Dark/Nidzee (1)

2007 Words
Dad says love is a sheer four-letter word, but, is it a mere four-letter word for me too? Hell no! For me love means imagination, it means living in a beautiful fantasy, I don't know when I will fall in love with my prince but I am waiting for it. I pulled the pillow close to my chest and kept staring at my Dad. I grew up watching my Dad's movies and since that time I am dreaming of having a guy like my Dad in my life. Dad turned 49 last month but looking at his appearance no one can say that he is 49. He is the charm of billions of hearts and girls are still so damn in love with him, but I have never seen my mom getting jealous of my Dad's female fan following. Maybe because Mom knows that Dad will never be anyone else than her. Being a superstar, My Dad still enjoys the love of girls over him and that love never lets him feel old. I noticed on huge television how Dad saved a little girl from getting abducted but that scene haunted me to my core and reminded me of the time when I got abducted. Since my abduction my life turned hell, for many years I was homeschooled and without security, I wasn't allowed to go out. Mom used to keep her eyes on me 24×7 so was my Dad. Mom is possessive over me so is my Dad but Dad understands me like no one can. Two years on my 16th birthday I begged Dad for a normal life, I cried on his shoulder and made him understand how I felt in their platinum cage. I know my parents love me more than their own lives, I know what they were doing was because of my security but I was feeling suffocating, I had everything, My parents were ready to leave everything for me but I never wanted that. So two years back, Dad secretly transferred me to California without telling anyone about it, not even my huge family. In California, Mom has a huge mansion but I moved with my friend Mark to his small penthouse. Currently, we are in New York and we shifted here approximately a week ago. Mark doesn't know about my real identity neither I tell him. Mom is currently in Mexico and Dad is in Poland for shooting. I know they won't get free before this year that was why I didn't tell them about my shifting as I know they won't let me. A few years back I came to know that I had a brother but my parents lost him. I didn't ask anything to my parents about my brother as he was the sore topic of their lives but many times in the past I have seen my mom crying for my brother and Dad consoled her. Judging from my past life, I didn't realize when I dozed off. Hearing the irritating sound of the clock, I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. Sometimes I felt like crushing the clock. I groaned and made my way to the bathroom and after having a long relaxing bath I dressed up as simple as I could. The weather is cold here but I love wearing short clothes. I make my way downstairs to see Mark setting breakfast for us. He is such a sweetheart and that's why he is so close to my heart. If he wasn't gay I would surely make him my boyfriend. I changed the greeting with Mark kissing his cheeks and then made myself comfortable on my bunny chair. Picking up my juice glass, I took a sip and made a blissful sound that made Mark groan. He told me many times not to make such sounds but never told me the reason why. "Hell! I am so damn excited for our first day," he let out but I was staring into his eyes keenly. Mark had a breakup with his boyfriend as his boyfriend wasn't ready to accept him publically. He passed me a questioning gaze shrugging his shoulder. I sighed. "We just shifted Mark and I haven't told my parents about my shifting yet, How can expect me to be excited ?" Lying is easy but don't know why it always sucks me. Should I call my parents and tell them the truth but will they let me stay here? Knowing their answer and thinking about again a caged life in a mansion goosebumps appeared on my skin. "They won't say anything. They are your parents and love you dearly!" Of course, they love me dearly but what I am doing, lying to them and running away from their security. Mark drove us to school, He and I have different subjects and his class is on the opposite side of my class. He looked at me and pecked my head, In return, before leaving the car I pecked his cheek and said my goodbye to him. I make my way to the office for information while cursing myself for lying to my parents. I can handle my dad but my mom, is fire, once she comes to know that I shifted to New York without informing them she would call me back to Bharat. After getting the schedule I walked to my locker room and shoved my stuff into it. When I twirled back, I noticed some girls clinging to guys who were in sports outfits. Looking at their outfits, it seems as if they are from the school football team. They caught me gazing at them and it made me very uncomfortable. All of a sudden I got harshly shoved by some hot guys. I yelped in pain as pain shot through my elbow. I head the group of guys and girls mockingly laughing at me. Woo, What a great way to start a day, isn't it? I mocked myself. The first lecture was boring as hell, In the second lecture, I kept staring at my hot teacher as he was a good distraction to forget the pain that I was feeling in my elbow, The third lecture I enjoyed as it was all about chemistry. And finally, it was lunchtime. Mark already made lunch for me which was why I didn't go to the canteen to receive my food. Instead, I made my way out of the school building and sat on the benches near the football ground. I called Mark but his cell phone was engaged, I cursed under my breath and started waiting for him but after five minutes I got his msg that he won't be able to come. I didn't wanna be humiliated again in the school canteen by those bully gang who hurt me in the morning so I planned to have my lunch all alone. My whole attention was occupied by my laptop as one palm was busy stuffing the food into my mouth. Suddenly I heard a car pull over on the driveway. The area was all clear that's why I could see the guy stepping out of the car, just looking at his appearance my breath stuck in my throat. He was wearing a jet-black suit with a white crisp shirt, Half of his shirt button was open and giving the full view of his chest, must say he spent most of his time in the gym and his eyes were covered with extremely expensive glasses. I noticed the bunch of other suited men too behind the hot guy. They all made their way toward the library area, maybe going to meet the principal as I could see the school staff gathered around them. I couldn't see further as they stepped inside the building. My heart started Wondering who is he. I Don't know why I am feeling as if I know him. But after thinking for more than five minutes about him, I brushed him off of my mind, I couldn't care less. Ignoring the curiosity I started chatting with my Dad who was online and sending his pictures to him. I laugh at his lame jokes, especially the one which is about Mom. Soon the lunch got over and I went back to attend my boring classes. I think it was a bad idea to come here as I am missing my friends and gang that I made in California. After a terrible three hours, finally, the day of my school was over. Now I can head back to home. Mark has a job and he can't come to pick me up. I didn't bother him as we already rented our penthouse near our school. I was crossing the Library area when my gaze fell on the familiar guy with a jet-black suit. He just stepped out of the dean's office, I walked further and got the proper view of his face. Holly f#cking hell! Was the only thought that appeared in my mind seeing the guy in front of my eyes. How can someone look so goddamn hot as hell and sexy as the universe? I tried hard to remove my gaze from him but it was pretty next to impossible for me. I could see his perfect jawline, his perfect muscular body. His goddam hot suit was hugging him so perfectly and putting cherry to his looks. He paused and then All of a sudden he looked aside and our eyes met. I didn't know I was holding my breath until his dominating, cold stormy silver eyes started to explore into mine. It took my whole power to remove my gaze from him, and I hurriedly made my way to the exit. I was walking as fast as I can and had no freaking idea why. His gaze did something with mine, something very unusual. I tried to make my fast beating hard calm but my heart was minding its own business. As I reached home, I opened my FaceTime and called Mom. We talked for hours, even Dad joined us. "I think you should move to New York," Dad said. "Kabir and Storm are in California, she can live with them too! " Mom suggested. They both looked at me but I glared at them. "Keep your glaring to yourself, young lady, We can't let you stay all alone get that thing straight in your mind! " Hearing Mom's words my eyes welled up with tears and I looked at my Dad. My tears work on Dad instantly. Dad turned his attention to Mom and asked me to cut the call. I did what my Dad asked me. I wiped my tears. Now Dad will deal with Mom and in front of Dad, Mom's coldness didn't work. For the past year, Dad and Mom wanted me to stay with their friend, and even they mentioned to me Kabir guy too but I refused. I have seen Kabir and Storm in magazines and on TV many times. They have debuted in some films too and currently dominating the business world with their sharp cold and skillful tactics but they both are too cold and dominating and I am a very sensitive person. I finished my tuna sandwich and made my way to my room. Once again I was on the tv and started watching my Dad's movies. Soon my eyes got heavy and I closed my eyes but suddenly that face occurred in front of my eyes which I had witnessed in school. I opened my eyes with a jolt and realized that I was in my room. Wiping the sweat from my upper lips I closed my eyes again to sleep again but I ended up twisting and turning on my bed because of one face in my mind, That jet-black suit guy. Who was he? His eyes were so scary yet so interesting. And the way he was staring at me, I felt so weird but felt the tingles too in my abdominal.
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