Chapter One

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The court was filled to the brim with the plaintiffs, the respondent's attorneys and members of the fourth estate by the time Jessica and Sam arrived. Justice Hastings sat impatiently on his bench waiting for the plaintiffs' attorneys to make their appearance. "May counsels for the plaintiffs approach the bench?" He growled at them . "Yes , my Lord," Jessica responded, approaching as instructed . "Did your Law schools ever impress upon you the meaning of 'justice delayed, is justice denied'?" He spoke through his teeth. "I will not tolerate any form of lateness . If this happens in the future, I will make sure that you carry the guilty of losing your client's case as a result of your undue regard to time. Do I make myself loud and clear?" "Point taken, my Lord, but ... " "No buts! I would appreciate it if you didn't try to qualify your answer with unnecessary excuses. You have exactly a minute to start presenting your clients' case!" He waved them away. Jessica felt quite demeaned as she walked towards her bench by that reprimand. Gosh, they were barely two minutes late and he was already breathing fire! Her eyes moved towards the defense bench and noticed that Jason was grinning at her mockingly. You can even split your damn lips by grinning, you moron! I can't wait to see you sweating in your pants when I start peeking into your clandestine practices! She swore to herself. At Sixty, Justice Hastings had been known to be a stickler to time. In his thirty years in the bench, he had referred not less than ten attorneys to the Attorneys Disciplinary Committee for failing to keep time. In other instances, he had dismissed cases with costs just due to the attorneys' three-minutes delays. He was an astute judge that was known to make detailed and jurisprudential judgements. It was rumoured in the legal circles that he was among the few judges whose integrity could not be compromised as many cases of bribery abounded in the Judiciary. He was as impartial as he was time-conscious. If Jessica loathed the Judge, she could have consoled herself if she knew how much the defense had tried to remove him from presiding over the case. Mr. Jade and his cartel had tried to influence the appointment of a Judge more favourable to their cause but in vain. It was trite knowledge that a good number of Judges were under their pay, but the specific industrial Judge they had wanted was found to be labouring under a backlog of cases. Nevertheless, they had not given up on influencing the judgement, if and when circumstances demanded. "The National Environment Authority and Others versus Jades Enterprise Inc. .." the court clerk announced . "Jessica Edwards and Sam Powell from Edwards and Associates representing the plaintiffs," Jessica rose and introduced. "My Lord, I wish to state for the record that we have unsuccessfully attempted to negotiate with the respondent for out of court settlement on behalf of our clients. Their adamance has left us with no other option than to seek for your considered opinion in this honourable court. It is generally agreed that you are possessed of the requisite jurisdiction to hear and the determine the contentious issues in question. " My Lord, this being a class suit, our prayers are as set out in the plaint and the requisite supporting affidavits. We shall endeavour to prove that the respondents fraudulently, recklessly and negligently undertook activities that caused our clients serious injuries through commission or omission. "We will further show cause why our clients are justified to full compensation from the respondents as we pray this honourable court to award three hundred million dollars as the general damages and what it deems to be fit for specific damages. That is all, my Lord." "Good, you may take your seat," Justice Hastings said. "Counsels for the respondents, you may make your opening remarks," he added, inviting Jason. "Thank you, my Lord," Jason responded as he rose from his seat. "I have not much to say about such maliciously frivolous and farfetched claims as postulated by the counsel for the plaintiffs other than to request this honourable court to dismiss the suit with the contempt it deserves. "But if this honourable court finds in its considered opinion reason to entertain the matter, we will provide insurmountable evidence to prove that the claimants in this suit have all been instigated by their counsel due to personal and political issues between our families." "Objection, my Lord!" Jessica shot up."I would like to remind my friend to refrain from personalizing this matter and focus on the issues in question." "Friend? You and I know that we are far from being friends. Learned friend could have made some sense in as far as we share a profession. I hope you won't forget about that prefix henceforth." "Sure, my learned friend. Who doesn't know that you are not worthy befriending. Nevertheless, what I'm saying is that you should desist from attacking my person or my family because we are not the ones in question here." "My Lord, I don't think it is in order for the learned counsel to cast aspersions on my character," Jason accused, fuming. "I demand for an apology from her." "What! Do you two think that this is some romantic circus to vent your emotional turmoils?" Justice Hastings posed. "Must I remind you that this is a court of law that is subject to the prescribed rules of engagement? Counsel for the plaintiffs, you owe him an apology in as far as your words impugned on his character." "I apologise, my Lord. However, as I said earlier, let him stick to the issues before the court." She apologized, making Jason to smile triumphantly. "Proceed, counsel for the respondents," the judge ordered. "Thank you, my Lord.We will also prove that our client Company is one of the most hygienic manufacturing plant such that the alleged objects in the drinks are as frivolous as they are defamatory to a company that has won global recognition . "My Lord, we would like to pray the court to put an end to such misconceived and fantasied claims by the learned counsels. And lest we forget, the counsel's sense of time is inexorably strange. I would like to ask your indulgence in exercising your full discretion if her incapacity to observe time persists. I rest my case, my Lord." He concluded, throwing a sideway glance at Jessica, grinning sheepishly. " Well, we will schedule the preliminary hearing of this matter to Friday this week beginning at ten in the morning sharp," Justice Hastings ruled. "I would like to remind both sides that punctuality is my second name. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the repercussions thereof. The court is adjourned!" He punctuated his last word with a loud bang on his desk. Jason hurried after Jessica as they filed out of the court. He tapped her on the shoulder. "Hi counsel," he said mockingly. "I'm sorry, but it is going to be my great pleasure to deal with such a greenhorn like you. Your old man could have scared me a little, but you seemingly jumped into the sh*t because you have perceived scores to settle with me, or do you have some other ideas with me?" He added, chuckling. "Pathetic!" She retorted. "I would rather have ideas for a pig! But thanks, I will always bear in mind your conceited, delusional and misconceived self-esteem. And in case you are thinking that my old man is not in this, I would be thrilled to see him tear you into shreds. You are the one who advised your client to proceed to court instead of settling the matter out of court. This ill advice of yours is going to put you into deep sh*t that nobody will seek your services for a long time to come. We will see who between you and I is a greenhorn. Don't forget that I have always thrashed you in many other aspects." "Dear, don't waste your breathe with this greenhorn," intervened Tamara Bruce as she joined them. "And just who are you popping your nose into other people's business?" Retorted Jessica. A twenty-four year-old brunette, Tamara Bruce was a partner in Jason's law firm. She also doubled up as one of his many other girlfriends whenever need arose. "Are you kidding me? Just for the record, Jason and I are an item, both in legal matters and in social parlance," Tamara said, subtly setting boundaries. It was obvious that she could not help feeling a little jealous. "Well, you should learn to keep your mouth shut as I don't entertain such self-deprecating challenges. Well, you had your say, I will have my last say at the end of the hearing. Remember, she who laughs last, always laughs best," she added, turning to Sam who was hurrying towards them in the company of two police officers. "Miss Edwards?" Asked one of the officers. " That is right," Jessica responded, wondering what might be wrong. "We are sorry, Ma'am. There has been a fatal accident involving your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards." "What! Are you kidding me?" She asked, incredibly shaken. "Tell me it is not true!" "Well, they have been taken to the West Wing hospital in very critical condition. We request that you get to the hospital as soon as you can." She looked like she was about to fall as Sam came in to hold her. " Take heart. They are going to be okay," he comforted her. "Despite everything, I'm really sorry for making reference to your father," Jason apologized. "I didn't know that he could be missing in the forthcoming action." He added as Tamara tugged on his hand. Jessica turned to look at him with teary eyes, words dying within her mouth.
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