First Encounter

1319 Words
“You damn grim reaper!”   Darius cursed loudly, gasping for air as he ran so fast to avoid the debt collectors who kept chasing him. If it was only a few people he had to face, Darius could definitely beat them. But, they numbered more than 10 people! Even if Darius could fight back, it would still be very tiring.   In his entire existence as a Messenger, this was the first time Darius had to sweat this much. Yes, he is actually a messenger tasked with helping the grim reaper to bring human soul to the door to the world of the dead. Actually, the grim reaper can work alone. However,  sometimes there are some cases where the humans who were their targets had unresolved regrets. It makes them cannot be directly brought to the realm of death, and that's when messenger tasks are needed. So, it can be said that messenger's job is to help humans resolve their regrets so they can die peacefully. Because without resolving their regrets, the date and time of death will not appear, causing the grim reaper to have a hard time carrying out his duties. "Urrgh, I'll beat you up the next time we meet..." Darius grumbled again as he recalled the grim reaper's calm expression when they last met yesterday. No wonder he patted Darius on the shoulder with pity  before actually leaving.   "Hey! Stop!" Darius turned his head towards the debt collectors who were chasing him to check their distance from him. Because he was too focused on checking the debt collectors, Darius didn't realize car coming towards him. And.. Tiiinnn.. Darius's eyes widened when he saw a very blinding light in his eyes, followed by a loud car horn sound. And without Darius being able to prevent it, the car hit him hard enough that his bodies was thrown several meters away.   "Urrgh.." Darius furrowed his brows as he felt the pain slowly took over his body. His vision even started to blur. He raised his head, looking up at the dark sky above him. He could see the grim reaper suddenly appeared and floated above him while winking "Good luck.." Darius could hear the grim reaper's cheerful voice at him before finally his vision darkened and his consciousness disappeared..   ***   Lorea paced the hospital ward with furrowed brows, staring at the handsome young man lying on the bed. There were many bandages wrapped around his body, even the doctor estimated that he had a brain concussion.   "Sit down, Lor. You'll get dizzy if you walk back and forth like that.." Clena said. She sat on the sofa near the entrance to the ward, also looking at the handsome man whose eyes were still tightly closed. Earlier, when Clena had just returned from checking on Mr. Jo's family, she accidentally bumped into a young man who was running from the opposite direction. Judging by his appearance, it seemed that he was being chased by someone.   Clena estimates that the young man is still in his early 20s. It seen from his face which is still quite cute. "You! Listen carefully! If he wakes up and threatens you, you should remind him of the fact that he was the one who ran to your car! Don't give him any compensation, just pay all his hospital fees. People like this.. I totally understand their motive!” Lorea said in a firm tone.    Clena didn't say anything, just looked at Lorea while nodding her head. Actually what Lorea said was true. In fact, it was the young man who was running towards her car. Even though Clena was driving quite slowly because the road was quite narrow.  "Anyway don't give him anything! remember that!" But, as Lorea had expected, Clena did plan to compensate the young man with enough money besides paying for hospital costs. Lorea narrowed her eyes in disbelief, until finally Clena raised her hand and made a gesture as if she was swearing. Only then did Lorea nod her head   They then fell silent, focusing on the young man who was still closing his eyes. They didn't know that the young man was actually awake long ago. He even heard all of Clena and Lorea's conversation. It's just that he deliberately pretends like he hasn't woken up yet. Thankfully, while carrying out his duties as messenger a while ago, he gained an identity as a rising young actor, so that his acting ability is unquestionable.  Actually, Darius was currently telepathing with the grim reaper floating above this ward. The Grim reaper proudly praises his ability to create a scenario for the encounter between Clena and Darius. "Aren't I really great? If it weren't for my idea, you wouldn't be able to meet Clena this naturally!” Darius' calm face almost cracked and turned into annoyance upon hearing the grim reaper's words. How could he think that this idea was brilliant?! Urrgh, because of the idea, Darius has to endure the pain now! “Great idea your ass! I think this is the worst scenario I've ever had." Darius grumbled. “Come on, ungrateful sir Messenger! You think if I make you a CEO or a famous actor as you wish, you can get close to Clena? Impossible young man! Have you forgotten who we're dealing with? Clena Evans! A woman who doesn't even use her surname since she graduated from high school! Especially with an almost perfect life! So this scenario I made is superrr perfect!” Darius chooses to ignore the grim reaper's grumble. He started to get busy remembering the identity that grim reaper gave him. He is currently Darius Sanders, Clena's distant cousin who came to town to be a student. He came from a very poor family and his mother passed away a few years ago. While his father was a gambler who always squandered his money. His father even borrowed money from loan sharks in huge sums. Then chooses to run away, leaving Darius in huge debt. That's why Darius is being chased by debt collectors.   "Hey! Open your eyes quickly before they think you're really dead!" The grim reaper's voice broke Darius' mind. Again he cursed the grim reaper in his heart before finally opening his eyes. He narrowed his eyes slightly as the light of the lamp dazzled his eyes. Near his bed, stood 3 people who looked at him with different eyes. The first was the grim reaper who looked at him with an annoyed look. Then Lorea with her suspicious look and Clena with her flat gaze.   "Wow, you're awake.." Lorea was the one who spoke first. Her eyes kept looking at Darius with a suspicious look “So, what have you been planning exactly? I'm sure you must have some motive when you accidentally hit Clena's car right?” Darius and the grim reaper immediately looked at Lorea with shocked looks. They didn't expect that Lorea would immediately attack without further ado. Even though from her face, Lorea looked very gentle and friendly.   "Isn't she a very forthright person?" Asked the grim reaper to which Darius unknowingly answered with a nod of his head. Seeing Darius nod his head made Lorea suddenly smile sarcastically “Yup, my guess turned out to be right, you must have bad intentions. Now tell me, what do you really want?” Lorea asked again while crossing her arms in front of her chest "Money? or.. could you be the one sent by a rival company to frame Clena?"   Darius who realized Lorea's misunderstanding immediately shook his head. Even though he would wince every now and then because of the pain. "No, no, I don't have any bad intentions..." He said. Darius then put on a sad face "Actually.." He begin to tell his life story which he made as dramatic as possible. Again..he felt grateful that he was once an actor before...  
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