School Mates

1097 Words
As I walked through the big double doors of the high school, I heard my “mom” gasp just a little bit. I looked at her and she gave an uneasy smile. It was hard for her to let me go as I had been a part of the experiment for the last 17 years. She had no idea how she was going to tell the school about my unique abilities. With a photographic memory, I had already memorized the entire semesters worth of reading in all 7 of my classes. I also didn’t like taking orders, so I was opted out of PE. I was able to make anyone tell me the truth if I really asked them, and that would cause my beast to come out. If I got too angry, my eyes would turn purple and whoever pissed me off had only seconds to run. If she let them get that far. I looked at all the lockers, wondering if students here felt as odd as I always had. Of course, I had always felt odd. I was odd. I was an experiment. I had never spent time around people my age. I had never even seen a teenager until I went to the mall last week. We kept walking and found our way to a big glass door that said “administration”. My “mom” stopped and looked at me. “Are you sure that this is what you want, Liah?” She asked, her voice wavering in fear. I knew she knew there was no way I was going back to being in that lab all day every day. I took a deep breath and sighed as if I was tired of this conversation, which I was, “I am tired of being in the lab all of the time. I not only want this, I need this. This is going to prove your experiment either works or is a failure,” I whispered. She looked at me shocked. I never dared to speak to the Doctor this way. I never dared to speak to anyone this way. We continued and walked into the office and there sat a middle-aged man staring down at the keys of the computer as he typed. He didn’t bother to look up at us. “Name?” “Liah Norse” “You’re late, Miss Norse.” He continued in the same bored tone. “I got lost on the way in.” I shrugged, knowing that the excuse wasn’t good enough, but not caring. “Here is your schedule, map and student ID badge that you must have on you at all times, apart from P.E.” He handed me a stack of paper “I need your paperwork signed, dated and returned before the end of the week. The student handbook must be read, and you are able to earn extra credit if you can recite any one portion at any time a faculty member asks. Now that you are interrupting a class, you should leave. We need your mother to stay and sign more forms as she has requested an audience with the headmaster.” She gave me a brisk nod as I turned and walked out of the office, my face down trying to memorize the map and my schedule at the same time. I didn’t bother to look up, thinking there would be no one else in the hallway. I realized how wrong I was when I ran into a wall of a man. “I am so sorry; I wasn’t looking where I was going.” I said immediately, trying to gather all of my papers. “Who are you?” the wall asked. His scent was the most incredible thing I had ever smelled. Earthy and sweet. Like fresh cut grass with a hint of honey. I wanted to bathe in his scent. I could feel Athena scratching at the back of my head, begging to come out. I pushed her back, ignoring all her whining and whimpering. I didn’t understand why she was acting this way. She usually hated new people, let alone other wolves. I finally looked up and noticed that he was staring down at me. He was muscular all over, including his stiff cut jaw. I could see a tattoo that started at his neck and snaked under his shirt. He wore a black t-shirt that was way too tight over his large arms, jeans that looked as though they would rip if he flexed the wrong way. I finally met his eyes, and they were the deepest blue- green. His brownish- black hair was cut short around the sides, a perfect mess on the top. His eye twitched as I realized he had been talking to me as I was checking him out. “Who. Are. You?” He asked, obviously annoyed at having to ask more than once. “Uh, Oh. My name is Liah.” I blushed. I had never felt embarrassed before. I was always praised or scolded for everything I had ever done. There was no room for embarrassment. I was living a life of experimentation. It was always right or wrong. “Liah, how have I never seen you before?” He asked, his eyes looking me up and down before settling on mine. He smirked as I blushed again. “I’m new.” I looked at the floor again. He grunted “Watch where you are going.” He stalked off and left me alone in the hallway, my papers still scattered. I quickly bent over and picked up the papers and studied the map and schedule again. As soon as I had them in my brain, I half ran to the class. I opened the door and felt the eyes of 25 students on me. I blushed again and quickly settled down, annoyed that I was blushing so much today. I quickly handed my new student paperwork to the teacher and found the first open seat in the back. I began pulling out a journal and pen. When I heard the door open, I could smell the fresh cut grass and honey. I breathed in deeply and once again the brick wall was staring down at me. “You’re in my chair.” He grunted. “Oh, I’m sorry.” I started getting up and he gently pushed me back down. “I’ll stand.” He said as he went to stand against the wall. This was going to be a long day.
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