Chapter four - Breaking hearts

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Aaron's POV: Already three days passed since school has started and I am already breaking hearts. As always, there are girls walking after me, but except the usual, I won't give them anything else. I won't lie that some girls thought that after one make-out, we are dating. I will never have a girlfriend. I can't be with only one girl. Moreover, I am sure that I won't keep her, either to make her feel unique or wanted. I feel like I will get tired to be with the same girl every day. Maybe if one day appears one special, I might change my mind. Let's focus on me.  Currently, I am in school with my best friend. I still haven't asked him about the girl from the party. Now it's the perfect time for that. Both of us are watching the practice of the cheerleaders. They are just like the rest. Up to now, I haven't met someone, who will make me change my mind. I won't lie that sometimes I was wondering what will be my life if I was taken. The thing is that I can't give a girl what she wants. I am not the person for that.  - Aaron. Hey, man. Where are you? - What? - You went somewhere.  - I was just thinking.  - I wonder for what or maybe who. - Dani chuckled - Speaking of which, who was the girl at the party? She looked very interested in you.  - I think that she was the best of all, but far from what I wanted.  - Do you even know what you want? - Yes, I do. Someone to be interested in me and only in me. Not when they don't like what I can offer to run away to someone else.  - Good luck with that. If you ask me, it's better to be single. Fewer problems and you can be with who you want. No one can obligate you to be with them.  - That's true, but I don't want to be single until the rest of my life.  - Why not? There are many old single people.  - But I don't want to be single.  - If you say so. I'm glad that I am.  - They are coming. Melissa is looking straight at you. - She is annoying and clingy.  - Who isn't? All of them are the same. We can go to a party tonight and there you can get laid.  - I don't know. Lately, I get the same old thing. I want something new.  - Then you might start searching for good girls. Legend says that they always fall for bad guys.  - Did you invent the legend? - No, I heard it somewhere.  The bell started ringing and we walked inside. After this class, I will go somewhere else. I don't like any of the subjects, but I have to graduate. Dani's words popped into my head. Maybe I should search for a good girl. They always look so innocent, but no one knows what's behind this. The question is where to find one. I won't lie that even if I get one, I will do the same thing with her as with the others. Yes, I will dump her. The chances to stay with her are not high. If it turns out that she is a good one, I might keep her. I don't believe that this will happen. This will be a miracle.  After this class, I walked out of school. I went on Denmark Street, right in front of Johnsons High. There is a nice coffee shop in front of it. I went inside and bought a latte. Instead of alcohol, I can be like normal people and drink coffee. I sat on the small stairs under the trees. Only two hours left until the school day ends and the girls come out. Let's not forget that Ricky Dawson study here. He is so annoying. I don't how people like him.  The girls started coming out, but no one came to me. I won't lie that my fame is not very good. Everybody knows that I am the famous bad boy, who breaks hearts. I shouldn't be surprised that neither a single girl came to me. I looked up and saw the three girls from the mall. I guess that they study here. One of them looked at me and I gave her a wink. She shook her head and all of them walked away. I guess that I won't have luck today.  - Hey man. So now, you decide to be here? - Yes. I thought that I will have luck, but no.  - Maybe next time.  - The girls from the mall are here.  - Who? - The three girls, who we saw at the mall the last day before school. They were looking at Ricky and his girl. Remember? - Oh, yeah. Aren't three too much for you? - he chuckled - I winked at one of them, but she shook her head and all of them walked away.  - At least you tried.  - I want a challenge. The easy one became boring.  - You can try to talk with one of them, but I don't know will she want.  - Nah, I'm good. They are not the only girls in the world. Probably there are more like them inside.  - Maybe there are.  - I think that this might become my new place to hang out. The trees are keeping me away from the sun and there is a nice coffee shop behind me.  - You mean our place. Don't forget about me.  - I won't if you start coming at the same time as me. There is no need to pretend to be a good guy.  - I am not pretending. At least one of us should be the normal one.  - And why do you think that this is you? - Because you won't do it. There is no way that you will become a good boy who cares about girls. - What if I do it? - I don't believe it, but let's say that I will give you my girl when I get one.  - No, thanks. Your taste is different from mine.  - You said it, not me.  Both of us stayed in front of the school for a while and then walked away. Dani got home and I around the town. There are girls in the park but usually are taken. I might have some luck today, who knows. I went to one park and saw a girl sitting alone. I was about to go and sit next to her when one boy appeared. Damn it! I won't give up. After all, I might go to a party tonight. I walked home for a little nap. I need to be fresh for the girls. Let's hope that they will be good. If you know what I mean.  After two hours, I woke up and went for food. Luckily, I went shopping a couple of days ago and now I have enough food for a whole week. Not like I eat much. At least my parents send me enough money. This is their type of care. To be honest like that is better. I don't want to have parents who always want to know where I am and to ask what I have done. The not caring type is better.  I watched a movie and then walked out. On my way to the party, I saw one of the three girls from the mall. I have no idea who is she, but at least I know where I can find her. She looks exactly like the good girl type. Of course, I decided to try my luck, but another girl came to her and they walked away. Do they ever separate? Whatever probably on the party there will be better ones.  In the moment, I walked into the house couple of girls checked me out. I gave them a wink and went for a drink. Soon one of them came to me. I gave her a look and she returned with a smirk. It can't get worse so I responded to her the same way. She grabbed my hand and took me to one room.  - You want to play, don't you? - I asked her and she came close - I see that I am not the only one who wants it.  - It depends on what can you offer me.  - Many things. Which one do you want to see first? - Your best.  With that, she pushed me on the bed, got on top of me, and kissed me. I have to say that it's not that bad, but far from what I have imagined. Why do the girls like her always think that they are the best when actually they are not something better than the rest? After ten minutes, she finally got off from me. She looked at me with a smirk, but this time I didn't return it. Why do girls get so proud of themselves? Like they did something good. Yes, this wasn't that bad, but still not the best. I wonder what will be to kiss a good girl. They are the only type on who I haven't tried.  I got up and was about to leave when the girl stopped me. - Where are you going? - To the party, where else? - I'll see you again, right? - Look, I only wanted a make-out. Don't imagine things, which will never happen. - So you only used me? - Yes. Don't tell me that you thought that there will be something else. I don't date and I will never do it. - You are an assw***e, you know.  - I know, but I don't care. I didn't beg you to come to me. You did it by yourself. - I said and left Don't judge me. This is who I am the fact that she doesn't know it, is not my problem. As I have said, I don't want to look around the same girl every single day. It's too much work for me to have a girlfriend. I have to look after her, take care and all these things, which I don't do.  I stayed for a while and then walked home. On the way, I saw one of the girls from the mall. This time she was walking alone. I don't know why I see her so often. It's like she is chasing me, without realizing it. Maybe I should use the chance to talk with her. Then probably I will do to her what I always do. If I want to get her attention, I have to do something else. I will need a plan. I can't pretend to be a good boy. She definitely will understand that there is something wrong with me. Maybe I will be honest with her and show her who I am. There is a very small chance that she will accept my personality. I looked up and saw that she was gone. Great. I missed another chance. I walked home and laid on my bed. No luck today. Let's see what will happen tomorrow. I was about to take a shower when my phone started ringing. It was Dani.  - What do you want? - Hello to you too.  - Sorry, I'm not in the mood.  - What happened? Did you have some luck? - Not at all. I went to one party for a while and made out with one girl, but she didn't like it when I dumped her. I guess that doesn't know who I am.  - Only that? It's not a big deal.  - Later, I met one of the girls from the mall. This time she was alone. While I was wondering, how to talk with her, she was already gone.  - It's surprising that you see her so often.  - I even met her on my way to the party, but she was with one of her friends. The good girl is the only type, which I haven't tried.  - Maybe, you will have luck. Imagine if this girl becomes your girlfriend. - he laughed - This will never happen. First, I will be a terrible boyfriend and second, I can't give her what she wants.  - How do you know what she wants? - All the good girls don't like cheaters.  - Why are you so sure? Maybe she will like you. It's about time you two sit and talk.  - Yes, but don't forget that she doesn't see me. I see her, but she never noticed me. I don't think that we can work it out.  - You never know.  - I will think about this. I don't even know her. Yes, she looks innocent, but who knows what's inside. - Do whatever you want.  We talked for a while and then he hung up. I went for my shower and then straight into bed. I was tired. This day was too long and I gladly will forget it if I could. Maybe I should try with this girl. I won't believe what Dani said that she will be my girlfriend, but it's worth a try. At least if she rejects me, she won't be the first one. I will think about this the other day.  
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