Chapter 3

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A loud possessive growl tore from the werewolf , he stood there for a minute just breathing hard and watching me with a dark gaze filled with hatred and … hot lust. My own body reacted almost desperately to the look in his eyes as it trembled with a need that travelled straight to my core. The ability to breathe suddenly left my body as he begun to take long strides in my direction , his entire demeanor screamed a man on a mission , his eyes never leaving mine for a second , trapping me in his hot gaze. After what seemed like an eternity he was finally before me , his face inches away from mine , the feelings I felt before only intensified further at his closeness . His full lips tightened into a firm line before he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply ,his lips slowly parted and when his eyes opened once again I wasn't prepared for the hot raw need I saw reflected there , my knees felt like it could no longer support my body as my heart rate sped up , pounding against my chest . His nostrils flared and another growl escaped his mouth , his entire body stiffening as his gaze hardened . Without warning he grabbed my hair and pulled me closer to him , his stare cold as ice . "What the f**k did you do to me vixen ?" I blinked up at him. What the hell? Not what I was expecting . Never taking my eyes of the werewolf in front of me , I reached down and drew a blade from the sheath at my ankle . When he least expected it I pressed the blade against his throat lightly . "Let go of me wolf ." I threatened . He narrowed his eyes at me , not the least bit scared . "The name is Alpha Cayden pixie ." I froze at that name , I'd heard of it before . Alpha King Cayden Gollias , well known for his notorious ways , the werewolf was the worst of his kind, a force to be reckoned with . I'd heard stories of him in battle , how mercilessly and easily he killed .He was greatly feared not only amongst his people but by the entire Mytheland population . The wolf used my sudden distraction against me as he flung the blade from my hands and spun me around  so that I was now pressed against the tree in front of me . I didn't wait for him to trap me further as I used my leg to hook his ankle and pulled hard  . We both fell to the ground in a loud thump , the fall leaving me sprawled out on top of him . I gasped and Cayden hissed as my lower half came into contact with his raging hard on . Oh. He was aroused . Very aroused . All coherent thought suddenly left me as I rubbed my lower half against him , his eyes shut closed as he groaned at the contact . My eyes rolled back in my head at the pleasure it brought to my body as I continued with the motion. What was I doing ? This was against the rules of our land .Against everything the people of Mytheland stood for . I quickly raised  up putting as much distance between us as possible . The chain around my neck started to glow , letting me know that my Aunt Fiona was looking for me , it was an enchanted piece of jewelry , if it were to glow three times and I didn't reach my aunt by the third time I'd instantly get a shock to my body . It happened once and I wouldn't like to experience that pain again . I didn't spare the wolf another look as I opened out my wings ,allowing them to be free behind me and lifted myself off the ground , my body stiffening at the cold blooded Alpha's next chosen words . "I'm not even close to being finished with you vixen."He spat disgustingly after me . "We will meet again , very soon." ........ "Where did you disappear to child ?" Aunt Fiona demanded , her lips set in a firm line . "I went to the north river ."I answered honestly , leaving out the details of what occurred whilst I was there. Her eyes narrowed . "Did I not explain to you that you are to stay here and see to your cousins needs for the entire day ." I nodded . "I went there to get these jasmine flowers , to give their skin a fragrant smell ."I explained reaching inside my pockets and showing it to her as proof . "Well what are you waiting for ."She snapped . "Take it to your cousins , it's almost time for their introduction to the princes ." I was still shaken by my encounter with the wolf as I made my way to my cousin's side , nothing made any sense to me , my brain refused to comprehend the events that had unfolded before my eyes . "Finally , we thought you had gotten lost in the woods ." Tiana said . "Actually the truth is we had hoped a wolf had eaten you and finally put you out of your misery ." Sadly they didn't know how close their assumptions were to what had really happened to me there . "Anyway , our gowns need a few finishing touches at home for the ball tonight , how about you be a dear and fix that up for us ?" Layla added with a fake smile on her lips . My lips pressed into a thin line ...Food ...You need food to survive . I kept repeating those words in my head , it was the only thing keeping me back from murdering these people with my very own hands . "Yes cousin ."I finally forced the words out my mouth as I turned and spotted the one person who could possibly put a smile on my face . "Why do you look so pale ?" Seth asked taking a step in my direction . Seth surprisingly was the only person in my entire kingdom who was nice to me , much to his mother's horror . She hated that anyone could be nice to me , so it made it worse that it was her own son . "Did mother say something to you again ?" He asked as he continued to study me . I shook my head . "I've gotten used to your mother's words by now Seth , I'm just tired ."I lied . I held my ground under his scrutinizing gaze , over the years I'd learnt to keep certain things hidden from my cousin , he always liked to get involved with matters that concerned me and I didn't like the idea of someone looking after me , I could take care of myself , I'd learnt the hard way to fend for myself and I wanted to keep it that way. No one could know what happened today , absolutely no one . My life depended on it . ………… I dropped myself onto the sheet on the hard floor , aunt Fiona had insisted I was not worthy of a bed and so for the past ten years I slept on the ground , according to her I was lucky to have even been given a sheet . Living amongst these people was like waking up to realize that nightmare you've been having wasn't a dream after all but your actual real life . I've thought about running away and starting a life elsewhere on several occasions but it just wasn't possible . The council had granted my aunt and uncle custody of me to do with me as they please , if I were to ever run away the council would find me and punish me severely . I was trapped here and there was nothing I could do about it . The door swung open and I quickly jumped up and bowed my head at my aunt's entrance . "Are you finished with their gowns ?" She asked , her eyes scanning my surroundings . I nodded , my eyes resting on the beautiful pink dress in her hand.  I inwardly groaned , did she bring another dress for me to make adjustments too ? I'd already spent the entire evening preparing that of Tiana's . "Who is that for?" I asked . She shrugged her shoulders before stretching out her hand ."For you ." She answered . An uncomfortable silence stretched between us as I struggled to come to terms with her words . Surely I hadn't heard her properly ? My aunt had never once given me a gown to wear , she didn't even supply me with regular clothing , I had to work hard for everything I owned and it still wasn't enough to afford something as extravagant as the dress in her hands now. " You're actually giving a dress to me  ?" I asked the queen suspiciously . When did she ever do that for me … Never. Something seemed terribly wrong . What was she up to? The woman in front of me was not capable of being nice , especially not to me , she hated everything about me . "Since you've worked hard today I thought of rewarding you ." She responded dryly . I've worked hard every single day of my life ever since the death of my parents  , what changed now ? I bit my tongue to keep myself from saying another word , if she wanted me to wear this and attend the ball there was nothing I could do but follow her wishes . I had absolutely no choice but to attend the ball tonight . ........... CAYDEN'S POV: "What's got you on edge brother ?"Kade asked , giving me an amused look. "Do you know that fairy ?"I inquired , ignoring his question . "What fairy ?" I pointed to her with a bitter look on my face . My c**k throbbing painfully in my pants at just the sight of her . She wore an extravagant pink dress that outlined all of her f*****g curves , I fought the urge to groan out loud at the effects it had on my body. Unlike earlier today , her hair was now tied in a neat bun above her head exposing her slender neck , the spot right beneath her ear called out to be sucked , bitten and f*****g claimed. MOTHERFUCKER. "Why do you ask ?" He asked suspiciously , his question providing me with a distraction from wanting to claim the f*****g fairy. I've never been interested in any fairy my entire life , I despised their existence and couldn't care less .So it made sense that he would ask such a question . "Just answer the f*****g question Kade."I ordered , my patience on borderline . "That's Princess Fay Sparks."He answered . "Rejected princess I should say." Rejected ? Princess ? My eyes snapped to his  . "What do you mean by that ?" My brother gave me a surprised look . "I'm surprised you don't know , every kingdom have heard of her story before ." "Tell me ."I growled impatiently . "Fay was once the beloved princess of the Light Fairies , they adored her , she was their pride and joy until one day , her parents were caught in some illegal activities . The council became involved and ordered for their punishments to be death . After her parents were killed , the princess was taken in by King Henry , her father's brother , the new ruler of the kingdom . Ever since her parent's betrayal the people have hated the princess , she's been living hell since then ." My gut churned at his words . I didn't like knowing her story , it made me want to kill more than I already liked doing .The feelings confused me for there was no f*****g way a Bloody Fairy could be my mate . No f*****g way . Yet the constant throbbing in my pants desperate for release  said something totally different . No. The fairy wasn't f*****g mine .
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