
399 Words
Somehow, they managed to sneak out of the castle, hiding amongst people celebrating the newlywed couple. Sandra’s arm was tightly wrapped around Aurora’s waist, keeping her steady. Outside, Vanessa and Raffaele were waiting for them, and her friend pulled her into a hug before helping Sandra getting her to the main road, where Lorenzo was waiting for them. She remembered Vanessa telling her to give her a call, but she forgot if she replied, everything after Matteo’s ‘I do’ felt foggy and unclear. Like a bad dream she’d just woken up from, small pieces of it were still clinging to her, causing her to feel horrible without actually remembering the whole picture of what happened. The drive back to Pisa passed in a haze, and before she knew it, she found herself in her room on the second floor of the Secret Library, cuddled under the blanket, not knowing what she would do now. Sadness turned into anger, making her curse the moment she met Matteo, or how she found out about this stupid anima gemella thing, or that she’d agreed to find out if they were indeed soulmates. She should have turned around and left his ass, instead of following her heart and keep going back. Thinking about the time she spent with him brought out more tears, which drowned her anger for a while. She remembered every single touch, every smile, every time he called her ‘luce mia’, his light, as if he couldn’t live without her even though now he’d chosen to do just that. Maybe she should reconsider his offer of being with him regardless of his marriage, but she just couldn’t handle that. She felt the familiar anger bubbling under the surface again when she thought of him being with his wife. With the woman who had sent two goons after her. Aurora grabbed her pillow and covered her face with it, trying to silence her thoughts, but it didn’t work.   They gave her three days. Three days of crying, three days of being angry, three days of feeling sorry for herself. But on the fourth day, Lorenzo woke her up in the morning for training. Now that they definitely lost the alliance of Northern Italy, they were on their own.
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