rejection!” “Can you do that?” she asked him, puzzled as to the pain reduced to a soft dull. “Did you truly think I would accept your rejection?” Stephan snapped as the smile left his face and he stood up. “For a moment there, I thought-” “You thought wrong!” he shouted out whilst glaring down at her. “You thought wrong Jewel, you know I love you. You know how you make me feel, did you truly think I would lay down and allow you to reject me?” he was angry, and he didn’t bother to hide it from her. She had pushed him too far this time and her spite came with a price. “You will move your things to my bedroom and from now on you will train with me in the mornings, do you understand?” “Yes,” “Yes, what Jewel?” he was angry and for the first time, he understood that he didn't like the way she seemed to enjoy pushing him around. She needed to be taught a lesson. “Um, yes sir? Master? Alpha?” she was unsure of which answer to give him, and he smirked. She would submit to him, even if he had to punish her for it. “Sir will do just fine. Go to our room now,” he ordered her. He would show her his dominating side and she would know her place. No mate of his was going to threaten him with rejection. He watched as her eyes got big and she quickly stood up and hurried into the house. His wolf was pacing, happy that she was finally seeing him as her mate. Stephan turned and made his way to his bedroom. - Jewel breathed heavily as she took the stairs two at a time. She stopped in front of her bedroom and breathed out. Should she do as he had ordered? She wasn’t sure but her heart was pounding, and the shivers of excitement rippled through her body. Without overthinking it, she went to his bedroom and stood just in front of his bed. She smelt his scent and turned to look at him and he threw her a look that she couldn’t understand. She watched as he closed and locked the door behind him. “Jewel, I am tired of trying to prove myself to you, you already know me, you already know how I feel. Why must you be so difficult?” Jewel couldn’t take her eyes off of him and she had no idea what kind of response he was looking for. “Answer me!” he hissed out. “Um, I don’t know,” she mumbled and then quickly added. “Sir,” “Why don’t you know? You should know why you think it is alright to push me like that,” he took a step towards her. “My anger got the best of me,” she admitted. “Why are you angry?” he asked as he took another step towards her. “Um, because, you, ah,” she trailed off with her explanation as he took the last step to reach her. The smell of his arousal was so overwhelming that it caught her off guard. “Because of what Jewel?” “You…where ignoring me,” she finished softly. Jewel dropped her gaze and immediately he lifted her chin up, forcing her to look into his eyes once again. “Look at me when you are talking to me, Jewel. I know I’ve been avoiding you because I’ve felt guilty about neglecting you, but that is going to change,” he informed her. Jewel couldn’t understand what was happening. He sidestepped her and sat down on his bed and she stood frozen on the spot as he reached up and grabbed her hips. Her breathing came out fast and hard. Confused by all the emotions he was creating. She felt him pull her gently backward and she knew without looking that she stood between his strong legs. He slowly massaged her hips as he continued to hold onto her. “What are you-” “Sshh,” he ordered as he interrupted her question. She felt his left hand move up from her hip to her lower back. She dared not move, curious as to what he planned on doing. He ran his hand up slightly and pushed so that she was bending forward. “What-” she tried again to ask him what he planned on doing but he suddenly lifted up her dress and she felt exposed as he fingered her lace panties. Panic rose up as she imagined the worst, yet she couldn't ignore the sudden feeling of desire that rushed through her body. Slowly he pulled down the lace until her ass was exposed. “You are beautiful,” she heard him whisper and she shivered in delight. The sound of the sudden slap he gave on her ass filled the room. “That is for trying to reject me,” he said as she felt his lips brush against her skin. The slap hadn’t been hard, and she would’ve reacted more if it hadn’t been such a surprise. The second slap was harder, and Jewel shrieked out in surprise and pain. “That is for thinking you could reject me and get away with it,” she felt his lips once again brush against her now heated skin and the moan that left her lips shocked her. Jewel bit down on her bottom lip to stop the second moan from escaping. The third slap caused her to growl out so loudly that she thought she was going to explode. “And that is for getting angry with me,” he whispered. Jewel was breathing heavily now, confused and dazed by what was happening. She felt him slip her drenched panties lower until they were just above her knees. She could feel his warm breath on her skin and the sensation was so delicious that she couldn’t help but moan out. “Please,” she begged. She didn’t even recognize her voice nor understand what she was asking for. “What do you want Jewel?” he asked her lazily. “P-please,” she begged yet again, she still wasn’t sure what she was begging for, but she knew that she needed him to do something. “Please what?” “Please sir,” she felt him kiss her butt cheek softly and she moaned out as he slowly ran his finger along her folds. Jewel was shocked by her reaction to his punishment. She had not expected him to physically punish her and worse, she had not expected to be turned on by it. “So wet, so needy,” she heard him whisper as he ran his tongue up and down her slit. Jewel felt dizzy from the pleasure and her legs started to tremble. When the coldness hit her as he stopped and moved away, she groaned out in disappointment. However, it wasn’t for long as he moved and pulled her onto the bed. Jewel squealed out and looked up at him. “You do understand that I am hurt by your actions?” she dared not speak but quickly nodded. “Words jewel,” “Yes,” she whispered softly. “Yes, what?” “Yes sir,” she quickly said gazing up into his eyes that seemed to reach in and read her very soul. “You will not try to do that again; do you understand me?” “Yes, I understand,” she said softly and then quickly added. “Sir,” he seemed happy with her answer and he leaned in and kissed her softly. Jewel felt as though she was losing her mind just from that kiss. The way his lips moved over hers, the way his tongue pushed into her open and hungry mouth, just the pure taste of him was enough to push her over the edge. They devoured each other and she felt his hand move over her until he had his palm pressed against her mound. Desire filled her every core and she breathed heavily as he broke the kiss and gazed down at her. “You are so beautiful, so sexy, so perfect,” he kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes as he lazily slipped his finger into her heated wetness. Jewel lifted her hips, wanting more. “I have no idea what I am doing Jewel, but I’ve watched enough and fantasied enough to know how to make you feel good,” she heard his words but couldn’t concentrate on it, as he continued to touch her in a way that was driving her to another place. Her soft moans got louder and he seemed to enjoy teasing her. “Please, more,” she pleaded, needing and wanting a release. He smirked as he increased his pace, filling her up with just his fingers. Jewel felt it coming and she turned her face to him, nuzzling his neck as her whole body started to shake from the power of her o****m. Her loud cry of pure pleasure was muffled slightly, and she held onto his arm as he slowly removed his fingers from her. Laying back she watched as he sucked on his fingers, tasting her. “So sweet,” he remarked, and Jewel couldn’t help but blush at his actions. - Stephan took one last look at her sleeping form before closing the door behind him. He couldn’t believe he had done that and yet, he felt so good about it. Dominating her in such a way had turned him on so much that he knew that when she whispered those sweet little words to him, he was just as lost as she was. He smiled to himself as he made his way to his father’s office. Without knocking he entered and found George, Frank, and Clifton in some kind of meeting. “Oh Stephan, I wasn’t sure you would be free to join us,” George said as he spotted him. Stephan felt himself blush regardless. They had obviously heard Jewel’s moans. By the look on Clif’s face, Stephan got confirmation that they knew what had been happening upstairs. “I’m here now,” he said as he sat down across from George. “Of course, we were just discussing the need to go into town for supplies,” Frank offered. Stephan nodded and looked over at Clif. “Who is going?” “Frank and Clifton will go in the morning,” George informed him. “I could go,” Stephan offered but Frank shook his head. “Not this time, I need to personally pick up a few things and Clif does too,” Frank explained. Stephan shrugged. He didn’t care if they had personal things to pick up. “I was just offering my services,” he said sarcastically. “Oh son, stop,” George warned him. Stephan shot him an irritated look before getting up and leaving the office. - Clifton watched as Stephan left the office. He liked the wolf and couldn’t quite understand what Frank’s problem was. “I don’t need to pick up anything,” he stated as he turned his gaze from the door to Frank. “I do,” “Ok, calm yourselves,” George ordered. Clifton stood up and shrugged. “Whatever,” he threw out the word at Frank and then turned to George. “If you need me, you know where to find me,” he bowed his head and then retreated out the door. He had never had a problem with Frank but suddenly the older wolf walked around as if he owned the place. Clifton had a lot of respect for his Alpha, but he had a bad feeling that something was going on and he wasn’t sure what it was, but he knew it wasn’t going to be something good. Clifton exited the house and headed over to the training grounds. He couldn’t shake the weird feeling he had but he could distract himself from it. “Clif?” he stopped and turned to see Stephan standing at the entrance. “Yeah?” he already knew what was coming. “You don’t have anything to personally pick up, tomorrow do you?” “Nope,” he called out, popping the ‘p’ “I thought so,” he could clearly see the irritation on Stephan’s face, but he had no idea what was going on and so, therefore, he had no idea how to make the young Alpha feel any better. “Don’t stress it, man,” he finally said. “I just wish I could figure out what Frank’s damn problem is,” Stephan hissed out. Clifton knew what he was talking about but yet he still had no idea. “I wish I knew too,” Frank had always been such a nice wolf, friendly and warm but when Stephan, the long-lost son, had returned that was when Frank changed. “It’s not something I think you should be worried about but let’s keep our eyes and ears open for anything suspicious,” Stephan nodded at Clif’s words. “Yeah, sure,”  
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